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Some feedback and a suggestion here, I've been saving them up: :)


1. Suggestion first: Allow uploading of HTML readme files. I've spent most of my modding life writing .txt readmes, simply because they look the same on all machines and you can upload them here to be read online. However, there's a limit to how well you can convey complex information through them, and I've recently reached it. I dabbled in .RTF and .DOC, but was sorely disappointed by the lack of conformity even across different applications as to how the files were rendered (open an RTF in Wordpad and Word and Writer and they look pretty different, and spacing gets screwed up, etc.). I'm not going to put effort into formatting if it isn't consistent, and I need good formatting to make my readmes good, so I gave up on those.


I then decided to switch to HTML, which provided all the formatting options I could ask for, and is pretty darn consistent across web browsers, with only a handful of tags not universally supported in the same way, none of which I've ever used. Including CSS in the head of my file gives me heaps of flexibility, and I can do all sorts of useful things like including hyperlinks and nice lists, etc. Unfortunately, I can no longer upload my readme to be read online here, as you only accept TXT files. Could you please, please add support for HTML files too? That would provide an opportunity for those wanting to upload formatted readmes to do so, which would cut down on modders' support overhead answering questions that are already answered in the readme, but hard to find in all that plain text.


2. Feedback: OK, I'm going to admit I am bias here, but when I'm checking out my file entries, and I see someone has given me a 'thumbs down' "I won't endorse this file", I click to see what the reason was. I don't mind if it was because of a conflict, or if they couldn't get it to work (though 90% of the time it's user error, I do realise my mods do have bugs that I later fix), as that's stuff I can work on improving, but what really hacks me off (to put it mildly) is when the reason is:


The file did not fit in to the user's personal tastes or beliefs, etc.


What the heck does that mean? Why does that option exist? If a user is offended by a file, they shouldn't download it. It's not as if no description is given, and nobody downloads files without descriptions anyway. If they don't like the look of it, they shouldn't download, just so they can complain. This is the Internet, where most of the stuff on it is something that doesn't conform to your tastes or beliefs, but somehow most of us struggle on because we ignore it.


My point is, this option doesn't provide any useful information to modders or users, and only serves as a petulant child's way of marking down mods which have no fault. Why are files marked down if there is nothing wrong with them? The fault does not lie with the file for going against an unknown user's, who the author could not know about, tastes or beliefs. It's because of the user, not the file, that the file was not appreciated.


I could go on to say that I don't think there should be any negative endorsements at all, because they are permanent, whereas the problems that cause them are most likely not. This gives a skewed picture to potential users, for example:


A well known WIP mod is released at version 1.0. 500 people download it, but find it to have game-breaking bugs. The author is surprised, as they tested it thoroughly, but then quickly checks and finds that the CS screwed up some part of the mod (as it does) when he made a small edit just before release. Within a day, the author releases 1.1, which fixes all those issues. Unfortunately, because the 500 downloads already negatively endorsed it, they can't re-endorse it positively (apologies if you can, I've never negatively endorsed a file, and I'm not about to). Even if they can, some will forget, and this will lead other people looking at the mod to see negative endorsements where they are no longer applicable - the issues causing them have ceased to exist. This will scare some of these potential users away, who will miss out on a great mod.


Now, I know you can click on the 'thumbs down' icon which will give version details, but casual browsers may not do that, and in any case it doesn't give enough info IMHO. The page gives the numbers of user who gave each type of negative endorsement, but only in total, before it then lists the users, and the file version. I'd much rather see those users given anonymity and have a type breakdown for each version that has negative endorsements. An example, taken from my Weather - All Natural page:


Currently, it's:


1 The file did not fit in to the user's personal tastes or beliefs, etc.


8 The user couldn't get the file to work


3 The file caused conflicts with the game or other popular files




Users who provided feedback

Faustuss (File version: 0.9.4)

whiteruby (File version: 0.9.4)

xBlubli (File version: 0.9.4)

Captainfoxx (File version: 0.9.6)

kuroftw (File version: 0.9.7)

l0lh4xx (File version: 0.9.8)

doombuggie41 (File version: 0.9.8)

wllllll (File version: 0.9.9)

mertbash (File version: 0.9.9)

evenstargw (File version: 0.9.9)

tomo1985 (File version:

EselP (File version:

(smilies seem to be caused by the formatting, it's actually 0.9.8 )


I'd rather see something like (numbers are made up, since I don't know):


For version


1 The user couldn't get the file to work

1 The file caused conflicts with the game or other popular files


For version 0.9.9:


1 The file did not fit in to the user's personal tastes or beliefs, etc.

2 The user couldn't get the file to work


For version 0.9.8:


2 The user couldn't get the file to work


For version 0.9.7:


1 The file caused conflicts with the game or other popular files


and so on for the rest of the negatively endorsed versions...


