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In response to post #23026129. #23026554, #23027964, #23032294, #23032434, #23034439, #23036054, #23042389 are all replies on the same post.

I still don't understand one thing though… Nexus is apparently committed to protect people from those dreaded mod authors… How about doing the opposite?

I think if you asked the vast majority of mod authors you'll find they're "protected" a lot more here than anywhere else on the internet. We're both loved and hated for this fact.

1. Block users from getting their mods

Already exists.

2. Be able to make a mod "private" and only available for some people. There could be an option to just allow ppl in the friends list to view the mod page for example

Because the Nexus isn't a personal hosting space for mod authors. It's a mod distribution platform designed to share mods with the world, not your best mates. That's what mediashare is for.

(like for example saying… "your mod is disgusting"… *rolleyes*)

People get warned/banned for this. Regularly. Do some research. We're once again loved or hated for this.

And remember, that a modder will always be a modder no matter what. I do it because I enjoy it.

Your profile says you haven't even got any mods on the Nexus, so I don't really understand why you're complaining. At all.
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In response to post #23026129. #23026554, #23027964, #23032294, #23032434, #23034439, #23036054, #23042389, #23042499 are all replies on the same post.

I'm not hating on Nexus… I've on several occasions defended Nexus against some of my acquaintances because they got temp bans/warnings for doing stuff against ToS. The ToS should be respected at all costs IMO. If you feel I was attacking you, then I'm sorry, but I wasn't. I even thanked you once via PM, because you posted some news article a while ago, that involved asking people to tone down a little, because the mod I had published was being overly targeted.

But the thing is, on more than one occasion I've seen ppl get away with bashing/trolling comments, and nothing was done about it. In one of these occasions I have recently decided to report the issue, specially because I'm very well aware, if no report is done, then the moderator team can't do anything about it, and the user didnt got any ban, any warning… any nothing… he probably still roams free and oblivious that his actions should not be passively endorsed… again, let me repeat this… I REPORTED… this user made SEVERAL vile comments over SEVERAL mod pages, just because he found them… well… disgusting. Nothing was done… So I don't need to research, not only because I know about the subforum in which threads are posted about bans/warnings, but because I have first hand knowledge! If you are interested, even though I've deleted some of the facts about it, I'm sure I can still research about which user was it and what were the mod pages he felt like expressing is "freedom of speech" more than one should do. I will openly invite you to PM me about it, as obviously, when I reported nothing happened! I won't ofc name and shame…

If there is a block thing, kudos then, I was unaware of that, as I no longer (as I stated) mod publicly. I was aware that an option for deleting comments was available for mod authors, but not being able to block everything for a specific user. As for suggesting the more "personal" access list, that is mostly wishful thinking, as I'm perfectly aware that that's not Nexus mission, but I still think it would be nice to have =P

Not sure why you would want to check my profile... I was a modder, got fed up with jerks, created new e-mail account, and asked for ban on my previous account. Now I'm just a nobody user, and I don't have to worry about being on Nexus and being harassed and/or stalked, or about ppl nagging about something not working, or whatever. I'm sure other ppl have done the same before and I'm not exclusive, nor the first and surely not the last that will at some point get fed up with being too high-profile and don't feel like I have some "job". This decision transcends Nexus ofc, I'm not specifically blaming Nexus for it, but its community, played a part.

But here's the thing… I've worked on big companies… and I know how hard is to control things when they get big. So you have that, and you can use that has a "oh well, something is bound to get overlooked and missed in the big picture". But that does not invalidate my perspective, a very personal and specific one, and I'm expressing it. You will have yours, and those who find certain mods disgusting will have theirs aswell. I don't think I have offended or bashed anyone really, I'm simply providing you with my thoughts about it.
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But the thing is, on more than one occasion I've seen ppl get away with bashing/trolling comments, and nothing was done about it.


We can't be everywhere, despite what some people think. We both rely and appreciate any help with problematic users/posts/files/images/etc - and that is why there is a report function.


Mod authors have tools at their disposal now to hide comments on their mods, or even block users from downloading their work if the offenders behaviour warrants such action be taken. These tools give mod authors more control, and to some degree protection from abusive/agressive or other types of problem users. For both themselves and any other commenting users on the file pages.



In one of these occasions I have recently decided to report the issue, specially because I'm very well aware, if no report is done, then the moderator team can't do anything about it, and the user didnt got any ban, any warning… any nothing… he probably still roams free and oblivious that his actions should not be passively endorsed…


The user might have recieved an informal warning - these are not posted publically, and are the lowest form of warning the staff will issue. It's designed to be like a reminder not to do something or there will be repercussions, instead of being actually punished at that time.


