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Valve/Bethesda announce paid modding for Skyrim, more games to follow


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In response to post #24570954. #24571409, #24571469, #24571539 are all replies on the same post.

nivea wrote:
TaboriHK wrote: I completely forgot about the theft angle. That was already a pretty big problem, now I imagine it's going to balloon massively. Ugh.
nivea wrote: What if the Unofficial Patches go to steam, so many mods need those and so many users need them.
Aedred wrote: Yeah, many awesome modders deserve at least the recognition for their creations. I totally understand the decision to hide away from this Valve storm.

Good point, nivea. What Valve is doing is the surest way to kill modder's resource, patches, fixes, etc. It's hard to imagine a way it could not infect the Nexus too... Damn.
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As always, money rule the world...

I see just few problems with all this:

- What will happen to the mods (generally speaking)?
It's because of the free modding we have so great games and mods. Authors share their works and work together, without money. They create mods because for hobby and they do a great job.
Now, put money in this formula: everything is destroyed! Authors stop cooperating and mods quality decrease. The shop will be flooded by useless payed mods ("this mod increase the iron short sword damage by 1") just because of money.
Money only increase the pocket's weight, but doesn't increase the mod quality. Don't say you need money to buy programs to mod, because there are many free and great tools, used by many authors on this site, which made wonderful mods with them. The quality depends on your skills, and money won't magically increase them.
I never though about making money from my mods, and I'll never charge for them (should they make something like this for Oblivion too), because I like to make mods, and I do it in my free time.

- What will happen to the mods on Steam?
Logical consequence: downloads will dramatically decrease, and problems dramatically increase: what happens if you pay for a mod and that mod is bugged or you don't like it? I can only guess how many flamewars will be caused by similar events. Even worse: what if a "fake" author put a dummy files at 5$ stating it's a "Super-Ultra-HD texture replacers" where it's just a fake download (or a virus...)? Who will check everything is alright in that file? There would be hundreds of downloads and reports before Steam (maybe) decide to remove it.

- What will happen to the mods on the Nexus and other free sites?
Another logical consequence: many mods, which were free until now, will be removed from the free sites and uploaded on Steam with a price. So HURRY UP and download all the mods you like before they make you pay for them!

- What will happen to the community?
We don't need to ask a psychologist. We know what will happen. Flamewars and mass-bans will break our peaceful community, because there will be attacks to the authors who decide to gain money, attacks to the authors who posted a bugged mod, attacks just because a user payed for something he find out too late he doesn't like...
I only attack those authors which post useless mods just to earn money from those users which will fall into their "trap". IMO, only good mods could be "eligible" to a payment, but still I believe in the free modding, which has far more benefits for the mod quality.

Edited by forli
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In response to post #24571334. #24571444, #24571634 are all replies on the same post.

ShwayNorris wrote:
boulegue wrote: people developing without deadlines or publishers in their back cant be good? i thought we hate the big publishers who destroy our games and want exactly what is happening right now
ShwayNorris wrote: your taking something that's free and open and turning it into a closed market, that has never been good in all of history.

the market is just as open as it was yesterday or last year we just opened another door and thats the OPTION to charge for your mods noone forces you to sell them just as noone forces you to buy them its all optional
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In response to post #24571079. #24571149, #24571219, #24571394, #24571534, #24571589 are all replies on the same post.

CaedesAposis wrote:
boulegue wrote: midas magic is a fully working mod why would you take it away from people that want to use it?
ShwayNorris wrote: I agree and disagree. old/outdated or not, leaving them here available for free is definitely to the benefit of the community.
CaedesAposis wrote: Why would you want to support having to pay for something that used to be free? Donations are fine, but an enforced price point? It is filthy, and is only going to kill the community.
boulegue wrote: well its not something that was free... all weapons&armors are exclusive to the workshop and the other mods have updated versions that are also exclusive to the workshop

nothing was deleted from the nexus as far as i can see and noone took or lollipops away
ShwayNorris wrote: So don't pay. use what they have available on nexus. I know Nexus frowns on piracy, and that's all that this course of action is going to cause. piracy of mods. its gonna be real "fun" when people with the cash start buying paid for mods and uploading renamed versions of them here and moderators start scrambling trying to remove them all. only so much can be done through moderation. none of this bodes well.

That's a good point, and Nexus is pretty good about that sort of thing but there are many MANY places that aren't good about it or simply don't care.
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In response to post #24570899. #24571044, #24571379 are all replies on the same post.

ShinRaTheMad wrote:
boulegue wrote: is you say your resources are free to use without a charge then thats the case
you can just change the wording to free to use for non-commercial use or w/e but if you say its free to use then its free to use
ShinRaTheMad wrote: what of modders who dont know that or ignore it and do it anyways?

file a DMCA claim as mentioned in the steam workshop FAQ and the mod will be taken down
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In response to post #24570584. #24570764 is also a reply to the same post.

Relios wrote:
boulegue wrote: this community frowns upon pirated copies most mods have written that you need a legal copy and use the update.esm as a master sadly modders and the nexus can do very little agains piracy

Nexus is the reason I buy all my games. but I must say, that when I did in fact pirate, none of them ever gave me issues. its a scare tactic. one that works, but a scare tactic none the less.
(if a moderator see's this and doubts i own w/e I'm happy to provide proof)
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In response to post #24571079. #24571149, #24571219, #24571394, #24571534, #24571589, #24571739 are all replies on the same post.

CaedesAposis wrote:
boulegue wrote: midas magic is a fully working mod why would you take it away from people that want to use it?
ShwayNorris wrote: I agree and disagree. old/outdated or not, leaving them here available for free is definitely to the benefit of the community.
CaedesAposis wrote: Why would you want to support having to pay for something that used to be free? Donations are fine, but an enforced price point? It is filthy, and is only going to kill the community.
boulegue wrote: well its not something that was free... all weapons&armors are exclusive to the workshop and the other mods have updated versions that are also exclusive to the workshop

nothing was deleted from the nexus as far as i can see and noone took or lollipops away
ShwayNorris wrote: So don't pay. use what they have available on nexus. I know Nexus frowns on piracy, and that's all that this course of action is going to cause. piracy of mods. its gonna be real "fun" when people with the cash start buying paid for mods and uploading renamed versions of them here and moderators start scrambling trying to remove them all. only so much can be done through moderation. none of this bodes well.
UnitedStrafes wrote: That's a good point, and Nexus is pretty good about that sort of thing but there are many MANY places that aren't good about it or simply don't care.

That's a good point, and Nexus is pretty good about that sort of thing but there are many MANY places that aren't good about it or simply don't care.
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What has me really angsty is that Valve think it and Bethesda are entitled to a majority cut for doing NOTHING at all, whilst the mod developer only get a mere 25%(A.K.A scraps). If you're going to monetise mods(if its the only way which it isn't), do it on external sites like Nexus Mods. Don't let the swollen mass that is Valve suck up all of the money, those lazy charlatans haven't deserved any real money for years, they haven't worked for it. I beg all of you talented modders, don't give in to Valve. Take part in donation based services which don't force a purchase on the consumer but give them the opportunity to contribute to youu work. I've been on this site for 2-3 years now and the work I see from you and other modders is simply amazing. Stick it to Valve and Bethesda. If you cave and give in, Valve will one day control the modding scene and great community places like the Nexus will cease to exist because that's what Valve does. They're actually taking the freedoms of PC gaming away and are delivering us a console vision. Nobody wants to be trapped with Valve. Thanks for reading.
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