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Nexus uses a third party for their ad revenue and isn't directly in control of what appears there. They'll do what they can to fix such issues as soon as they hear about it but they need screencaps of the malicious ads so they can pinpoint them in their report and have them removed.


The next time you see such an ad, please take a screencap of it and then use the "contact us" button at the bottom of every page to report it directly to Dark0ne so he can get the ball rolling on having them removed.

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Thank you!




I meant to say "I'll do that".


Although, I kinda want to suggest that they look for a different ad company? I guess I don't know anything about anything, but I have trouble believing I'm the only one who's had this problem, and if it's a consistent issue with the ad providers, maybe different ad providers are in order...


But you should probably just ignore me. I'm kinda obsessive about some of this stuff, and if the site is getting the revenue it needs to stay afloat, then I should keep my nose out of it.

Edited by Watts533
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I wouldn't say it's a consistent issue. Ads are rotated relatively often, sometimes a bad one gets through and much like the Nexus staff depends on users to point out when there's a violation of the rules, so too does the ad company. It's not a perfect system but when you're serving high numbers with limited staff it's often the most efficient system possible.

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I'm having a bit of trouble searching for armor across various games based upon body type. I am not sure what a solution might be, in terms of tags, categories, or requiring that the body type be somewhere in the title.


It is quite frustrating to have all these ideas for projects and spend a great deal of modding time trying to figure out what search query one should use to locate armor assets.

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Looks like the same thing that's reported over here.


I must admit the audacity in those all-too-obvious scam attempts is a new level now. As if really valid warnings of this severity would ever come in a Java-induced form of browser popup, as if the urls they're coming from could ever be taken for anything else than a scam site, and as if the pretended companies would ever use such dubious means to contact you about it and offer these more-than-suspicious ways as a solution (call an obvious rip-off phone number? really? and in the other topic, don't go online, don't ask on our website, don't risk doing any things to find out we're not who we pretend to be and risk getting warned about our all-too-obvious scam attempt? yeah, no, that's not at all suspicious in the slightest).


Sadly neither in this screenshot nor in the other over there the actual ad responsive for the popup can really be seen correctly, but then again, maybe the url mentioned on top of the popups every time will help the ad company sort out the origin just as well already.


I hope the information provided will be enough for the ad provider to weed them out. The audacity in these recent really, really silly attempts is just, well... uhm, yeah, no, just no. :down:

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Please make it self-evident how to post more than 3 screenshots consecutively, i.e., in a series. Many experienced modders do this, but the 'how-to' is not explained anywhere.


I cannot place more than 1 pic in a 'submission." Limit 3 consecutive submissions.

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Ok, i have a question that I cannot seem to answer ( to be honest I cannot tell which forum to post to so this is the lucky one ). Can someone please tell me which Budda's belly I have to rub in order to access my download history? It either times out or I get a half page of page numbers with nothing else. So far it is a wonderful torture method that can bring a grown man near to tears. If this is the wrong forum, then please have mercy on and already my already battered emotional state and tell me where to go.


Really, it's gitt'n kinda cold out here in bfe's cheap seats, anybody?


edit: figured another way to solve my issue. Goodbye and good night all.

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