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Why do people hate Fallout 4 so much?


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FPS Qualities = Great


Combat! Love the encounters, love the meaty feel of it all, especially melee like ghouls.

Power Armor (rocks) bullet impacts, armor impacts, losing pieces etc.
Sound effects, bullet impacts awesome! Very immersive feeling to firefights.
Open world fixed encounters are well made, and surprising, random encounters benefit from a more dense map as you don't know what will happen.



RPG qualities = Crappy

Go here kill this quests everywhere (the new fetch/carry)
No fallout-esque progression, you get all your tools very quickly, you're a general within 30 minutes. The BoS are nuts for example, taking me into their ranks on a dime, I fully intend to kill them all for their stupidity, once i've milked them.
Dialogue: No, Yes, Haggle, Sarcasm - I've just written all your dialogue for you.
Dense Map means you'll clear areas without meaning to, and often barrel through the content without wanting to. (Pacing of the game is a bit off for an RPG).

Did love the companion interaction though that has been upped, as has a massive amount of customization.


Port Qualities
Several Menus are awkward.
Mouse Lag - I have turned off settings to stop lag but the game runs too fast without limiters.


All that is why there is a split.

Edited by Markmid
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I don't agree that this negative shitstorm is justified, yes its has major problems and some are just strange like the blurry low res textures,they need to be addressed Beth themselves. Not to mention the keyboard controls need patching asap ! But the absolute reaching and toxic behavior is disgusting, people are acting like its the next Big Rigs Racing.



Completely discarding the improvements of AI, streamlining, fluid movement, combat, good animation, clothes physics and the crazy amount of detail this game has is just something I can't understand. There is innovation everywhere. Yes the UI sucks and the keybinds need a redo but is that really a reason to go make multiple accounts on Metacritic and act like that, wow. But who am I ... I'm 100% biased, I love this game. This one, its everything I'v ever wanted a Fallout to be ever since I picked up the first one. Bethesda clearly bribed me, I'm such a traitor to the franchise for agreeing with the choices that where made.



I'm currently doing a 3Ds Max course witch means I'll finally be able to make things YAY ! Even tho I'm only here by moments I'm looking forward to modding this game for many years to come.

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So... You never wanted Fallout to be RPG? Because right now it isn't. And that's the reason for all the hate. It's FPS in current state.


And don't confuse streamlining with dumbing down. Removing skills, perks and traits is dumbing down.


Innovation everywhere... yes. Dialogues are joke. I always thought that talking to other characters in RPG is one of the main parts of the game... sorry, I forgot F4 isn't RPG.

Sims - Wasteland is definitely innovation. Sorry, but just LOL.

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I don't agree that this negative shitstorm is justified, yes its has major problems and some are just strange like the blurry low res textures,they need to be addressed Beth themselves. Not to mention the keyboard controls need patching asap ! But the absolute reaching and toxic behavior is disgusting, people are acting like its the next Big Rigs Racing.



Completely discarding the improvements of AI, streamlining, fluid movement, combat, good animation, clothes physics and the crazy amount of detail this game has is just something I can't understand. There is innovation everywhere. Yes the UI sucks and the keybinds need a redo but is that really a reason to go make multiple accounts on Metacritic and act like that, wow. But who am I ... I'm 100% biased, I love this game. This one, its everything I'v ever wanted a Fallout to be ever since I picked up the first one. Bethesda clearly bribed me, I'm such a traitor to the franchise for agreeing with the choices that where made.



I'm currently doing a 3Ds Max course witch means I'll finally be able to make things YAY ! Even tho I'm only here by moments I'm looking forward to modding this game for many years to come.

Interesting, Bethesda bribed you? Who was claiming that besides yourself? If you make a game seven years and it still doesn't have decent UI and rebindable keys it sure seems a bit lazy... Markmid already listed the things that are off and why most people who were waiting a new rpg are annoyed.

Don't get me wrong, I don't _hate_ it. It's still a very good game.

Edited by jesusristus
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Besides the current bad performance in some areas, I don't understand all the hate. I think people were expecting too much, and think Bethesda is some grand messiah of gaming when they're really not. They are average and always let modders finish their games. I got exactly what I was expecting, people who seriously are upset about the rpg elements have no one to blame but themselves. If you watched any pre-release footage you'd know it's pretty much an FPS with rpg elements now, how could you not see that?


I think most of the people 'mad' are ones who started with Skyrim, and even though Skyrim was the weakest Elder Scrolls, since they had never played anything like it before they thought it was some amazing feat despite it being watered down from the previous installments, plus had worse quests and factions.

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While I love the FPS side, let's address this:


If you watched any pre-release footage you'd know it's pretty much an FPS with rpg elements now, how could you not see that?

Because its marketed as an RPG.

Because its sold as an RPG in steam.
Because the initial reviews I saw didn't mention the quests being shoddy, or the dialogue being bland.
Because the previous fallout titles and the rest of the elder scrolls series did a better job of the quests. - Yes they were not always great, I agree.
Because the progression of the previous games was paced differently.

Because the immersion of everyone accepting and even being friendly with me just because I shot someone for them, is getting worse not better, its almost like a dream here. Hey you can kill well, come be my best buds, be a general, have all the best gear (just please don't shoot us!) - Its begging for someone to do a few main quest additions where you just turn these camps into raider slave camps, this is a wasteland with death around every corner, how have these people lasted this long is beyond me. - This last point has been getting gradually worse in elder scrolls games generally, for example the mage guild in skyrim making you grandmaster in a couple of hours or days, whereas Morrowind you really were an errand boy to start and worked your way up. It made an improvement in Fallout NV over Fallout 3 but has regressed again.


That's the why for you. Of course people are going to look at its RPG qualities alongside its FPS qualities if its sold as an RPG.

Edited by Markmid
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The only thing im surprised about is that alot of textures look for the most part worse, or equal, to Skyrim, and the meshes (especially armor/clothing) havent been worked on enough in my opinion. But im confident that within a year we will have Hi-res textures everywere, proper meshes like Brumbeks SMIM and a nice envirmoental Flora as cherry on top. All thanks to mods

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