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If you are being told your email address is already being used it means it's already being used by another username on this site. Basically, you have another account on Nexus Mods, and that's why it says your email is already in use.


You can only use your email address on one username, and as such, you need to login to the other account you've made which is using your email address, change your email address on that account to something else, and then login to your main account and change it to that email address.

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I have tried to find another account I might have had and the only other user name I used was years ago and it was magster. I have no idea what I might have used as a password that many years ago. I have used feetoes for many years and used the same suddenlink email address for years. So I have no idea how to fix this myself. If I cancel my account and try to register another on it will just tell me that my email address is already in use so that is not a fix. I would think that it could be fixed on your end but if not, I guess I will just have to live with the orange box on top when I go to the mod section. Thanks for the reply.

Edited by feetoes
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@feetoes; Please submit a support ticket using the "Contact Us" link found at the bottom of the page. There, you can include the full email addresses and usernames that might might be involved. Explain the situation and let the Admins sort things out.

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Did that. Several times and never got any response from anyone. But I will try one more time and if I don't get any response I will, as I said, just live with the orange notice at the top of the mod pages. I really don't know what else to do. I only ever used 2 email addresses and 2 user names. Shouldn't be that hard to sort out.

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If you can't remember your username/password then use the "forgotten password" system that is linked to when you try and login. It uses your email address, so simply enter the email address and it will tell you your username and password.

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I'm having trouble accessing any nexusmods.com hosted page from my computer. This is the output I get: "This page isn’t working. www.nexusmods.com is currently unable to handle this request."


I've tried rebooting, tried two different browsers (firefox and opera). I have a second computer beside me that is able to access normally, with the same user name, so it's not an IP issue I suppose.


I can also access the forum without issues. Can you help me troubleshoot this? Thanks!

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I'm having trouble accessing any nexusmods.com hosted page from my computer. This is the output I get: "This page isn’t working. www.nexusmods.com is currently unable to handle this request."


I've tried rebooting, tried two different browsers (firefox and opera). I have a second computer beside me that is able to access normally, with the same user name, so it's not an IP issue I suppose.


I can also access the forum without issues. Can you help me troubleshoot this? Thanks!


Possible issues could be ISP blacklist, port settings, or something as simple as if you are using a proxy or VPN (which is more likely, as this has caused issues for me in the past).

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Hi, I feel like I'm missing something obvious here but I don't know.


How I track my own comments on a mod page? I don't even receive a notification when someone replied my post in a mod page. Because I used to leave a comment on many mods page and sometimes I lost track on which mod I left a comment. So I had to manually remember which mod I recently leave a comment to check whether if there is a new reply.


Thanks in advance.

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Hi, I feel like I'm missing something obvious here but I don't know.


How I track my own comments on a mod page? I don't even receive a notification when someone replied my post in a mod page. Because I used to leave a comment on many mods page and sometimes I lost track on which mod I left a comment. So I had to manually remember which mod I recently leave a comment to check whether if there is a new reply.


Thanks in advance.


If you go to your forum profile and click on "Find content" on the right, you'll be able to see your own posting history, either all topics you replied to or all individual posts you wrote. There's a limit on the number of results shown, or the time you can go back, that's why it says "search limited from" behind the number of results, but your's goes back to almost the time when you joined, so it should be what you're searching for.


If you do need older results, you can also do an advanced search using "Find author" and "Find by date", where you still cannot cover all results in one go, but you can select a smaller window (date from - to) and just slide it back until the very first time you posted. (If a specific year cannot be chosen, due to the limit of the pulldown, first select the oldest year available, then you can open the pulldown again and go back further.)

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I see. So nexus profile and forum profile are kinda "different". I find it weird that I can't track my own posts in nexus profile. But yeah, I found all my posts on forum profile. Thanks!



While we're at it. I found there's also notification options which was turned all off by default.

Looks like I've already get a grasp of how nexus works :)

Edited by TheoAllen
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