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Is Modding Skyrim Now Playing Skyrim?


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Steam says I've played Skyrim around 2,000 hours now - egad! But in my NOOB days I let the game run for 30 days to reset cells all the time... so it was running for hours without me playing... lol.

the Steam counter is broken when you mod the game. you may have played far more or less then what Steam claims.

What is this about the hour counter broken on Steam when modding the game? It may not track the actual time spent playing vs testing, but it does track the time spent in the game. My 2481 hours is rather accurate for a couple full runs through the game, a whole bunch of testing mods that I've made, resolving various issues with mods I wanted to use and restarting due to official patches and/or mod updates. I will grant that it does round up or down because it only shows hours. That, however, is not enough to claim inaccuracy.

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Steam says I've played Skyrim around 2,000 hours now - egad! But in my NOOB days I let the game run for 30 days to reset cells all the time... so it was running for hours without me playing... lol.

the Steam counter is broken when you mod the game. you may have played far more or less then what Steam claims.

What is this about the hour counter broken on Steam when modding the game? It may not track the actual time spent playing vs testing, but it does track the time spent in the game. My 2481 hours is rather accurate for a couple full runs through the game, a whole bunch of testing mods that I've made, resolving various issues with mods I wanted to use and restarting due to official patches and/or mod updates. I will grant that it does round up or down because it only shows hours. That, however, is not enough to claim inaccuracy.


it gives me two different times for duration of gameplay and rarely changes after my game sessions. i assumed this was normal...

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I also just restarted my Skyrim Experience. After installing S.T.E.P. Extended, some S.T.E.P. Packs and a small selection of my favorite mods I am now about 10 Hours into the game. I try to avoid fast travel and enjoy the scenery. After all the hours I put into modding I don't want to rush through the game. Will be my first time to play both Dragonborn and Dawnguard DLC.


Regarding Your Post-Title I must say, that it felt exactly that way before. I couldn't play very long in the past until I would just TAB out of the game and browse the nexus for stuff I wanted in the game. Back then I definetly spent way more time modding the game, than actually playing the game.


With my current build that is different. I am tweaking minor things here and there, but overall I really enjoy my gaming experience so far.


That beeing said, I am eager and a little bit scared for the "Skyrim: Special Edition". I hope that PCs can make the most of the 64bit Engine.


All the Best to You!

yup - sounds like me now. I spent the last week or so fine tuning my mod list and making some tough decisions for perf/script lag reasons ... got it down to my final cut and am now determined to leave it alone and do the same as you: take my time and enjoy the scenery (though wtih the AI stuff I've got it's also much more challenging... so that's good too). Hopefully the 64 bit edition will enable even better mods seeing as we won't be getting a new Elder Scrolls game for quite some time! Cheers!

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About Steam it only tracks your game play while it online, so off line usage doesn't count. Problem Solved. More Newbie Stuff......



these posts are one of those don't hate me moments, I'm only having some fun, while contributing to collective wisdom.

Edited by PeterMartyr
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About Steam it only tracks your game play while it online, so off line usage doesn't count. Problem Solved. More Newbie Stuff......



these posts are one of those don't hate me moments, I'm only having some fun, while contributing to collective wisdom.

you're cool. that makes sense i guess.

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After a six month hiatus or so I started a new Skyrim build last week on a new gaming PC . Now nearly 10 days later, I've finally settled on a build I actually plan to play through - a Dragonborn Gallery focused completionist build with 255 mods exactly. I had several false starts where things seemed fine and then fell apart around level 18 or so... the funny thing is I don't seem to mind needing to start over - it's almost become part of the "fun" for me and modding - pushing the game to its limits - has become the "game". Anyone else?


I do admit, though, I'm getting real sick of clearing Bleak Falls Barrow!


I actually axed mods like Frostfall, Wet and Cold, and Real Shelter for this build as they are just incredibly taxing and I wanted to use some different heavily scripted mods for a change. I'm currently set and at level 10 on a new character and don't intend on messing with the game now - if I can manage that I'll be surprised.


Steam says I've played Skyrim around 2,000 hours now - egad! But in my NOOB days I let the game run for 30 days to reset cells all the time... so it was running for hours without me playing... lol.


What hour count are you all at?


Question: When The remastered version comes out will it auto update on Steam and hose my build?




