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Overall I like the new site redesign, lots of valuable features I was looking for. I don't visit it enough to drill down into major functionality, but mainly visit it every week or so to check the latest hot files for various games. This is where part of the UI is worse than the old site for me. There are 2 large images for hot mods featured, then 5 smaller images. Most of the time the 5 smaller images have their titles cut off and/or useful information like the description is missing. The old "slideshow" style before gave a larger picture and more room to have all this valuable info, even if it didn't look amazing or was mobile unfriendly.


Possibly some "preferences" will be added to the site or already exist (?) where the front page can be setup more to what someone likes to see. Now instead of spending a few seconds going through latest Hot Mods, in a slider style with a good preview of each mod, I will have to go to each individual mod page that looks even slightly interesting to see if it is relevant to me. Really slows down the filter process for me. With that in mind and the "preferences" idea, I would totally remove the News and Updates section for my personal viewing, as that is just clutter on the page. If I want to seek out that info, I will but it makes up at least half the page that I hardly ever look at. A simple check box to disable that area would be nice.


Thanks for the work you have done and continue to do on the site.

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In the new site design, would it be possible to add a feature so that you could access the advanced search function similar to how you could in the old design?


It seems like such a waste of time to enter something in the search then wait until the search fails to get to the search parameters. Why not have access to the different search parameters directly from the mod pages?

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In the new site design, would it be possible to add a feature so that you could access the advanced search function similar to how you could in the old design?
It seems like such a waste of time to enter something in the search then wait until the search fails to get to the search parameters. Why not have access to the different search parameters directly from the mod pages?



I'm confused, the advanced search is on the exact same page as it was before, just in a different place. If you want to do an advanced search, click on the "Mods" button in the top nav and it will take you to the advanced search page (or the "Browse all mods" link within the "Mods" drop-down, but clicking "Mods" is quicker). You definitely don't need to do a fake search first to get to that page.

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In the new site design, would it be possible to add a feature so that you could access the advanced search function similar to how you could in the old design?
It seems like such a waste of time to enter something in the search then wait until the search fails to get to the search parameters. Why not have access to the different search parameters directly from the mod pages?



I'm confused, the advanced search is on the exact same page as it was before, just in a different place. If you want to do an advanced search, click on the "Mods" button in the top nav and it will take you to the advanced search page (or the "Browse all mods" link within the "Mods" drop-down, but clicking "Mods" is quicker). You definitely don't need to do a fake search first to get to that page.


If I click on the "Mods" button, it takes me to a page with thumbnails of 18,453 mods on 923 pages. I don't see anywhere you can search by "description contains", "title contains', etc. as was available on the old format.


"Browse all mods' takes me to the same page.


I did find the advance search by clicking on the down button in "Refine results". This was just by "I wonder what's under here?"


The process is click on the "Mods" button, then click on the "Refine results" down button to get to the advance search. This is an improvement when before you only had to click on "Advance search"?


On the nexus side, you do have direct access to the advance search. Would it really be that hard to implement it on the mods side?

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Adding another comment, I've become a HUGE fan of the interface to look at Mod and User Screenshots on the individual mod pages.
It's nice to have the entire row of clickable screenshots along the bottom of the screen while I can look through them using the left and right arrows and mousewheel.
Much more efficient than the old layout

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I must say the "upload a mod" system on Nexus really sucks IMO, because I can't figure it out how to complete the upload wizard since I am stuck with an error saying that I cannot have this or that filename bla bla. :wallbash:


I thought to upload my first Skyrim mod here and this time it was the final version of my Skyrim Map Markers mod. After this struggle I had I say no thanks, I won't upload any mod on Nexus in the future. Period! :down:

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Can you give more details please, Leonardo?


What were you entering? On what page? What error were you getting?


We can't fix a possible bug if you don't give us more details!



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What's the thought process behind adding new mod sites, because I was thinking a new mod page for recently launched 'Dragon Ball FighterZ' would be an excellent addition to the Nexus Mods ecosystem. People have gotten quite a few mods successfully running on it recently.

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