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For those people who are stuck on the Cloudflare Bad Gateway screen, delete your cookies in your browser. There is no ongoing site issue, it is a cache incident.

This action depends on what browser you use, I will explain it for Chrome.

Press Alt + E you will select the right site option menu. Now press S followed by Enter.
You will get in the Settings search field. Find Site Settings, click on it.

Now click on "View permissions and data store across sites"
Search for nexus mods and click on the thrash bin icon.

You will get logged out of the service, but next time you log in it will work again.

Now for the admin's suggestion, please tell people on the Bad Gateway error page or on the linked https://nexusmods.statuspage.io/ that they have to clear their cookies.
Next, my suggestion is to set a much, much lower expire date for the related cookie until this is resolved in full.

Error pages *should never* be cached if at all possible.

Edited by m661
A.I assisted spell and formatting check.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Clicking on the View Image Gallery button from the list of mods takes me to the separate mod page instead of opening said gallery. Going back a page opens the gallery. This has started happening sometime this week.

This happens regardless of the game or the browser.

first example.jpg


Edit: seems to be fixed for now.

Edited by AlexSlowman3
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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I am having strange problems with Vortex and with the website, like:

a) Vortex gets kicked out of the login, I am told that my download failed and that I wasn't recognized as logged in (even if I was logged in).

b) Downloaded mods...either they download, install and do not show up in Vortex (but then cause problem as they are seen as downloaded/installed) or they do not download and install at all!

c) The website is very slow to load and sometimes even freezes the browser!

d) Notifications do not work properly...take a long time to load even on a powerful computer (so it is obviously a problem on server/website design side), do not show up or show up "unexpected error".

( I have managed to find a page that seemed related to the Nexus showing updates and info about what was being done about these websites problem, but I cannot trace back that webpage... 🤔 ...if anyone know about that update info page, any suggestion on how to reach it is welcome... )



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1 hour ago, DaenathSakandar said:

a) Vortex gets kicked out of the login, I am told that my download failed and that I wasn't recognized as logged in (even if I was logged in).

I've also been experiencing this for months, and reported it as a bug, but I don't expect a resolution when Vortex is no longer a development focus.

To add some specificity, Vortex continuously shows me as logged-in with my profile displayed, but in spite of appearances it seems that when push comes to shove during a download attempt it briefly forgets that login and fails the download.  The condition does not persist: more often than not a subsequent download attempt will succeed as if nothing had happened prior.  It only happens when Vortex has already been running, and seems to be tied to it being backgrounded for a certain length of time.

Worst of all about this behavior is that the two paired error messages offer no information at all about what specific download has failed!  Since Vortex was backgrounded and you may have been selecting multiple mods for download, you're left trying to guess which one failed!  They are quite literally two of the top ten most incompetent error messages I've ever seen software produce in 45 years.

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  • 4 months later...

I wasn't sure where to place this - where would be appropriate. 

I wish you hadn't forced the new site design on people.   Is it possible to offer the option of the old one to people who prefer it?  

I am autistic and have ADHD.  I struggle with organizational changes to information and structure of any kind, and the new plain and 'sleek' appearance has me short circuiting.    And, honestly, the design was what made Nexus - Nexus.  Like.  I see no Nexus.  Only giant ass blocks of mods.  :/

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I can't believe you just deleted the entire old feedback system. I guess it was to hide the overwhelming posts of dislike for the new UI design? Perhaps instead of trying to hide the issue you guys could listen to your users instead. Or is that just crazy talk?

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13 minutes ago, Shardoom said:

I can't believe you just deleted the entire old feedback system. I guess it was to hide the overwhelming posts of dislike for the new UI design? Perhaps instead of trying to hide the issue you guys could listen to your users instead. Or is that just crazy talk?

Like, literally, what the hell are you talking about?  There's a huge thread for people to give feedback about the changes.

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