I see no reason why usernames are given - all that tells me as a modder is that one of those usernames is the idiot responsible for the "1 The file did not fit in to the user's personal tastes or beliefs, etc.". All that might lead to is a campain of petty revenge (not me personally, but there are no doubt less forgiving authors). If you're going to have people marking files down, then at least let them do it without attracting any attention...


I think that's all I had to report for now. I hope you'll take my points into consideration, thanks for reading. :)


EDIT: Oh, and thank you for adding the ability to edit readmes of mods you have access to, but aren't the entry creator of, that was the last thing I requested. :)

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1. Probably not ever going to happen. Allowing ANYONE to upload an HTML file that can be viewed directly from this site is asking for hackers to abuse the system and trash your computer...all from the safety of a trusted site like the Nexus.


2. Those options are there so you can identify who to ignore. The ONLY way to avoid drive-by-idiots is to do like AlienSlof does and disable ratings and comments. I don't have a problem with drive-by-idiots...I tend to educate them since the vast majority are new members that probably haven't downloaded 5 mods yet or have ever seen the Oblivion Mods FAQ or similar nuggets of information. I value the comments left by those that explain what they liked and disliked and I also realize that when I look at other mods I might like, the thumbs down votes that say "this mod does not work" when plenty of others say the mod is functional lets me know all I need to know.



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1. Probably not ever going to happen. Allowing ANYONE to upload an HTML file that can be viewed directly from this site is asking for hackers to abuse the system and trash your computer...all from the safety of a trusted site like the Nexus.


2. Those options are there so you can identify who to ignore. The ONLY way to avoid drive-by-idiots is to do like AlienSlof does and disable ratings and comments. I don't have a problem with drive-by-idiots...I tend to educate them since the vast majority are new members that probably haven't downloaded 5 mods yet or have ever seen the Oblivion Mods FAQ or similar nuggets of information. I value the comments left by those that explain what they liked and disliked and I also realize that when I look at other mods I might like, the thumbs down votes that say "this mod does not work" when plenty of others say the mod is functional lets me know all I need to know.





1. Oh, I'd forgotten about the security issue, I suppose I can always upload a separate zipped readme though.


2. Well, that explains why names are given, but I never said I didn't value negative feedback, I just said that one option was unnecessary, serving no purpose but to give the drive-by-idiots an option to use. What about my idea regarding versioned negative feedback display, I think that could be quite useful for everybody, you can keep the names, so something like:


For version


alice couldn't get the file to work

john found the file caused conflicts with the game or other popular files


For version 0.9.9:


The file did not fit in to joebloggs personal tastes or beliefs, etc.

bob couldn't get the file to work

amy couldn't get the file to work


For version 0.9.8:


peter couldn't get the file to work

tim couldn't get the file to work


For version 0.9.7:


lizzie found the file caused conflicts with the game or other popular files


and so on for the rest of the negatively endorsed versions...


Thanks for the reply.

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Could there be a filter of some sorts that blocks any HTML ReadMe's with suspicious tags (<script>, <iframe> etc.)? Though that'd require some additional coding, I suppose.


It's probably easier to just upload your ReadMe somewhere else and put a link on the file page.

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First off to any of you who mod "KUDOS" some of the mods i've seen are a hoot and add real challange to the game without losing cannon, flavor or feel!


Well i avoid most forums for games as in my experiance of being an older gamer it was more hassle than it was worth with people so full of them selves, but i feel times and people change and this is for a common community with like minded goals to improve the fallout gaming experiance for all. Now "Gasp" back in the days of Avalon Hill from tactics to advanced Squad Leader , Yaquinto's iron clads , and "Wheeze" a atari 400 where i played ultima which rocked! i've awaited a game like fallout 3 which is the first 1st person shooter thats gotten my attention for more than a few months so i have ideas for mods but find the geck a bit daunting is there any that can help a "Cough" aged gaming veteran find his inner child to contribute to a game that has brought tons of enjoyment to so many?


I'd like to start easy and learn how to trade with NPC's like you can with followers a wasteland santa so to speak give weapons armor and ammo to people other than followers like in big town for example for karma etc add new members that come in from the wates and lamplight and learn how to create Repeting events like super mutant/ raider/ slaver/ enclave/ talon merc's raids on settlements such as megaton arafu and bigtown and rivit city like repoplulating of the many spots in the wastes, i don't want to change cannon invent super weapons or change the feel just make it challanging for higher lever toons, like heavier populations for weaton and fort bannister to refelect the amount of soliders in the field they have hunting you and all over add more soldiers to hit squads as you survive time and time again. like i said i don't want to change cannon, but enhance the feel and flavor to reflect a toon as it matures. i have alot of ideas and would really like just a nudge or helping hand from one of the more experianced modders.



my thanks once again for those that can for i have found many mods that bring enjoyment and new wonder to my favorite game. leave me a message if you wish and e-mails/facebook can be exchanged to make communication easier, with the economy in the crapper i seem to have more time on my hands

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I very mush see where WrinklyNinja is coming from in terms of negative endorsements... to be honest, I find them pretty redundant.


