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Dumbass Bethesda


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I think that if you were to look at all into the material requirements, and what items break down into (let alone the quantities), you may find yourself to be overcome with rage. If I am to take your response to this finding as an indication of your temper ;o)


For instance, their so-called "conduits" which should really be called insulators. The only way that I can reconcile these "conduits" having a power radius is that I place them on a building which in reality would have its own internal wiring to provide power to lights, etc. Let's ignore the fact that none of the walls or other building components require copper :o) Oh, and then I expected to get at least some copper (let's just call it material we need for electrical type stuff) from scrapping an entire house in Sanctuary. Or, maybe scavengers already ripped all of the internal wiring and plumbing outta the walls. So, it must be assumed that the copper material requirement is meant to account for this "site wiring". In reality the single part which they are calling a "conduit" (insulator) would require only steel and ceramic/glass/porcelain/polymer depending on the type. The actual connection between the lateral (what we see as Wire in-game) and the site wiring of the home or structure would be done by a tap. Obviously it's a lot of extra work / rendering / modeling and finicky placement that's not really necessary for the intent of the system in-game.


I also find it hilarious that we get copper from light bulbs, and glass in an amount that would be in any way significant. This is ignoring the fact that glass is expensive / difficult to reclaim and re-purpose even in our modern, un-nuked world. In fact, the ease and quickness with which our PC magically plunks down any construction element or device / machine is .. well .. incredible. ;o)


This stuff doesn't particularly bother me. It's just a game, and a really fun one at that - and if I'm going to start applying the rules of the reality in which I live, the whole thing is gonna fall apart pretty quickly. The designers had to require we get these materials from /somewhere/ and had to separate them into some "types" to make an interesting system. They could call lead 'soft crap' and copper 'material we use to run (path) electrics' for all I care, but it wouldn't fit into the menus very well. I'm sure most people never notice this kind of stuff. In short, no matter how good any simulation is, there is always going to be some suspension of disbelief required. Just that, in some cases, that suspension may be a bit more shaky.


Edit: Reformatted a bit and expanded on a thought I had just minutes after posting.

You remind me of the power guy who kept talking about power in dying light.

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Chalk is scrapped into asbestos and not into anything I can make concrete with.


I think part of the problem is if all items scrapped for their actual materials, they'd have to work in a bunch of other more obscure (or the lowest-common-denominator player would never think to look for materials there) items that had hard-to-get materials.


I'd be expecting to find asbestos in old firemen gear, Mr. Gutsys, scrapped houses, and gas mask filters. I don't know if any of those do that or exist. Chalk? I expect gypsum as a byproduct. Dunno if that's even a building material.

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The whole system in itself is pretty (extremely) stupid. 1 pencil = 1 wood, 1 tree = 30 wood, 1 tree = 30 pencils. Also who knew everything in the Wasteland is reusable. A world of endless resources. That pretty much ruins the aesthetic of the game, doesn't it?. All this stuff is supposed to be 200 years old, as well. Springs don't rust? Wood doesn't rot? The nuclear blast took out half the house but the glass plates are fine. A scavenging system would've been great but we're turning handfuls of pencils and cans into tables and walls, giant foundations out of a couple cinder blocks. Sanctuary's pretty close to a stone quarry, right? Best of all, all I need is a tool bench. Skyrim at least had a smelter, lol.


Am I being nit-picky?

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The whole system in itself is pretty (extremely) stupid. 1 pencil = 1 wood, 1 tree = 30 wood, 1 tree = 30 pencils. Also who knew everything in the Wasteland is reusable. A world of endless resources. That pretty much ruins the aesthetic of the game, doesn't it?. All this stuff is supposed to be 200 years old, as well. Springs don't rust? Wood doesn't rot? The nuclear blast took out half the house but the glass plates are fine. A scavenging system would've been great but we're turning handfuls of pencils and cans into tables and walls, giant foundations out of a couple cinder blocks. Sanctuary's pretty close to a stone quarry, right? Best of all, all I need is a tool bench. Skyrim at least had a smelter, lol.


Am I being nit-picky?

Beth never made "hardcore." game with such systems. I mean the ammo is weightless.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just noticed.. while scraping some items that Pencils break down into wood and lead... lead? really Bethesda? I thought your were brighter than that... There is no lead in pencils and never has been.. Its graphite you morons! its called Lead but isn't the actual metal. You learn that in infants school! lead is part of the carbon group the same as graphite, but you cant write to well with it :tongue: Anyone else notice any other items like this?

This is a good example of why anything with a** in a title should never be allowed. I won't even get into how they are so stupid as to make the greatest games in the world and create thousands of jobs, and you got so smart as to writing a poor post they will never read.

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Pssshhh everyone knows they had to use all of the graphite to coat the gauss rifle projectiles during the Great War. Nothing left but little bits of lead from all of the power armor suits they lined. So of course we are going to make pencils with it to teach our democratic children how to write propaganda stories about those dirty communists.


I'm going to go drive my fusion powered suit of armor now while listening to sex themed 50s songs while hanging out with my nuclear powered robot butler. Might even launch a small tactical nuclear device at some giant green mutated humans as well.

All of the above totally makes sense...in a VIDEO GAME.

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Junk contains so many materials ! I am glad that there is that many mats and items.


You're right, sometimes there is something strange, but we can't say that it's totally dumb.

Something totally dumb would be a pen that would be scraped into circuitry and bone.

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How complicated do you want a game to be? I am a master electrician with 26 years in the trade. If you had to lay out your power distribution system to my specs you would hate it. All your single family dwellings would require single phase 3 wire Edison systems supplied by transformers running off your 3 phase grid. Commercial and industrial installations would require 3 phase power of various voltages in Delta or Wye. You would need to use trigonometry or calculus to solve 3 phase vector equations to ensure the load on your generators is in balance. I was utterly horrified when I saw the wiring in the castle like who wired this place Dr. Frankenstein?

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