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The last movie you watched thread


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Interstellar has a black hole theory added to it, not with any class room prof trying to explain it though. While the Disney version in outer space is posing a greater study of a black hole; the version which I just saw goes along with the Monty Python line; And now, something completely different.

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I just watched the movie Jurassic world, great movie. Deep story with very little bad plot. Although i always catch one. Never ask a giant fish to do your dirty work. Kind of a spoiler.

I thought it was absolute pump. I felt like it was written by 12 guys in a boardroom with clipboards.




Bad guy you can't wait to get munched ... check

Team of special forces that get absolutely annihilated in order to secure to the audience how dangerous the new dinosaur is ... check

Unveiling the T-Rex at the end after the whole audience has got bored of waiting for the "twist" that was blatantly obvious ... check

Throw in some references to the first movie that serve no narrative purpose ... check

...and so on



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I wasn't ready for the way Chappie got his instant family. From the Red B... stimulated scientists brains to the conflict with another scientist seeking fame for his robot. There might be some sense outside the box for the future, the education Chappie got gave me a caffeine rush too, and all the carjacking! Wow!

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Mad Max fury road


i heard so many great reviews of the movie so i watched it with much expectations....and everyone of them was met! this was a amazing film and i can't wait for the next one..which already has a title...Mad Max Wasteland

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