Im around 2000 hours as well between multiple accounts.


Many many people spend as much if not more time modding than playing. Its addicting.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I know this is (almost) necroing (being a three week old thread) but I couldn't resist.


I'm curious as to what "stages" everyone has gone through with their modding. Mine has been:


Stage 1: "Testing the waters." Adding a few basic, simple mods and admiring the results (then getting eaten by a Troll because I was distracted.)

Stage 2: "The Top 100." Finding the "Highest Rated" filter on Nexus Mods and downloading them. (Then spending several days trying to figure out why I would CTD at the load screen 'cause I was a total noob at modding.)

Stage 3: "DOWNLOAD ALL THE MODZ!" Adding every mod that caught my eye, even if I didn't really need it. (Until my Skyrim install rolled over and said: "blaaarggghhh...." -or something to that effect.)

Stage 4: "Starting over with a sensible mod list." Re-installing Skyrim and starting a new game with a fresh mod list based on what I really needed/wanted. (Sorry HD rugs, I needed that plug-in...)

Stage 5: "Vanilla." Tried vanilla Skyrim just out of curiosity. (BLECH! Back to stage 4, immediately!)

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After a six month hiatus or so I started a new Skyrim build last week on a new gaming PC . Now nearly 10 days later, I've finally settled on a build I actually plan to play through - a Dragonborn Gallery focused completionist build with 255 mods exactly. I had several false starts where things seemed fine and then fell apart around level 18 or so... the funny thing is I don't seem to mind needing to start over - it's almost become part of the "fun" for me and modding - pushing the game to its limits - has become the "game". Anyone else?


I do admit, though, I'm getting real sick of clearing Bleak Falls Barrow!


I actually axed mods like Frostfall, Wet and Cold, and Real Shelter for this build as they are just incredibly taxing and I wanted to use some different heavily scripted mods for a change. I'm currently set and at level 10 on a new character and don't intend on messing with the game now - if I can manage that I'll be surprised.


Steam says I've played Skyrim around 2,000 hours now - egad! But in my NOOB days I let the game run for 30 days to reset cells all the time... so it was running for hours without me playing... lol.


What hour count are you all at?


Question: When The remastered version comes out will it auto update on Steam and hose my build?




Modding Skyrim for me has always been as important as actually playing the game. That went for Morrowind, Oblivion, FO3 and New Vegas also. For Skyrim I have about 1,900 hours logged. My current heavily modded game, 247 plugins + several of those are Merged, I have 450 hours/ Level 45 played and my game is nice and stable. It's a great feeling getting a stable heavily modded game going on. Currently enjoying playing Solstheim and the Dragonborn DLC.


Most important for me is always keeping a handful of saves backed up, just in case I need to roll back to a previous save. Because even with a stable mod load, and not changing any mods, saves can become corrupted. And a game will not load no matter what on that corrupted save. So I roll back and I'm good to go. And I don't like to rely on BOSS or LOOT for an end all, be all of how my plugins are sorted. I use them as a base, and then move some plugins around as needed to get them working properly.


I now use meh321's Crash Fixes skse plugin, mainly for the UseOSAllocators=1. That setting has drastically improved load times on saves and interior/exterior transitions. Also, switching to Mod Organizer for this modding playthrough has been great. Hopefully Tannin working with Nexus will result in another excellent Mod Manager.


I still have some mod content to play, such as Wyrmstooth and Forgotten City. Played quite a bit of Forgotten City, but did not finish it. I enjoyed it, so I will definitely go back and complete it's main quest.


It's just an amazing modding community for these Elder Scrolls and Fallout games! :thumbsup:

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I just cracked 1900 hours myself. I generally don't run with a huge selection of mods (usually about 40 - 50), mostly graphics/armor/clothes/magic mods. I'm thinking about trying one of the overhaul mods. I tried Requiem in the past, and found it to be over the top in terms of difficulty. I'm eyeing PerMa or SkyRe at the moment, but it looks like it's not a simple drop in mod. Are any of you considering an overhaul after so many hours of Skyrim?


I actually still have some vanilla saves from 2011 that I may try using with SSE. Does anyone know if they fixed the distant texture pop-in? I considered bumping up uGrids, but didn't feel like bugging out my game.

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