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Day Dreams of a Spaced out Old Man


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I decided to get two tickets for the Movie Beetlejuice.  The next day I went to the benefice to get a list of appointments I arrived for; to find out how much they each cost.  I was just leaving when a young girl with an older gal walked into the Benefice waiting room.  They had Beetlejuice T-Shirts with pictures of Beetlejuice characters on them.

The next morning I awakened from dreaming.  I was standing on a street corner and could see the house she grew up in.  She came out to talk and griped about her and her mom not getting along well.  I suspected she might be thinking about moving out.  I told her I needed help at my place, but she just left me standing on the opposite street corner from her house outside in the dream.  At least she visited me in my dream sleep.

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It's dark in the brain tunnel

Soon there will be an explosion of light

shearing away the night.

I can hear a deep rumble

no idea where I am

but the sound makes me fumble

I sense even though it is black as night

in a  moment there will be light

It's dark in the brain tunnel

I begin to feel some force

shaking me from a source

I feel is safe

and on course

I think I knew

this darkness was coming 

There is something familiar

a sound and vibration

Clicking and clacking sensations

It's dark in the brain tunnel

a chill comes from somewhere

a blast of cool air

and the night goes out

as a dark tunnel

opens into the light.

A shock to mind

when exiting a tunnel while sleeping

on a train.

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A voice over the loud speaker announcing the trains about to come to a station.

The Multi-verse Train is coming to a stop.

All ticket holders with a stub number 101 please prepare. 

As soon as the train stops; Please exit to your Universe.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I awakened again this morning... Well it was morning.  Yet, the clock was closing in on twelve noon mst.  Anyway, the last thing I remember before awaking was someone poking my left sinus just below my eye.  Just below my cheek bone.  Poking at the skin covering that part.  It was a dream sleep person.  Someone in my dream sleep view started using one of the fingers to poke at it.

I had another tooth removed eight days ago.  What a relief it was and is!

I am glad the person in my dream sleep was not poking at the other patch of skin covering my right sinus.  That would have been uncomfortable since the tooth was pulled had left the sinus and my right ear in pain.  I was hardly able to get any sleep while in the last eight evening since the tooth extraction.  Even a dream sleep person poking at it would have caused me alarm.

I was barely was rested enough to arise after awakening twice before.  I had a severe need to relieve myself at five am mst, and other at eight am mst.

I had to get up and push on!  Once I had cleared up the stress I took some of those baby aspirin to take the edge off my painful gums.   I decided to try and get more sleep until the sun was in the sky.  I did!  I got up at eight am mst.  Almost three hours later.  Oh!  If only I could get a good nights sleep?!

After complaining to myself, no dream sleep person in my view or nurse, about the lack of a good rest I filled my tummy with fresh water so I did not get too dehydrated.  I laid down.  I fell asleep!

It's a mystery why I left dream sleep, when it seemed so much like real life.  You know?!  Real life!  Where I am with friends, family, associates at work kind of reality where the two words heard around this time of year are Death and Taxes, as April approaches.  Tax time.

Living another year avoiding death.  Until taxes get most people attention to get their tax returns in or order.

I wondered what I awakened for?  Which became apparent real quick.

It's Pain reliever time again.  

Please excuse me if I leave a mess here.

I will see to making a bigger one sooner or later.  That maybe another kindred spirit might desire to clean up after me later.  Hm?

I kind of like the messing around with all the childhood toys and furnishing in the little vault I live in. 

Do you prefer playing, rather than cleaning up after making the latest arrangement of organized messing around with all your memories?  

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