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Post here if you need voice actors for mods, or if you'd offer you


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Hello all, I'm working on a Followers Clinic mod with some pretty involved dialog and need some female voices for the doctors and receptionist. If someone does a good Asian, Russian, and Southern accent, I want to hear from you!




Talon Company


I have a hongkong accent :P

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I can't say I really check this thread often so if you need a hand with male voices shoot me a message. I can do a number of things vocally so just let me know what you're after and I can get you a sample pretty quickly. I have my own equipment as I do voice work for a living (partly anyway) and have to audition from home sometimes but it's more commercial stuff so it's not really the same as the voice work on games. I hope that some day I'll get to do some video game work for money but I haven't really pushed that direction yet. Commercials are where the most money is. heh.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have released version 1.0 of my quest mod here. Now that it is out, I would like to add voice acting. I need the following voices:


Mark (48 lines) Security guard, tough adult male

Jill (47 lines) Medical technician, elderly (grandmotherly) adult female

Howard (36 lines) Computer engineer, adult male

Major Stoyer (31 lines), NCR "bad guy" of the mod, tough adult male (*)

Mary Alice (21 lines), night watchman, adult female

Private Cahill (19 lines), junior NCR file clerk, adult male

Don (16 lines), male ghoul (**)


(*) I probably won't be able to get many female voice actors. So I can rewrite this role, currently a woman, as male. Same dialog, I will just change the appearance.


(**) Ghoul ""accent"" preferred if possible


The mod is available so you can see the characters. If you are interested, please send me a private message with a contact email off the forum. If you'd rather keep on the forum that is fine too, but sending large files will be easier by separate email. If you don't have a demo sound file available, please send me one. I'll coordinate to make sure each character is only voiced once.


I'll send you a script (excel spreadsheet) which shows each character's lines along with what the player says. All you need is to send me an MP3 file with the lines. I'll cut up the files and put them into the game.


Any and all volunteers appreciated!

Edited by davidlallen
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