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Big changes for the Nexus Mod Manager and the introduction of Tannin42, our new head of NMM development


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In response to post #43495605.

Thorne67 wrote: NMM has been working fine. If the SE version of Skyrim doesn't support BSAs then there's gonna be a problems with mods like Falskaar with over 19000 files in it. Hopefully they just update the engine so SKSE and SkyUI will continue to work. I've never had much luck using Mod Manager. Too complicated for a 90 plus year old but I doubt I'll be around long enough to enjoy the newer games you younguns will get to see. As for everything I've put up I will be returning my login to my grandson with the hopes that he will continue to enjoy the game.

Awwwww :( You'll be with us well into your hundreds. I'm sure of it :)
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Thankyou so much for this Nexus Mods!


If by chance you read this, please please dont forget about the UX (User interface) of the Mod. UX design is such an over looked aspect of these great tools, and can really make the difference!

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In response to post #43495605. #43503455 is also a reply to the same post.

Thorne67 wrote: NMM has been working fine. If the SE version of Skyrim doesn't support BSAs then there's gonna be a problems with mods like Falskaar with over 19000 files in it. Hopefully they just update the engine so SKSE and SkyUI will continue to work. I've never had much luck using Mod Manager. Too complicated for a 90 plus year old but I doubt I'll be around long enough to enjoy the newer games you younguns will get to see. As for everything I've put up I will be returning my login to my grandson with the hopes that he will continue to enjoy the game.
Syozan wrote: Awwwww :( You'll be with us well into your hundreds. I'm sure of it :)

Thanks for the optimism but pops has been in Intensive Care for the last...well... technically a year now. When I got here to his property some of his animals had already died from starvation and the rest were in bad shape. I just didn't have the heart to tell him. He was born in Feb of 1924 and went thru the great depression and a few wars. He loves Skyrim and all the elder scrolls but Skyrim the most probably because I was able to merge all the awesome landscape features from WM Flora, Tamriel reloaded, Unique Grasses and the latest realistic ground flower mods. I do hope his most latest mod maker sticks around. I believe he's called Ren. Anyhow. It's 0530am so I have to feed the critters and get ready to head to town to get hay and chikken feed. Blessings to EVERYONE in the community who have supported the old man and kept his hopes alive for a more beautiful future for mankind.
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In response to post #43495605. #43503455, #43515360 are all replies on the same post.

Thorne67 wrote: NMM has been working fine. If the SE version of Skyrim doesn't support BSAs then there's gonna be a problems with mods like Falskaar with over 19000 files in it. Hopefully they just update the engine so SKSE and SkyUI will continue to work. I've never had much luck using Mod Manager. Too complicated for a 90 plus year old but I doubt I'll be around long enough to enjoy the newer games you younguns will get to see. As for everything I've put up I will be returning my login to my grandson with the hopes that he will continue to enjoy the game.
Syozan wrote: Awwwww :( You'll be with us well into your hundreds. I'm sure of it :)
Thorne67 wrote: Thanks for the optimism but pops has been in Intensive Care for the last...well... technically a year now. When I got here to his property some of his animals had already died from starvation and the rest were in bad shape. I just didn't have the heart to tell him. He was born in Feb of 1924 and went thru the great depression and a few wars. He loves Skyrim and all the elder scrolls but Skyrim the most probably because I was able to merge all the awesome landscape features from WM Flora, Tamriel reloaded, Unique Grasses and the latest realistic ground flower mods. I do hope his most latest mod maker sticks around. I believe he's called Ren. Anyhow. It's 0530am so I have to feed the critters and get ready to head to town to get hay and chikken feed. Blessings to EVERYONE in the community who have supported the old man and kept his hopes alive for a more beautiful future for mankind.


Yea, he makes some awesome flora, however, I couldn't find Renthal's flora mods here on the Nexus, after noticing from the Skyrim SE trailer that the Ivy, Mushrooms, Ferns and Flowers looked EXACTLY like Renthal113's work.
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Well when I got FNV I fell in love with modding. Used a few different mod tools, but Nexus is my favorite. I'm sure whatever you guys come up with will be amazing. I plan to become a supporter soon. I love this site and everything it does. Thanks for all your hard work and all the people who mod who release amazing features for a game. I would've have gotten bored with a lot of these games had it not been for this site. Can't wait to see the amazing tool released. I have a feeling this site will stay around for a long while and will only grow. :) Still can't believe the things people come up with. People can do some amazing things. Good luck!
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I like the way this sounds, but I am wondering if the virtual file system, which is one of the main features I love about MO will be incorporated into this new monster you guys are creating. Being able to create an insane mod-list and not having to completely reinstall the game if you screw it up was the main reason I chose to use MO with FO3, NV, and Skyrim. I never tried MO or NMM with Oblivion as I prefer Wrye Bash for that game. However, I was recently bitten by the nostalgia bug and started a new Oblivion character a few weeks ago and might see how it works out soon.
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