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On console mods, theft and Bethesda.net


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In response to post #39913050.

Rizamon wrote: This is why a lot of content creators left Second Life - lack of support from Linden Labs - when player created content was (and still is) blazenly stolen and reuploaded as their own. Their main response is to file a DMCA form.

And they never bother to take action even when a DMCA is sent. There are still a number of my items for sale for SL. I guess the next step is to pop them with a 110,000 USD lawsuit per infraction.
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In response to post #39846420. #39895285, #39904470 are all replies on the same post.

DeusCognito wrote: I can't see their decision as ignorant as they're the professionals, and seeing how they've made millions off their products, and how you're still sitting at home, only making mods. Also, no one would "have mods since Morrowind" if they didn't give you the materials to freely do so. Be careful, they will get tired of your communities' entitled bullshit and start charging subscription fees.
HybridEclipse wrote: Sorry, but... are you for real? The millions they make off their products is because they create things that are supposed to make people have fun, not end up frustrated because their creation gets stolen by some random douchebag. Oh, and if I wasn't "still sitting at home, only making mods", then all the wonderful stuff that is being hosted on sites such as Nexus Mods, which for some people is the only reason they are still playing certain games, you wouldn't have ANY of it. All of this was made by the community, and many of these games were able to stay alive because of it. You would be a fool to think otherwise...And a last thing. The only person who needs to be careful are Bethesda, because fun sells, but anger, dissapointment and frustration doesn't. Start charging subscription fees you say? HA.HA.HA. If they are able to withstand the reaction of the players, who, let me remind you, are the very people from which bethesda got their millions of dollars, then let them go on ahead and do it.
Renegade79 wrote: RLY? Bethesda did give us GECK or CK i've used only once for my optional tweak for Magnus Staff mod that's entirely 3ds Max/Nifskope model thang, and Nifskope, 3ds Max/Blender plugins or Material Editor are mods too. So as said Zenimax ain't even granted license to the stuff. Maybe someone would care to port my mods to xboxone if I let it, but I don't want them on PS4, because them Sony don't want me to play Infamous Second Son on PC. I even doubt xbox one models are in any way compatible with those SMIM models for Skyrim or even my transparent bottle thang for FO4 besides the fact consoles couldn't handle them due to hardware limitations (i'd bet $5 on xbones 16 ROPs melting the console on sight with 4 layers of blending anyway. They'd die with 5 fps even in 720p so if I 'optimize' my mod to work there I get LOL vanilla bottles... AMD at their best and basically that's why those bulbs in the Nucleus are so low poly and that explains why they only have one side ... have a nive tree sap). I even wonder if remastered Skyrim could even work with old nif format but even if it does that doesn't mean consoles can handle models meant for mid range cards of the year 2011. So PC master race still has their point in being so arrogant towards those poor consoles. They maybe have their reasons

And again, the need for mandatory IQ tests for online access rears its ugly head.

Since you have no idea how modding works, yet feel as if you can threaten an entire community of those who do, I shall enlighten you.
1. Some of us have worked in the industry since before Morrowind was released, and we mod on the side because we like to.
2. Since Morrowind was released, there have been people who make tools for modding TES.
3. An entire mod the size of a game can be made without one single moment spent in the old toolkit, or the creation kits.
4. If it weren't for modders, none of the games past Morrowind would have had any improvements. Every upgrade you see in Oblivion, Skyrim, FO3, FONV, FO4 all came from ideas taken from modders. Horses, mounted combat, dismemberment, bows with strings, quivers, weapons showing in scabbards on the body when sheathed, crafting, NPC schedules and locked doors and shops, do I need to go on?

So yeah, you can take your attitude and threats and stick 'em.
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An Update:


Report stolen mods is now possible without an DMCA-Complain:



Dark0ne, it might be a bit too early, but maybe you can create an update to let people know that an DMCA-Complain seem to be no longer necessary (althrough everyone who wants to create an DMCA-Complain are still able to do so)


Hopefully Behtesda also use the report-feature and manage to kick the mod-stealers out.

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Methinks you need to take a look within, Dark0ne. I've reported mods which have stolen my work on this very site, where over a week later the mods were still up. In one case I pointed out, after 3 days had passed, that the mod author was using content without permission, and was immediately attacked by a moderator who falsely accused me of lying, then threatened me with banning for vigilantism even though the mod author mentioned my mod he stole my work from by name.

So the moderator was right there to throw around threats, but apparently didn't have time to take down the illegal mod? Awesome.

Another of the mods I reported is still up. It's been months. No responses, no nothin'. So yeah.....

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In response to post #39940815.

