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One more question, regarding Druid's Garden:


It is feasible, that a story incorporates vulgarity and swearing. Not just because 'it can' but sometimes it is a necessary part of a character. It can convey raw emotion in characters that are not very sophisticated, educated or cultured.


For instance, a raw and rough fisherman saying: "My oh my... how inconvenient" after he got his teeth knocked out in a barfight would be unrealistic.

My question is: is it permissible to post such stories, with perhaps a warning in the title, or should I simply refrain from posting them? Or is there some sort of compromise that is acceptable?


Thanks in advance!

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@AVDutch - in the debates whenever they get too far off topic, or devolve into subjects that are not allowed (religion is not the only proscribed topic). They are closed by the staff. Usually with no penalty beyond a warning. If a member tends to do this intentionally or often - they could get banned. When they try to use the debate forum as a soapbox for something unrelated to the topic, They will get banned, and all of their off topic comments removed.


As for vulgarity, it is covered in the rules for the forums

Through your use of any Nexus site you agree that you will not post any material which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, threatening, related to piracy, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of UK law. Know that in severe cases legal action can be taken against you.


As someone who also writes, (not too well I'm afraid :blush: ) I understand the need to portray characters 'in character'. And that is one reason I do not post my writings here. There are plenty of other sites that are dedicated to writing, and will have much better help and critique - and are not overrun with kiddies looking for an excuse to flame or troll a budding author.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i want to ask. if talk about religion and politics are forbidden did talk about sex and love also forbidden?


Love is one thing, sex is entirely another.


Love is the relationship between two people or characters. Sex is the physical action of this, but it is an adult theme and is NSFW. Therefor, I wouldn't do it if I were you.

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This is a GAME site that is seen by many underage people. Please keep it clean. There are many other sites that allow for off color posting - we ban for it here.



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  • 2 weeks later...
I think it is very interesting that we have over 500,000 members and yet fewer than 8,000 have read this thread. Is there no way to increase this number? It probably sounds draconian not to let people post until they have (because it is) but it seems to me it would reduce your workload...


You have to read and agree to the EULA before you can play a new game, but do you actually do it, or do you just skip to the bottom and put a mark in the box? Making people visit the rules thread will not accomplish anything other than making that number increase. If 3 of every 50 new members is a flamer/troublemaker, forcing them to look at the rules is not going to make them better people, it will only give them one more thing to be a jerk about. Their first thread will be "WTF why did I have to read the rules before I could post?" except it will be written in horrible grammar and every word will be abbreviated in internet retard-speak.


Well, I am one of those people that didn't read the rules. I honestly didn't even realize they were there. I just zipped on down to what I was looking for and posted. I believe that in a case like mine it would have been really nice to have those rules and consequences for breaking them pop up the first time i made a post. I ended up getting 2 strikes for swearing in a topic called "Is swearing Ok"?

I personally believe swearing is ok, for me, not for everyone and not in every situation but I sure wouldn't have swore if I had the rules/consequences shoved in my face before i posted. Yes there will always be "trouble makers" that break the rules regardless, "written in horrible grammar and every word will be abbreviated in internet retard-speak" (does that quote not break some kind of law, "retard-speak"?) No disrespect intended, not trying to be a "tattle tale", but sometimes the amount of different rules someone has to abide by can be a little overwhelming, and sometimes ends up ruining it for good, honest members. I believe a lot of this could be avoided by having the rules appear before the member's first post. No not everyone will read it, but that is their loss and there would be no excuses.

I personally have my own set of rules: Be nice, respect others, and stress the positives rather than the negatives towards people.

I understand that not everyone accepts "swear words" and some people are offended by it. I am willing to sacrifice my freedom of speech for certain situations, but some of these rules are a little bit broad and very easily misunderstood or broken accidently. Such as the dont post if no one has posted in a month rule, don't post short words like "Yes" or "No" or "Thats cool", etc..

I sincerely hope no one has been kicked out for saying "Thats cool".

A little warning would be nice for your first offense. If it continues after that, then start issuing the strikes.

I honestly feel like I did not deserve the 2 strikes I got for swearing, but whatever, i'm not gonna cry about it, i guess i should've been more careful. But it would have been a lot easier to be careful if someone showed me exactly what i was to be careful of.




I also have never read the forum rules, but I've never posted in the forums either until today. I was actually looking for that CHAT rules (since the ones in the chat are so abbreviated, I was sure that couldn't be all of them). Instead I found forum rules (which I didn't know existed). Still, I don't see the reason why I was kicked in these rules. But I think its against the rules to talk about why you were kicked... or something... I'm a little confused. So, I can't say what happened -- lets just say it was for a lot less than swearing.

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kichigaikikyokagome; This is the second topic in which you've publically questioned/complained about being kicked from Chat for insulting other members. I suggest you have any further discussion of the matter in Private Messages with Dark0ne. :armscrossed:
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