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Site redesign - sneak peek - part 1


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In response to post #41268885. #41269455, #41269515, #41270195, #41270680 are all replies on the same post.

EnaiSiaion wrote: Yay the site is usable on phones! <3
vault75 wrote: Why would you download a mod on a phone?
piotrmil wrote: Perhaps to monitor one's page, or respond to comments? Although god knows how can one do that on a non-existent keyboard.
MokChaoticran wrote: I typed up an essay for one of my courses on my phone man, it's more feasible than you'd think.
Sacremas wrote: The site is usable on smartphones now, I used it during my holidays a week ago, made a post on Ordinator's pages and all. It just requires a LOT of zooming and messing around. And yes, typing can be painful, especially with autocorrect enabled on another language. X(

@Sacremas - I sometimes post comments on mods while on break at work. Not the most ideal thing to do from a phone.
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In response to post #41271050.

unforbidable wrote: Seriously, Paul, your work looks very professional. And you are not twelve. So I don't understand why you'd start a video with a very laud sound. My guess is you don't use headphones? Other than that, 10/10.

Hahaha, don't worry, I'll make sure a few changes are made before the next one :D
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In response to post #41268885. #41269455, #41269515, #41270195, #41270680, #41271055 are all replies on the same post.

EnaiSiaion wrote: Yay the site is usable on phones! <3
vault75 wrote: Why would you download a mod on a phone?
piotrmil wrote: Perhaps to monitor one's page, or respond to comments? Although god knows how can one do that on a non-existent keyboard.
MokChaoticran wrote: I typed up an essay for one of my courses on my phone man, it's more feasible than you'd think.
Sacremas wrote: The site is usable on smartphones now, I used it during my holidays a week ago, made a post on Ordinator's pages and all. It just requires a LOT of zooming and messing around. And yes, typing can be painful, especially with autocorrect enabled on another language. X(
Corpsehatch wrote: @Sacremas - I sometimes post comments on mods while on break at work. Not the most ideal thing to do from a phone.


Maybe not download but browsing new files? That's what I do on work. Our proxy doesn't allow me to access nexus via the company's internet connection. Edited by Chinamann
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Looking really good.

I'm a bit hesitant about the download link right in the mod browsing section only because that could lead to more angry/confused/silly comments directed at the mod authors because the downloader didn't read the description to fully understand what he/she/they were downloading.

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In response to post #41271475.

mysticentity wrote: Looking really good.
I'm a bit hesitant about the download link right in the mod browsing section only because that could lead to more angry/confused/silly comments directed at the mod authors because the downloader didn't read the description to fully understand what he/she/they were downloading.

Agreed, I said the same thing a few posts below :).
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It's looking nice, but please get it right before you release it. I've seen nice looking designs that didn't work well destroy sites.


I was wondering how Hot Files will be handled in the redesign. I could be mistaken but I think I remember reading somewhere that you weren't going to have them in the new design, at least not the way they are currently. Are you going to do away with them completely, or are you just going to change them to something like "Trending"? And if that is the case, will they still be at the top of the page on a games homepage?

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Are the current sprite pages going away? Will this be more CSS driven? I ask because I'm a bit of a fan of customizing sites to suit my own look, and the current design pretty much rules out anything like making mod descriptions wider so as not to waste 40% of my widescreen monitor, etc.
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