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Not really. Liberal capitalized or liberal lower case mean the same thing when referring to politics. Liberal isn't a party like Democrats or Labour. 'You're liberal' and 'You're Liberal' mean the same thing in this context. The same would be true for 'You're Conservative' and 'You're conservative". But I can fully understand reasonable left-leaning people wanting to distance themselves from the ugly truth of what was happening in this thread and what was being proposed; id est censorship of mods. As a conservative I would be just as opposed to the idea of censoring if another conservative had proposed it. Stupid and bad ideas don't recognize party lines.

Unfortunately the activist groups perpetrating these sorts of things today on line are liberals of the Feminist Frequency and Anita Sarkeesian mindset. That's not to say there aren't right wing conservative fundies out there somewhere foaming at the mouth and trying to tell people what to do and what to look at, but they aren't on Nexus. All you have to do is go back and read Farvat's and NexBeth's posts. All of the parroted feminist liberal/Liberal buzz words and slogans are there. It's brutally obvious but I don't blame you, I wouldn't want to claim people like them either.


Regardless the mod censoring issue is dead in the water and common sense has prevailed. \o/ Yea! \o/

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Wait a min, I'm a liberal and I've been arguing the other side...I'm confused now....

30 years ago it was conservative Baptist preachers dictating morality. Today it is liberal 3rd wave feminists. It was dickery then just like it's dickery now.


edited for type-o


Well in my neck of the woods they still do. But I am still a liberal and I still argued the other side but tried to at least make something better come of this conversation. Didn't much work and it fell apart really before you came in but...


You calling the moral orals all liberal is confusing to me since I am a liberal. I don't think that you can say liberal dictated morality all the time or conservative does all the time. I suppose each side picks their poisons. However what side everyone leans to and putting a tag on that of all things really has little bearing on the conversation.


Are they trying to dictate what is seen or not seen by all..well I think so yes. I think that is what the OP wants to do. Keep content that he finds offensive off the Nexus. Does he seem willing to work for any middle ground? Not that I can see. Others however seemed to, but that seemed to get buried in the OP's...desire not to help find any middle ground or even have a dialogue other than I am right and you have sold your soul. The OP in fact seems to quote much Marxist things so maybe he leans all the way over to Communist? Isn't that were the leftiest lefts go?


I'm just not sure that you coming in and calling those hoof beats we all hear horses is really helpful. Does it matter if it is a social agenda? Does it matter if they are liberal? Does it matter if they are all one-eyed, one-horned flying purple people eaters? Not really I think. You just start the arguments on other things which (myself included) that takes us all down a completely different rabbit hole.


The staff does not think the mod in question breaks the ToS of the site or that the filters/tags do not work as intended.

The OP has made his point I think several times. He does not like this content and much of the content termed "adult" on this site and seems to think the site is in need of some moral guidance.

Some folks seem to think that some modders are hurt because of adult content

Some think there needs to be separate Nexuses for adult content

Some thing there needs to be new tags/filters made separating adult content from nude only, different sexual content and violence/language

Some think there need to be better filters in general

Some think things are just fine as it.


I think that sums it up nicely without calling anyone anything. And I am not confused at all by this.


I am not going to sit here and argue what liberal is or isn't cause it really has no bearing on this conversation and is distracting. I got distracted. I don't see the point and really Waldo, I think you can address all this in a better way than just to start tagging everyone and their social agendas. I realize you think (it seems) the current tags and filters are fine. Can you not, like I have tried to do, put your personal opinion aside and see if there is not anything that is some middle ground of improvements to the site of the filtering, of letting people become more aware of the filtering...getting authors to use it more and properly...anything at all to improve this place and not just to sit and toss around these labels?


Edit: Nevermind I'm going back to bed.

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It wasn't my intent to be divisive along party lines. My sole purpose was to point out the OP's agenda; and it was an agenda and he admitted to it. If anyone here got offended because I used adjectives to describe the OP's blatant attempt then I will assume 30% of the responsibility. The remaining 70% goes to the people who are overly sensitive and reading malicious intent into what I typed when none was intended.

The OP's posts are rife with liberal feminist buzz words and slogans. How else should I describe the posts and get the point across? My use of the word 'liberal' wasn't a slur and I think you know that. It was a descriptive qualifier to identify the mindset of the OP; and I was right. I have nothing to apologize for.

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I agree with the mod poster completely. While I have no right to be the moral arbiter of what can or cannot be created, stuff like that should be regulated. It doesn't really belong on the nexus, it kind of belongs on SexLab, where stuff like that is expected. What I'm getting at is, the Nexus appeals to a seperate audience than what Mango and other such mods appeal to, and things like that should be kept in mind. That's all.

