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Female Power Armor


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I allus thought the Templar Armour from Hellgate :London as the best looking armour ever. It even made a brief appearance in several mods for Oblivion.

I got it my own conversion of it to work in Oblivion, back when 3DSMax still accepted my ... ahem ... Student License. Sadly it no longer works, and I can't get Blender to work properly, so I never got it to work in Skyrim. (was gonna' try an do a bornzed variant to replace the hideous Female Dwarven Armour)


Admittedly it's not exactly a "tankish" armour but it's ded sexy AFAIK :) (and satisfies the bare midriff requiremnt ;) )


On the subject of making the power armour in FO:4 "feminine", what's to stop you from slightly (1.2x? 1.4x?) scaling up the mesh? It could then still allow for full body ingress and egress, but be more "shapely"?

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I totally agree with OP on this. I never liked power armor before, and now there's even more hassle involved in it.

ARES Android for Fallout 4 is going to have her own sleek look.

This is her power armor and she can also use human power armor too.

And this is her combat armor which is completely modular just like the Fallout 4 armors.

These aren't textured yet. I'll do that after I make sure everything works first in game in case I have to make changes.

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I like the idea, and think it could be explained away as chinese power armor or something like that so still fits the lore for those that care (I dont lolz) If Bethesda can take what was basically heavy armor in the last couple games and give it a special frame then why cant a lighter armor do it.


Another idea is to use a new power armor frame so that any piece fits any frame, so you can either look like your pic, or a version that just ate a bucket of steroids lolz, depending on choice. That way, when modded pieces start coming out we wont have to be reliant on one or only a couple mods that make pieces to fit.


Now making the pieces interchangeable...that I think would be the real challenge.

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I'm going with BOS at the moment and the heavy emphasis on power armour in the game is a bit of a drag I have to admit. Wandering around like a human tank is fun for a bit, but it would be nice to have other options that don't lead to insta-death the moment you see the words "legendary", "alpha", or "deathclaw". When the CK comes out, the first thing I'm going to do (as I did F:NV) is make my own versions of a whole range of existing clothing and armour with boosted ratings.


Anyway, I have no artistic skills so I'll just be adjusting the numbers on the existing gear. Given the entry and exit animations, I'd imagine creating new models for power armour will not be an easy thing to do. If nothing comes of it, I think I'll be reasonably happy with the hardened combat armour design with the numbers tweaked a little.

Level 33 and have only used PA 2 times. I've killed some deathclaws with light armor. Just smart fighting and some drug usesages. Using the right guns at the right time is much bigger in this game then the last few or...at least I feel it is anyway.


Legendary chars are generally a push over so far. The only ones that have given me a little trouble was a damn Gunner Lt that had a really nice assault rifle and armor. I used maybe ten stim packs. I just wish there was some in game skills that let you boost the armor bonuses for different types of armor.



If you're doing that on very hard or survival difficulty then I'm impressed. It's going to take me a bit longer to get used to the combat system before I can manage that without taking at least one hit before the beast goes down.

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So, not too much longer before Lore Friendly Bikini Power Armor is in?


Check out this real life example of specially designed armor for females.


My objection to power armour is that it's clunky, noisy, a bit claustrophobic, has an OTT charge in guns blazing feel to it and I don't like the aesthetics of it.


But I'd never let my character be caught dead in bikini power armour or something with "tits hammered into it" as Iron Bull would say.


I guess now that I've played the game a bit, I think tougher designed variations of the existing combat armour would be a great addition.

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I'm going with BOS at the moment and the heavy emphasis on power armour in the game is a bit of a drag I have to admit. Wandering around like a human tank is fun for a bit, but it would be nice to have other options that don't lead to insta-death the moment you see the words "legendary", "alpha", or "deathclaw". When the CK comes out, the first thing I'm going to do (as I did F:NV) is make my own versions of a whole range of existing clothing and armour with boosted ratings.


Anyway, I have no artistic skills so I'll just be adjusting the numbers on the existing gear. Given the entry and exit animations, I'd imagine creating new models for power armour will not be an easy thing to do. If nothing comes of it, I think I'll be reasonably happy with the hardened combat armour design with the numbers tweaked a little.

Level 33 and have only used PA 2 times. I've killed some deathclaws with light armor. Just smart fighting and some drug usesages. Using the right guns at the right time is much bigger in this game then the last few or...at least I feel it is anyway.


Legendary chars are generally a push over so far. The only ones that have given me a little trouble was a damn Gunner Lt that had a really nice assault rifle and armor. I used maybe ten stim packs. I just wish there was some in game skills that let you boost the armor bonuses for different types of armor.



If you're doing that on very hard or survival difficulty then I'm impressed. It's going to take me a bit longer to get used to the combat system before I can manage that without taking at least one hit before the beast goes down.



You'd be surprised how many situations can be solved through a combination of Psycho, Jet, and a Combat Shotgun, even on Survival. Jet, especially, is godly now.

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If you're doing that on very hard or survival difficulty then I'm impressed. It's going to take me a bit longer to get used to the combat system before I can manage that without taking at least one hit before the beast goes down.



What fish said in the post above me. MedX/Psycho/Jet or (psychojet if you cook your own drugs) Add that on top of having a high enough agiliity and sneak that you can spot things before they spot you. It's pretty amazing how much help some land mines do. Deathclaws aren't so much a threat when they can only walk. I always make sure to wound some legs first. Which is what the land mines are for. I also have a piece of leg armor that increased my run/walk speed by 10% which is really useful. Moving target perk which lowers the enemy chance to hit well you sprint is super useful too.


My Next char is going to be a Melee char and we shall see how that turns out >.> But for now with rifles/pistols the early levels were a little rough. But after level 10 thing started to ease out a bit more once I had some good drug supplies and plenty of explosives.

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So, not too much longer before Lore Friendly Bikini Power Armor is in?


Check out this real life example of specially designed armor for females.

Hey I'm not asking for bikini power armor. But being it's a video game I don't mind seeing some slightly feminine form in power armor like some of the inspirational pics I posed.(No skin showing in any of them) I like some of the in game armors and the combat armor look on women too. The ones I see on the loading screens look way better then the one's in game for some reason though. As for the PA though I don't even like the normal ingame armor. I just don't like the design most of it I find just...unappealing by look. I wish there was a more sleek male version too both genders need a more compact version of power armor that is more of a powered scout suit that adds some extra strength/speed at the loss of overall armor health that the normal PA has.

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Why would scouts need power armor?


Power armor was made to tackle tanks, mini nukes, grenades and others. It very logical for front line soldiers to have. Yes, it has sneak abilities, but I guess so stealth players would use it.


I get the idea, you don't want a tanky power armor, but a set that boosts the abilities for different play styles that acts the same way. The question is, why does it have to be power armor in the first place? Why would one use something like power armor instead of let say leather or fabric outfits with better noise and body heat concealment and a lot of pockets?

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