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I want something that turns skyrim into a sort of cross between the Wind in the Willows and real bleak, grim, Halloween-ey type tones. If that makes sense. Very Autumnal, very serene, and a little surreal. There'd not be quite so many enemies roaming the outdoors. A lot less bears, wolves, spiders, and all that business. But then very occasionally there'd be real weird and unique things that pop up, like eldritch things in secluded parts of the wilderness. Maybe they'll be very rare and random, maybe they'll take some work to make appear, or maybe they'll take a lot of time to search for in caves or valleys.


It'd be a bit less Nordic, as well. More Slavic and Western-European. 1920's style Belarus monster hunters and all that. Not quite so medieval. Innistrad and Iron Kingdoms would probably play a good role in the design aspect with, naturally, the Wind in the Willows' sunny disposition evening things out.


I think it'd be nice to go a-wand'ring with some Cossack adventurers through Skyrim, stopping to have a conversation with a rabbit fishing at a pond. Get directions from a cat and a pig. Track down and murder some witches. And then nearly die to some ancient evil nightmare in a deep dark cave. All the while walking through scraggly forests and rolling plains and superstitious villages.

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Just for someone to make the mod I was planning to make, before I realized its waaay too much work for me-


A huge city with a lot of thieves-guild and DB themed quests.

That city's pretty swish from above. Would certainly be nice to see more of it.

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I'd really like to be able to open my own store. Kinda like Adura's Merchant Mod, but maybe you build up from being a peddler, to having a stall, to running a store.


I like to roleplay as a merchant, and it would be nice to have that kind of end goal.

Edited by kirby163
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  • 5 months later...

An actual "join the Thalmor" faction mod. I don't mean like Live Another Life (though that's great for role playing), I mean like what Aldmeri Dominion Strengthened was GOING to be. A quest line coinciding with the Civil War (but not replacing it; that'd be too much of a nightmare) where Elenwen or somebody else tasks you with playing both sides of the conflict, ensuring maximum casualties on both sides, and ensuring that when there inevitably is a winner of the Civil War, they will be easy pickings for the Dominion's invasion.


Basically a "prequel" mod to Second Civil War.

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My dream mod is a mod in which you can create your own army/faction and conquer Skyrim in an alternative Civil War conclusion using strategy and politics, and perhaps going out to the battlefields yourself. The end result would be receiving the title of High King of Skyrim from your moot of Puppet Governors that you put in place as the Jarls of the holds you have conquered. The end result would be a lore-friendly mod that explains exactly how a dov's spirit craves domination, and how you as the Dovahkiin now crave it too.


You would be able to take holds, camps, and forts in a highly configurable mod that leans closer to a Total War game than Skyrim, with the option to participate in the battles. It would add Intelligence, Moral, Reputation, Infamy, and other systems that determine how your army will do in both battles and recruitment. Many moral situations will take place that question how you want to conquer Skyrim and what happens afterwards. For example, you can make your battle mages use necromancy to reanimate large swaths of the fallen soldiers, as well as rub shoulders with slimy yet wealthy individuals and families, as well as get your own factions from vanilla skyrim to back and support you. Maybe publicly execute the city officials and guards of a hold you had violently taken.

The end result of this conquest would be varied on how you played, and would have multiple different endings and combinations of endings. There would be primary endings that shape Skyirm around you, and makes you feel truly like a king. For example, one ending would leave most of Skyrim fractured between great houses similar to that in Morrowind, with them vying for the throne like in Game of Thrones. Holds and their borders would be completely redrawn and civil war could break out again at any time. You would be able to establish a government, make many important decisions that will influence the lives of your subjects and your own reputation.

Secondary endings would include small things, such as racial endings in which you could establish a specific race as supreme in which more members of that race would be seen around, while you can drastically change the culture of Skyrim. For example, an orcish ending would mean you would see more orcish strongholds open up and more shrines to Malacath. Meanwhile, you can make somewhat unimportant decisions that can impact your empire greatly, such as taxes and other tedious but sometimes necessary tasks. The life of a king is that of tedious choices and decisions to make.



I already created a mod request page to toss this overly ambitious mod idea around. It goes into other features around, such as assassination, spies, conquests, battle zones, religion, economics, and the basic commander/soldier system. As well as a rudimentary AI system that would play much like a chess-AI, with various attacks based on each turn. The more fundamental side of this mod is that you can stop any time you want, whether it be pausing the mod or stopping by stepping down and letting your armies be obliterated or your government falling.


I hear that there's already a mod that would be similar to this called "Dragonborn's War", but I need to learn more. If you are interested in this mod idea but need writing and plot direction, I would help in any way I can.

Name of Original Post: Create a military faction/Take over Skyrim? War, Politics, and Governance mod.

Location: Nexus Forums Mod Requests.





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I have have to whole-heartedly agree with this post:



And say Horizon Zero Dawn Armors (for male & female, cbbe & unpb

-because I swap from time to time-) along with HDT elements.

But not only that, a 'Skyrim Friendly' version of the Spears & Bows & Arrows as well.


The Armors should have Dragon Bone to replace the 'Plastic' for Heavy Versions &

Dragon Scales to replace the 'Plastic' for the Light Versions.

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