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I think there is more than one type of liberal, there's the normal ones and then there are the book burning puritans, the latter giving the left in general a bad name.


Hmmm... the starting of this topic still has merit, in my opinion. Because even if the notion is rebuked, there should still be the opportunity to discuss it. If not, then it is essentially stopping people from sharing distaste for abusive, threatening and possibly even illegal activities.


I think I also may need to re-check the definition of 'liberal', it seems...


There isn't anything illegal on here, once the staff are made aware of something illegal it's removed along with the poster, the mod the OP was trying to get removed certainly isn't.

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@ Waldo

It is likely the case that we all see things through tinted glasses. You yourself seem to be equally liberal in dishing out judgement and putting your views forward.

I think it is easy for people to find it confusing when the promotion of censorship is seen as as liberal idea, while the freedom of choice would consequentially not be...

@ jimuk

I was not suggesting that the mod in question was illegal, but the subject matter and the activities that may surround it could be. Its not me that would make the call anyway, but law enforcement who may have received information that people are sharing images or whatever that contains questionable content (sexualiasation of apparent minors and abuse, for example)

If increasingly more people are not educated enough to know the areas they might be dabbling with are potentially seen as illegal in the eyes of the law, it is important people are able to defend their implied involvement (through using the site) with such possible activities. Or at least bring awareness to trends that could easily take a turn for the worse.

While I am very much a personal freedom kinda person, I also believe that people should be allowed to make informed choices otherwise they are not actually free.

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It wasn't my intent to be divisive along party lines. My sole purpose was to point out the OP's agenda; and it was an agenda and he admitted to it. If anyone here got offended because I used adjectives to describe the OP's blatant attempt then I will assume 30% of the responsibility. The remaining 70% goes to the people who are overly sensitive and reading malicious intent into what I typed when none was intended.

The OP's posts are rife with liberal feminist buzz words and slogans. How else should I describe the posts and get the point across? My use of the word 'liberal' wasn't a slur and I think you know that. It was a descriptive qualifier to identify the mindset of the OP; and I was right. I have nothing to apologize for.

I didn't take it as a slur. I took it as something that distracted and confused an already muddied issue. Perhaps not your intent but there all the same.


And all this is now just...nothing. There are no no ideas here. No talk of improvement. Now it is just the same as a million other threads. Not your fault Waldo...well maybe a few percentage points...as it was distracting. But it makes me disappointed anyway. It is so tiresome to see these threads over and over and over. And from the same crew at times.

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I'll reiterate what I've already said though, Lisn.


We'll certainly be addressing tagging in much more detail, trying to make it more powerful and better used, during or after the site redesign. But we are talking many, many months away here.


I'm not going to drag myself down in to the rest of the chat. I really have no wish to argue philosophy or morality with the people in this thread, especially when they throw around silly numbers and make it a numbers game. 4.4 million of the 10.7 members we have here have downloaded the most popular nude body mod for Skyrim...I think people need to step back and have a reality check when they talk about majorities and minorities on these issues.

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Through the philosophical fog (it seems important for people to be clear on what other people are saying), there is still the idea of revamping and/or improving the tagging system so people can both, filter things out that they don't want to be seen as participating in, and increase the engagement of users so as to tag things appropriately and actively tag things in general so as to avoid such instances in the first place.


EDIT: And so it seems that work is underway to address such concerns.

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I'll reiterate what I've already said though, Lisn.


We'll certainly be addressing tagging in much more detail, trying to make it more powerful and better used, during or after the site redesign. But we are talking many, many months away here.

I know this and again I thank you for the reminder.


It isn't that you and the staff aren't listening. It is that more and more when a topic is raised or something brought up if it be the nature of content on the site, or a new feature being implemented or paid modding, there seems to be lines drawn and shots fired and trenches dug and that is is. No one seems to really try to come to any understanding. It seems to me (and others can disagree lol) that no one really wants to try to find some middle ground and make some improvements, or come to any kind of peaceful understanding. I realize that is for another topic for another day. But over and over the name calling and side topics go on and it all comes to nothing.


This is the frustration I feel. Maybe others feel it also. Sometimes I think the feedback and suggestion box here needs to be like the ones in an office where it gets shoved in a box, without a name and no one sees it but you as the boss. ha ha ha


Perhaps my expectations remain too high at times. I just would like to be able to work together to help make this site better. I know I have ideas people will not agree with and that is great. If someone wants to lay down another plan and a bunch of folks work to hammer out an idea to present to you...that would be glorious. And that is how it should be. We are all (mostly) adults here. Some of the brightest and most creative folks I have ever met are at this site. Surely we all could do better.


I thank you again, Robin for taking the ideas brought up here seriously. I have no doubt once the site redesign gets worked out that you all will look into the filter tag thing.

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