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Yes, please be 'polite' and kill them with kindness, and through legal means. I didn't intend this to cause people to sink to their level in order to get back at them. Word of mouth and mod creators using legal means in order to get copyrighted materials removed is going to do far more harm to this site than any other kind of action, no matter how well intended.


I see this sort of thing happen in the furry fandom all the time. Content is stolen from art sites such as Furaffinity and reposted on websites without permission. I guess this is why I felt so strongly about this. Not only have I been able to get so much more enjoyment out of my games due to people who mod, but I happen to be friends with a few artists who have had their artwork ripped off and used by others to make a profit. it pisses me off.


Still..please don't let this dude rattle you. You have rights as content creators, learn them and use them to your advantage. Also, someone brought up letting Bethesda know. By all means, modders. Get in touch with the companies who are gracious enough to share their creations with you and allow you to modify them and let them know that someone is showing them AND you an enormous amount of disrespect.

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Really.. how many modder man hours must be wasted with this sort of thing. I'm sick of having to waste time emailing to nub sites.


And sadly that's exactly what they hope will happen, that people will get sick of defending their rights and give up.


DMCA takedown notice sent by certified mail. Usually enough to scare the pants off these kids who think they can steal content for their websites.

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So far, nothing stolen from me. This is exactly why I think the paysite method that is not run by the developer or publisher should be absolutely and immediately shut down or be forced to change to a free method regardless of the users' talent and "desires". Additionally it should be made clear that it is an absolute no-no from the developer/publisher, and explain how such sites break the EULA immediately after the first time it happens. To add more coal to the fire, this is a worse situation, as it's stolen content that was originally free that has to be paid for.


I think it would be rather enjoyable to take all their logos and make a mod that places nice BIG billboards stating that sites like these are a bunch of thieves. Then have 100's of people register and upload the same mod over and over with some cool name. Billboards, posters, notes the whole lot. Maybe user's of the site will get a bit mad also. Opps, forgot to ask first.

Gray Fox wanted poster replacer, anyone? :D

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Hey all,


I'm the Community Manager at GMOD.com and I'm really sorry this situation has become what it is.

I would like to clarify several misconceptions or issues about the site and I'll try answer them to the best of my abilities.


  • GMOD payment or subscription: GMOD does not currently charge for anything and has NO ads or other money makers at this time. GMod will be free. We will not charge users to download mods or other content. If / when we do roll out a subscription model it will be somewhat similar to how Nexus handles downloads; users can get access to downloads by either watching a short video ad or by paying for a subscription for immediate access.
    Again, we will not charge users to download mods, nor do we claim ownership to any mod currently on our site.
    This confusion may have cropped up due to users having to sign-up before downloading. If you can tell us how this confusion came to be, we'll strive to make it clearer on the site.
  • Functionality. If you've visited the site, you would have noticed lots of missing functionality or bugs. This is the main reason why we're still in beta. We hope to iron out all these issues before the site leaves beta. If you find any issues, you can post them on the forums or contact us and we'll look into it as soon as we can.
  • "G" in GMOD: The "G" stands for "Game". And to my understanding, we had copyrighted "GMOD" before Garry's mod had become known as such.


Also, if your mod is on our site and you would like us to remove it, just ask and we'll do so as soon as possible.


If you have any other issues you would like to discuss, ask away and I'll try answer them as fully as possible.



Edited by tsybil
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Also, if your mod is on our site and you would like us to remove it, just ask and we'll do so as soon as possible.


This is where you have gone wrong. This is where you will fail.


The rule of thumb in this community is "ask before you take", not "take, then ask for people to let you know if you can't have it".


Want to rectify the problem? Remove every single file that has been added to the site by someone who wasn't the original author of the file OR make your site only visible to your development team and no one else. It's helping no one having it public in its current state.

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If this is in testing than why the hell is it not just within a close circuit of people? In reality ANYONE can go make account and download work of someone else on the website. Terry, LOOK if you simply delete the files, send out an apology to those you stole work from and than KINDLY ask them to upload their hard work on your website, than it would be better for everyone. You cannot run a modding community like a business and treat everyone like crap. Robin (Dark0ne) Doesn't make a penny from the site and most of the time I am sure he loses money from the site. However he treats modders with respect and anyone stealing w/o permission and uploading to the site is banned. Simply messaging a 100 or so active modders would make it so much easier for your site to get traffic and legit mods uploaded by AUTHORS not bots or MEMBERS but by the people who spent hours of work making mods. Simply asking the author would most likely have him/her say sure and upload their mod to your website.

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Dark0ne has made a perfect point. You should not be re-uploading any mod without the express permission of the author or unless they stated in their "legal" section that you can. "Copyright infringement" is what most people call what you're currently doing, and copyright infringement is illegal, you might want to start thinking about that.
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