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Why are all the nexus download sites (every site except the Forum) no longer secure? I noticed this last week, instead of the URL field for any game download site has no green shield or https:// :confused:


When I try to login the pw field warns that if I complete the login my pwrd will be visable :down:



Actually they never were. There's been a short phase in which migration to HTTPS was tried on the file sites, but it hit too many stumbling stones and unforeseen collateral damages that it had to be reverted back to HTTP again and postponed for later.


However, the actual transmission of your login credentials was always performed in a different way, and that way actually was secure all the time right from the start.


Recently I've seen certain browsers in their latest version exhibit this weird behavior to signal insecure login transmission on the very input fields for that, solely based on the page's URL not starting with HTTPS alone. Sadly they won't realize secure transmission of credentials behind the scenes that way at all, and thus raise false alarm unnecessarily.


So only because your browser now alarms you your login would be insecure, here on the Nexus actually it very well is not still.


(One of the devs/administration correct me, if I'm wrong.)

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User ignorance is not my concern here. I personally am not any sort of 'expert' on browsers, but Chrome defaults to 64 bit for me, as does FF. I also use Windows 7, and I get the same defaults served up as I do for 10. In fact, I was doing a bit of browser comparisons for my own purposes recently, and checked out many browsers. If they did NOT serve me 64 bit versions, they were on the 'do not test' list. I think from memory that I ended up with a list of ~seven to test. As to how hard Opera 64 bit is to find, I just did a google search and found it on the first page, 4th link.



Using the publisher's default version is not "user ignorance". It's evidence that the developers haven't worked out the kinks/compatibility issues of the 64-bit versions, so they provide the 32-bit one unless the user actively seeks out the alternative.


And no, the 64-bit versions of Opera found by a cursory Google search (4th and 5th hits) are NOT from the actual developers. They're from 3rd parties that (probably without permission) provide a previous version; filehippo.com and opera64bit.com. Neither of which are "opera.com", where you get the 32-bit version by default because the actual developers don't advertise the 64-bit one.

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Maybe try turning it back on


While that might help, it certainly isn't in the interest of nexus. Also I actually suffer through the ads to show some kind of gratitude for nexus, so I would really like to leave them on :/


donate 2 dollars and become a supporter. Worth more then what you give the nexus through ad revenue.


Either way im just saying to try it to see if the ads are causing the issue. Just a test not a permanent solution.

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Maybe try turning it back on

While that might help, it certainly isn't in the interest of nexus. Also I actually suffer through the ads to show some kind of gratitude for nexus, so I would really like to leave them on :/



Thumbs up to you, Old Boy. Thanks for the support!!



The Rabbit

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Yep. it's the ads. I blocked them completely and can happily open a bajilion nexus tabs without any impact and they don't reload. Well, I have a solution to my problem, but I wanna suggest that this really isn't in nexus' best interest.

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Yep. it's the ads. I blocked them completely and can happily open a bajilion nexus tabs without any impact and they don't reload. Well, I have a solution to my problem, but I wanna suggest that this really isn't in nexus' best interest.


This is not in your best interest either. Robin needs those funds to keep this site running daily as well as making improvements to it. If he cannot pay the bills the site will close. Period. I cannot stand ads, myself, so I went Lifetime. There are no-cost ways of supporting the site on the cheap and that's what the Ads are for.



The Rabbit

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