We'd prefer to lean people back into using appropriate behaviour if possible. Make things better all round for everyone - of course this is not always an available option at times I'm sorry to say.



again, let me repeat this… I REPORTED… this user made SEVERAL vile comments over SEVERAL mod pages, just because he found them… well… disgusting. Nothing was done… So I don't need to research, not only because I know about the subforum in which threads are posted about bans/warnings, but because I have first hand knowledge! If you are interested, even though I've deleted some of the facts about it, I'm sure I can still research about which user was it and what were the mod pages he felt like expressing is "freedom of speech" more than one should do. I will openly invite you to PM me about it, as obviously, when I reported nothing happened! I won't ofc name and shame…


If you wish, send me the details of this case and I shall look into it.



If there is a block thing, kudos then, I was unaware of that, as I no longer (as I stated) mod publicly. I was aware that an option for deleting comments was available for mod authors, but not being able to block everything for a specific user. As for suggesting the more "personal" access list, that is mostly wishful thinking, as I'm perfectly aware that that's not Nexus mission, but I still think it would be nice to have =P


See Dark0ne's post on this, it's in direct contradiction to the goal of the site, and the Terms of Service it is built on. As there is a section that mentions this exact type of thing. Quoted below:



Do not upload files that are only meant to be downloaded by a friend or a limited group of users: please use a third-party file hoster for such purpose.


I can understand the liking of such a thing, as stated - there are other places and methods for that.



Not sure why you would want to check my profile... I was a modder, got fed up with jerks, created new e-mail account, and asked for ban on my previous account. Now I'm just a nobody user, and I don't have to worry about being on Nexus and being harassed and/or stalked, or about ppl nagging about something not working, or whatever. I'm sure other ppl have done the same before and I'm not exclusive, nor the first and surely not the last that will at some point get fed up with being too high-profile and don't feel like I have some "job". This decision transcends Nexus ofc, I'm not specifically blaming Nexus for it, but its community, played a part.


Ah, I understand a bit more now, I know the account you had. Say no more.



But here's the thing… I've worked on big companies… and I know how hard is to control things when they get big. So you have that, and you can use that has a "oh well, something is bound to get overlooked and missed in the big picture". But that does not invalidate my perspective, a very personal and specific one, and I'm expressing it. You will have yours, and those who find certain mods disgusting will have theirs aswell. I don't think I have offended or bashed anyone really, I'm simply providing you with my thoughts about it.


We do what we can, with both the tools at our disposal, and the rules that guide their use. Of course there's things that get missed at times, what is where we need users to remind us of these things, whether in reports or a simple message to one or two of the staff, we all need a nudge now and then.

Your perspective is just as valid as anyone's, and maybe it would help if people looked at things from other people's perspective from time to time. For good or ill, there's always something to be learned.


Can't please everyone, and no one is saying that anyone should try. As long as you're happy with your own work and place, then that's all that should matter. Being here is simple enough, stick to the rules, and let us deal with those that don't.

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Sorry but my brain is spinning round in its bone shell.

Why would anyone want to block any Auther?

If you don't like what someone has taken time, skill and effort to make for the benifit of others.

Don't look at it.

No one can please all of the people all of the time.

remember if you keep looking at stuff you don't like.

In no way has the Auther forced you to do that.

The cure is in your own hands, just don't look at it.

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I personally also wanted the block feature because authors mis-tag things and that overrides any other tagging, they can also remove other tags which users have set. That essentially makes the tagging system moot, since authors can remove proper tags and assign improper ones that the users on a whole cannot change. I realize that's in place to prevent users from mis-tagging things too. Jerks will abuse systems in place because they are human, and egocentric, and it's to be expected. This feature allows us to just block the abusive authors and their mis-tagged files and be done with it.


If you don't like the feature, then you don't have to use it.


If you're worried about being blocked as an author, perhaps you should review your uploads/viewpoint/methods.

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In response to post #23050014. #23050444 is also a reply to the same post.

Some people are big enough spazzes that they require self-moderation placebos. As in, they are so bothered by the idea that things are being posted that they don't like that now they have the option to erase it from ever reaching their eyeballs.

You are most likely a well-mannered reasonable human being so its only natural that this process seems alien.
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In response to post #23020454.

Having the same issue with the text/background colour of the 'x hours ago' notification.
I have looked at the Skyrim, Oblivion and Fallout NV pages, they all use the same colours for the notification dropdown.

A secondary issue is that often, but not always, when I try to remove notifications using the red cross in the top right corner I am only able to do this once. After reloading the page I am able to remove one more.
Not a major problem for me but I know you like to be kept informed about these things.

Thanks for your continuing hard work Dark0ne and team. :)
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In response to post #23035229.

Oh god yes. I hate to be a whiny wimp about it but something about that exaggerated sexiness and nudity has made me very sad over time. I just don't want to be confronted with other peoples masturbation material lol. To each their own ofc... it just isn't for everyone, but you have no choice but to have it get thrown in your face constantly... I'm very glad thats over ^^ Thanks!
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