As time progresses, the Nexus changes here and there, oftentimes very much for the better. Before the endorsement system, rating mods consisted of a 1 to 10 rating. The admin realized that having such options essentially meant that anything less than a 10 will always end up hurting the mod's score, and that a simple thumb-up method would be a lot more efficient. They were right.


For the sake of diversity of opinion, a thumb-down system was implemented as well. It did not hurt the total score, but instead served as a means for other viewers to see that, in the event that someone had something against the file, they would be able to check why. And also gauge how many folks as a whole had issues.


That all being said, I find the system still a bit lacking...


Here we go:


http://www.tesnexus.com/images/icons/thumb_down.png I couldn't get the file to work

It's either because A: you can't read directions, B: you did it wrong on account of noobiness, or C: there is something actually wrong with it, in which case actual feedback is a heckuvalot more useful than clicking a bubble. Either way, most of the time it is not the modder's fault, and thus an unnecessary negative rating.


http://www.tesnexus.com/images/icons/thumb_down.png the file didn't do what the description implied

A rare one. Usually a misunderstanding. Either way, again, feedback is a lot more helpful to the uploader than a big red thumb.


http://www.tesnexus.com/images/icons/thumb_down.png there were important files missing (animations, textures, etc.) that meant the file didn't work properly

That is something that is very important to notify the modder about. Again, a red thumb isn't going to tell them what's missing or why.


http://www.tesnexus.com/images/icons/thumb_down.png the file caused conflicts with the game or other popular files

This is inevitable, and I don't think it's something that can be considered negative feedback.


http://www.tesnexus.com/images/icons/thumb_down.png the file did not meet my high quality standards

http://www.tesnexus.com/images/icons/thumb_down.png after playing the file it doesn't fit in to my personal tastes or beliefs, etc.

These are both essentially crap and a matter of the user's personal opinion, which is quite subjective. A big red thumb however, is not very subjective at all. If the mod lacks quality, constructive criticism is better than a smack in the face like that. If it doesn't fit the user's personal taste, then they probably shouldn't have downloaded it to begin with.


If I had a choice, I would get rid of the negative system altogether, since it doesn't effect the mod's overall rating anyway. Most of the time a nice suggestion goes a lot further than a big, glaring red thumb anyway.


But since we love diversity, in the event that the negative thumbs have to stay, at least force them to leave a comment as to why. And maybe, just maybe get rid of the last two. Maybe rename "the file did not meet my high quality standards" to "the file contains low quality material."


Forcing a comment both helps the modder learn from their mistakes and helps fish out the idiots who have a problem keeping their biased opinions to themselves. I'm all for opinions, but there's a big difference between constructive criticism and just sounding like an idiot.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This may seem silly but I'll put it here instead of a new topic.


So I'm on the nexus a lot, doing all kinds of things on a regular basis lately and I noticed on my Activity points that my Totals and Level are not matching up, according to the Level - AP required.


I'm losing XP Levels here LOL!?!


Anyhow love the forums and the Nexus! Great job overall!!



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These are both essentially crap and a matter of the user's personal opinion, which is quite subjective. A big red thumb however, is not very subjective at all. If the mod lacks quality, constructive criticism is better than a smack in the face like that. If it doesn't fit the user's personal taste, then they probably shouldn't have downloaded it to begin with.

Gotta agree with Eiries on this part. When I see that on a mod I'm checking out, I ignore the thumbs down as to whether I test it or not because it is completely subjective and I wonder if peeps just download just for the sake of a thumbs down rating, WITHOUT even trying it in their game and only because they feel offended by the mod. Yeah these two ratings hold no bearing to my decisions at all.

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If this has been reported before elsewhere, then please excuse me.


I and some of my friends here have a problem with some friends not showing on their friend list on their profile page.

This is not a cause of worry, but it would be nice if they appeared so that others may see them as well.

Is this something that can be fixed, or is this something that has already been reported and is being looked into?


Thanks in advance.



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Suggestion related to tags:


If a user has already disagreed with a pending tag would it be possible to show it in the same way as a tag the user has voted on (which is still pending).

Ie. remove the possibility to click the red X symbol on disagreed tags like the green check symbol is removed on agreed tags.



Another suggestion:


"Updates recently" doesn't use the users timezone setting and also doesn't have the filter options like "updates today" has. Would these be possible to fix/add.





There is no "Go back" possibility available on the page when the user suggests tags. The back button of the browser of course works, but it would be nice to be able to get directly back to te tags page you were on.

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