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27 virgins


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  • 4 weeks later...

Lol who wants virgins anyway, let alone 72 of them? They couldn't provide pleasure anymore than I could operate the Hadron Collider, blindfolded! Gimme 72 experienced whores any day :wink:


Religion is so f***ing stupid, look at the hatred and death which stems from the mass delusion relating the mis-translation as stated by Brokenergy. Like we need more division FFS, I challenge anyone to live in Britain and not be disgusted by:


  1. the media for enforcing division of population - race, class, sport/mainly football, gender, sexuality...and everything you can think of
  2. the population for watching the news and reading the newspapers which are government funding and therefore influenced, then absorbing and believing everything as if they KNOW this is the world they live in as if they have no individuality (...don't get me started on fashion)
  3. The situation of a dynamic multi-cultural nation which should be celebrated but instead breeds secret hatred and closed rival communities

Some people here like myself are genuinely open-minded but such behaviour isn't displayed in our media...unless you have ever watched anything by Charlie Brooker (very funny satirical mind) it's worth defending as we have quite a strong muslim presence here therefore britain and it's abrasive nature does look bad when all news coverage is about the very very few negative dumbass extremists who can't even understand their own religion.


EDIT: Just want to clarify that I don't hate religion, it's fine for those people who are afraid of death and want a kind of placebo effect to ease the passing or use it to enforce social behavior for civilizations who don't know how to behave (that didn't work anyway did it?), I just think in this day an age it's ignorant to actually believe in god-like beings which control every action in the universe rather than taking the time to study the science of things - just like how senior citizens believe in God but cannot even understand the basic functions of a laptop, it's just the same principle and because it's not basic teachings it's not given the time of day. Thankfully these days children have such better opportunities because of technological advancement in schools and hopefully not so much RE...however some religions are still sticklers for this s#*! cos they come from the poorer areas of the world, again not their fault but when you can't google or watch online porn what else can you do but stargaze and hope for something more omnipotent than the depressing existence you dwell in? (yes I know poverty is not relative to religion blah blah blah, we do have Catholicism but those guys only tend to use the internet to find little boys)

Edited by Ironman5000
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