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Where Does the Negativity Come From?


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Quite frankly I see a lot of Obsidian's supporters as little more than thralls who don't know any better.



I'm not a thrall of anyone nor a fanboy of Obsidian. But truth to tell, their stories are better in my opinion, if that's OK with you. Better than the ones of Bethesda in any case. And I'm not basing that solely on FNV, but also on NWN 2 and Pillars of Eternity.

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I am actually a fan of the empty scenery.


This is the Wasteland... 200 years after the ICBM impact that blew out miles of trees and buried entire neighborhoods under slag, which became the glowing sea. The inhabitants of Commonwealth are descendants of those who killed other humans and stole their food to survive. Just ask the Vault-Tec rep what the last 2 centuries were like!

The water is so poisonous the fish die and wash up. FEV has totally changed the ecology. It is not a magical place, it is not a nice place, it is a shitty place, patrolled by mutant tribes and drugged-out raiders who kill for the rush of it.


The SS has to deal with the struggle of mundane activities, they once took for granted, like clean water and food and finding a doctor. Every day they are tempted to commit suicide and end the harsh nightmare. But slowly, they adapt, build up the settlement, etc. I like this grind, it feels like I am actually trying to survive and do stuff at the same time,


But maybe I am too morbid a player. ;P

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To add to what borgelt said:


After a nuclear war, when society collapsed, people don't go to school anymore to learn things, the only thing they learn is to assert themselves in a hostile place. So realistically, most people would not have an education that would surpass one of of a fifth-grader. They probably could not read or write or learn complex math. And you need complex math if you want to build things that are more than just a wooden shack.

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Well for me and I mean me FO4 is like a half of a game. Maybe even less than that. Now a lot of people like the settlement building aspect and so the so called Workshop DLCs fit right in for that train of thought. But for me I can't stand that aspect of the game. Just totally bores the hell out of me. It's just makes the game feel like not a FO game. Again this is just how I feel and I know that there a lot of people who definitely feel much differently which is fine by me. As far as the main story line goes? Well I personally could care less just like I did with FO3 and especially FONV. At least I did followed the main story line in FO3 to the end once though it didn't excite me so I never bothered doing it again. And I've never bothered with it in FONV. Found it totally boring to no end. And so far I haven't bothered with it in FO4. I'll have to follow it to a point as some time just to go and check out the institute I guess. Then again maybe not. With this all said do I like all of the FO games? Yes. FO3 is my favorite though now I play it as part of Tale of Two Wastelands. And I do actually really enjoy FO4 playing it the way I want to play and that being scavenging and exploring and having massive firefights using the mod War of the Commonwealth. I just like playing it without having to think too much and for that the game works for me. But again that's just me. But I can agree how the game lacks what would make it work for others or how it make others feel very disappointed. But again it's just a stinking game and not worth the bother of getting all worked up about like some get. But what is worth the reason to get worked up about is how Beth has handled the mod theft issue. That's been totally disgraceful.

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Wow, it used to be "PC elitism". Now it looks like "FO4 elitism" is a thing. I love the use of words like, "nostalgia" as some kind of dismissive term that is supposed to undercut the opinion of anyone who didn't love this game. If I write "I don't like..." then I don't expect that anyone should argue with me about this. I don't expect them to tell me that I'm incapable of disliking something because they like it. If they then write "I love..." that is their right to do so. Just leave what I have to say out of it and say what you want to say. As long as I don't personally go after your opinion, I expect you to leave mine alone as well. You're not going to argue me out of my completely subjective opinion. I can only express what I like and what I dislike as anyone can. Trying to "prove" anything concrete in an art media only makes you look stupid.

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Quite frankly I see a lot of Obsidian's supporters as little more than thralls who don't know any better.



I'm not a thrall of anyone nor a fanboy of Obsidian. But truth to tell, their stories are better in my opinion, if that's OK with you. Better than the ones of Bethesda in any case. And I'm not basing that solely on FNV, but also on NWN 2 and Pillars of Eternity.


Pillars of Eternity was their one big exception, but notice something. That's not an open world RPG. It's very much a tightly controlled linear story game unlike NWN2 (which was total s#*!) and unlike NV.


When they have to loosen control and allow the player to drive the story more, they blow it badly.

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When they have to loosen control and allow the player to drive the story more, they blow it badly.



Well, still, FNV - in my opinion - was better than FO3 or FO4 or Skyrim or Oblivion. Bethesda is good at building sandboxes, and as I said, I didn't really expect anything more, but they suck at storytelling. FO3 as well as Skyrim, given the right level, could be played through in 4 to 6 hours. FO4 is much longer, but the character is either railroaded or doesn't care about the supposed urgency. I took the latter approach, and that seems to be kind of a general consensus. You can't really play what they dished out.

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Except I rather enjoyed it, even if I did get bogged down in a lot of settlement crap along the way. So yes, it's not only playable, but enjoyable as well.


See, there's a lot of us who actually like their games but get sick of hearing from the minority about how bad they supposedly are at everything. If this were true, they'd have failed as a developer the way Obsidian did and would have had to come to beg from the public the same way to be able to go back and try one last time to redeem themselves.


Anyway, the point is, you have your opinion, I have mine, and everyone else has theirs. It only looks like negativity when the same people show up to bash the company every time.

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To add to what borgelt said:


After a nuclear war, when society collapsed, people don't go to school anymore to learn things, the only thing they learn is to assert themselves in a hostile place. So realistically, most people would not have an education that would surpass one of of a fifth-grader. They probably could not read or write or learn complex math. And you need complex math if you want to build things that are more than just a wooden shack.


Yeah exactly. And this is where the SS comes in, with a pre-war education and knowledge, and is capable of building things back up again. It's great for making the player character important/advantaged without making them the center of the universe.

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Except I rather enjoyed it, even if I did get bogged down in a lot of settlement crap along the way. So yes, it's not only playable, but enjoyable as well.


See, there's a lot of us who actually like their games but get sick of hearing from the minority about how bad they supposedly are at everything. If this were true, they'd have failed as a developer the way Obsidian did and would have had to come to beg from the public the same way to be able to go back and try one last time to redeem themselves.


Anyway, the point is, you have your opinion, I have mine, and everyone else has theirs. It only looks like negativity when the same people show up to bash the company every time.



I agree with this. I especially can't stand when people say the vanilla games are "unplayable."


it's also incredibly stupid how people hate on bethesda here of all places, which is purposed around a bethesda game and the development tools Bethesda released voluntarily to the public.

It's some kind of passive aggressive nonsense.


It's like every time I come here I see the same posts. If you people hate this game so much, why are you here,? There's the door... go outside, find something to enjoy, stop being so bitter... ;)

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