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I'm trying to write an article for my mod page, I can add an image (png) by selecting copy in explorer and paste in the article edit window and that works, once. After saving I see the picture, but if I add a second picture then all I get is what looks like text encoding of the pic and anything that was below the point where I pasted in the second picture is gone.

I tried reducing the second pic in size and resolution to below that of the first as an experiment, but that made no difference.


So what are the rules about pics?


Is there a file format I can write the article in on my pc and copy/paste into the article edit window?





Please don't copy and paste images directly into the editor. This is not supported. Unfortunately, the editor we use seems to have no way of preventing it.

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Please don't copy and paste images directly into the editor. This is not supported. Unfortunately, the editor we use seems to have no way of preventing it.


I see this explains why it looks like it works, when it doesn't!

Imgur it is then:(

Does this count as using social media? I don't want to become 'hip' :)



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Please don't copy and paste images directly into the editor. This is not supported. Unfortunately, the editor we use seems to have no way of preventing it.


I see this explains why it looks like it works, when it doesn't!

Imgur it is then:(

Does this count as using social media? I don't want to become 'hip' :smile:




yes this technically counts as social media.

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  • 2 weeks later...

First off, just posting this request was quasi-difficult, because its about a specific game forum, but you do not have a separate 'site' sub-forum under the games themselves (of course, I am only using Thew Nexus for two, so my knowledge of other game-specific forums is limited). I feel like dumping this here - in a sub-forum designed to handle ALL the games - will just allow it to disappear through the cracks. But whatever...

In the Fallout 4 mods page, there is just ONE group list for Settlements themselves: Player Settlement. Sim Settlements has TWO just for itself. So when I go searching for a new settlement I want to try out, I have to wade through tons and tons of mods that are NOT settlements, or should ONLY be in the Sim Settlements categories. Two categories not enough for them? To make things worse, all the 'settlement blueprint' mods get dumped in there as well, even though those have their OWN category. Some of us prefer to play the game, rather than have it play itself. Also, there are quite a few mods that simply have the word 'settlement' in their name, and they end up there, even though they have next to nothing to do with settlements. That mod-list has become almost useless because of all the extraneous crap that gets dumped in there. Can we please, PLEASE have just a list that contains NEW settlements, and JUST new settlements? If its a new settlement AND is 'SS-compatible' (I understand it doesn't take much to make it so), then it could still go in there, so long as its also able to be a vanilla settlement as well (because otherwise, once again, it SHOULD go into one of the two Sim Settlement categories). Adapted vanilla locales as well as user-created ones both count as just 'settlements'. Player-homes should NOT go there, because they also have their own category.

Every time I try to wade-through that mess, I give up after a dozen pages or so... its just too time-consuming, and the lack of 'policing' (control?) of what gets shoved in there makes it so counter-intuitive. Maybe give the new category a more specific name, like "New Settlements ONLY", so people stop applying that tag to just about every mod on the Nexus that isn't a weapon or armor? I spend enough time away from playing the game just to mod, that I don't need to waste even more time trying to find mods that are actually relevant to the mod-category title. Cheers

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Guest deleted34304850

ask the mod author who is incorrectly tagging their mod so it appears in the wrong place. or filter on sim settlements.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi. I apologize as this is unlikely the place to put this but: can anyone tell me if there is a mod out there that can cause your character to sandbox like an NPC when you are away from keyboard instead of just standing there like a schlub while your followers sandbox like bosses? I'd like to come back from some lengthy annoying call to find that my girl has just fletched 200 arrows, created an entire leather ensemble and maybe did the dishes or at least, swept the floor while I was out dealing with RL issues.

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