Mr. Dave wrote: Methinks you need to take a look within, Dark0ne. I've reported mods which have stolen my work on this very site, where over a week later the mods were still up. In one case I pointed out, after 3 days had passed, that the mod author was using content without permission, and was immediately attacked by a moderator who falsely accused me of lying, then threatened me with banning for vigilantism even though the mod author mentioned my mod he stole my work from by name.
So the moderator was right there to throw around threats, but apparently didn't have time to take down the illegal mod? Awesome.
Another of the mods I reported is still up. It's been months. No responses, no nothin'. So yeah.....

Naturally this is a bad example how things works. I hope with the new report-feature this is actually improving, since until now they only took DMCA-Complains seriously. And if it isn't improving even with the new feature then it really seems to be necessary to add F4SE as a kind of DRM to mods:


But it's actually quite good that Nexusmods now have bethesda.net in the perms-page. If a modder don't want to have a mod on bethesda.net, it stands there, and then bethesda and their mods need to respect it.

Since the new report-feature for pirated/stolen mods is up for only today, try it again, and refer to the perms of your mod. If it says there that the mod is and should not be uploaded on bethesda.net, then they should respect this. I really want to give bethesda a chance, but when i read a story like yours, i'm really sceptical about it. But still, try it again. Edited by q111
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I am a lifetime member here, I don't post a lotbut I just wanted to let all the modders know, that I appreciate everything you do. The long hours you put into puts a smile not only on my face and my sons. I don't get to see him a lot but we talk about your mods all the time. I appreciate that. I also, will turn in and scumbag that steals your mods, you have my promise on that.

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Im really starting to wonder if Beth cares if a mod is stolen or has stolen assets a prime example is Resurrection by ResDev its been up on Beths site since it got banned from here for use of stolen assets and from what I understand many have reported it to Beth.

If you read the comments ResDev and his followers are starting to feel invincible and I only see it as making other think its alright to steal from honest modders and are safe from prosecution for their theft as long as they post the mods on Beths site.

Now there is a guy name Weejo911 is threatening to post stolen mods in ResDevs comments section and even if hes not serious its not a comment Beth should put up with.

Edited by Solongchu
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I don't really ever post on here maybe a comment here or there about a mod. I've been here since some time in 2013. And at first I kind of disliked nexus it seem confusing and weird. But I learned to love it within days. I wanted to express my gratitude to the moderators, modders, and the community in general for making this such a awesome place. And i hope that soon bethsda can get it together and stop this and learn from their mistake in not making sure something was in place.
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In response to post #39940815. #39943030 is also a reply to the same post.

Mr. Dave wrote: Methinks you need to take a look within, Dark0ne. I've reported mods which have stolen my work on this very site, where over a week later the mods were still up. In one case I pointed out, after 3 days had passed, that the mod author was using content without permission, and was immediately attacked by a moderator who falsely accused me of lying, then threatened me with banning for vigilantism even though the mod author mentioned my mod he stole my work from by name.
So the moderator was right there to throw around threats, but apparently didn't have time to take down the illegal mod? Awesome.
Another of the mods I reported is still up. It's been months. No responses, no nothin'. So yeah.....
q111 wrote: Naturally this is a bad example how things works. I hope with the new report-feature this is actually improving, since until now they only took DMCA-Complains seriously. And if it isn't improving even with the new feature then it really seems to be necessary to add F4SE as a kind of DRM to mods:


But it's actually quite good that Nexusmods now have bethesda.net in the perms-page. If a modder don't want to have a mod on bethesda.net, it stands there, and then bethesda and their mods need to respect it.

Since the new report-feature for pirated/stolen mods is up for only today, try it again, and refer to the perms of your mod. If it says there that the mod is and should not be uploaded on bethesda.net, then they should respect this. I really want to give bethesda a chance, but when i read a story like yours, i'm really sceptical about it. But still, try it again.

I recognize that this comment will be but a drop in an increasingly yellow community pool, but I am grateful for the modding community. I, for the most part, only enjoy Bethesda products through the kaleidoscope you and other modders create. In the light of this digital environment that we coexist in, it is the artist that has suffered most. I am truly sorry that this is happening to you. I fear what will eventually happen will be silence, or an exclusive community that invites no one but the most informed, like the world we hope to escape when we sit down and enjoy your work.
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In response to post #39940480.

q111 wrote: An Update:

Report stolen mods is now possible without an DMCA-Complain:

Dark0ne, it might be a bit too early, but maybe you can create an update to let people know that an DMCA-Complain seem to be no longer necessary (althrough everyone who wants to create an DMCA-Complain are still able to do so)

Hopefully Behtesda also use the report-feature and manage to kick the mod-stealers out.

Small remider. All you thiefs better be aware of this.
Mod authors make mods for themselves first, and you second. If the second part, YOU, becomes too much of a problem for them, they’ll simply not want to share them with you at all.

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