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Big changes for the Nexus Mod Manager and the introduction of Tannin42, our new head of NMM development


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In response to post #43224730. #43229715, #43231195, #43231225, #43234520, #43237900, #43238095, #43248580, #43248780, #43256345, #43256845, #43258870, #43261500, #43262515, #43262825, #43264055, #43264355, #43265250, #43265975, #43266150, #43268550, #43270650, #43271300, #43272015, #43274835, #43277400, #43278605, #43280025, #43280880, #43282555, #43282860, #43285205, #43285500, #43287370, #43287415, #43287810, #43288780, #43290720, #43298850, #43302560, #43303655, #43304280, #43310115, #43317010, #43317290, #43321865, #43326160, #43327095, #43328050, #43332835, #43333505, #43335900, #43335995, #43337610, #43350150, #43357530, #43359750, #43361805, #43375105, #43376065, #43407185, #43408950, #43409325, #43430105, #43433150, #43441775 are all replies on the same post.

fgambler wrote: What will be the name of the new app? NMO (Nexus Mod Organizer)? :D
Tannin42 wrote: Suggestions are welcome... :D
GuardianAngel42 wrote: NNMM: New Nexus Mod Manager.
renthal311 wrote: hahaha Fgambler, I'm with tears in his eyes :D :D
pStyl3 wrote: NexMO = Nexus Mod Organizer
HadToRegister wrote: I like what someone previously suggested but without the 'x'

NeMO = Nexus Mod Organizer
Thallassa wrote: I think NeMO is the best one I've heard, but I'm still partial to "NOMM" (not quite sure how that acronym works out but it's cute).
fgambler wrote: NeMO kinda sounds nice but not so serious, it's a name either attached to a fish or a nintendo 8-bit game :P
HadToRegister wrote: I was thinking of a famous Submarine Captain from a book by Jules Verne ;)
FreeWare wrote: How about NMM v2.0? Or 1.0 could work too. The name doesn't really need to change, it's already as good as it can be.
spartanops101 wrote: NMUMMMO - Nexus Mod's Ultimate Mod Manager and Mod Organiser
}{ellKnight wrote: Voting for NeMO.

Optionally include images of sushi.
Warsadle wrote: NMO = Nexus Mod Organiser is a straight foreword combination of the names, okay.

NNMM = New Nexus Mod Manager, too many repeated letters in the acronym to be used as a short hand name.

NexMO = Nexus Mod Organiser, good name and it rolls of the tong easy.

NeMO = Nexus Mod Organiser, also a good name, and the acronym is good.

NOMM = Up to readers interpretation of how the acronym works, mine would be
Nexus Organising Mod Manager, funny name though!

What I would use?

Mod Library Organiser (MLO (pronunciation: EM-Low))
hex77x wrote: Gaming Extras Tool Designed As Totally Awesome Stuff Stuffer.
KeltecRFB wrote: I like NOMM, NexMO, NMO, or NEXT (no acronym, simply means the NEXT Nexus Mod Manager).
northtreker wrote: Nemo could also reference Ulysses (Odysseus) calling himself Nemo - nobody (Outis) to fool the cyclops and show that the Gods had looked away from him in the Illiad.

It sounds like this new organizer has gone on a long journey to come home.
pedantic wrote: MOLE - Mod organiser legendary edition.

Edit: Avogadro Number, anyone? Not to mention burrowing :D
chrislm wrote: NUMM: Nexus Ultimate Mod Manager
HadToRegister wrote:


Edit: Avogadro Number, anyone? Not to mention burrowing

Not to be confused with Avocado's Number which shows the number of atoms in a guacamole
pedantic wrote: @HadToRegister

Lol - yeah. I was simply referring to the " chemistry " of the thing, plus a HUGE number! All encompassing. :D
KensaiTonada wrote: I'm Digging NeMO and NEXMO
wagonborn wrote: Nexus Mod Organizer seems fitting, and it can be read like "en-moe" when abbreviated to NMO, which I think is pretty snazzy
Poacher886 wrote: How about MODIT
CyniclyPink wrote: I'm liking NeMO and NexMO
GeneralNutt wrote: +NMO

But call it rotten fish, just as long as it's ready to handle what ever comes out on OCT28, as well as MO did!

Also, please please keep the virtual directories, that is a god send.
Rebel47 wrote: I can't currently think of any of my own that would befit such a tool that hasn't already been posted up here, so instead for now until my brain kicks in, I'm going to give a solid acronym for Thallassa's idea.

N.O.M.M = Nexus Official Mod Manager

Everytime I see NeMO though I think of a fish, I'm not sure I could take the mod manager seriously with a name like that :D
vimebox wrote: NEMO is the best name I think :)
MrJoseCuervo wrote: MONE

Mod Organizer NExus

Pronounced like "Money"

Because that's what your after right?
cerebii wrote: NeMO sounds great!

On another note, I'm really glad you're back working on a mod manager, Tannin, I honestly thought you'd found some unfixable bug with MO and quit!

Very excited for the future of the modding community!
Videmaster wrote: I Like HadToRegister's Idea of NeMO
frogsot wrote: Neo Nexus mod manager
Greywynd wrote: I'm liking NeMo. Easy to say - short and means something.

rkamiya wrote: how dropping off the "Mod" and the "Organizer" words, and just simply name it "The Nexus".
that would make it sound like a real nexus owned software. well, that's for my honest opinion about the name.

Thanks and more power on this new project of Nexus!
BlazeStryker wrote: GA42--

"This. Is. Survival of the fittest. This. Is. Do or Die..."

Sorry, saw your suggestion and thought of Eminem.

Could have been worse. I might have had a Crash Test Dummies flashback.
BlazeStryker wrote: Umm, no, Jose.

Look, Booze, Tannin's getting paid for his work. That's because it's work.

They aren't charging for the new Manager, so why are you being such a sow about this?
sgtjakku wrote: NeMo sounds great cause it reminds Captain Nemo of Jules Vernes' s "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea".
Varana wrote: NeMO.
Have a fishy stick!
ORRYX wrote: NeMO for Nexus Mods Organizer, because:

[1] It matches the "mods" in the website name: Nexusmods.com
[2] You could do this for the project address: www.NexusMods.com/Organizer (and to cover all the bases, www.NexusMods.com/NeMO)
[3] It sounds cool and rolls off the tongue easily.
[4] Jules Verne's Captain Nemo (Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea) is copyright free
[5] Did I say free!

We just need a logo contest now ( ???)
T-Mush-S wrote: MoXus ?
driepinter wrote: NeMO is the best suggestion I have heard, funny and easy to remember, and in the same time it's obvious that NeMO is the new name for both NMM and MO.
Alexxonder wrote: I'll be happy if they stay with NMM
SillySilverSongbook wrote: To convey the universality of the tool perhaps...
Nexus Universal Mod Organizer NUMO
Nexus Universal Mod Manager NUMM
Nexus Universal Mod Administrator NUMA

I am excited for the new tool, Congrats.
trogdar51dunce wrote: I am grateful to all of the contributors,to our modding community!thank goodness we have someone like tannin,who always has and continues ,to give to all of us,most generously.i await with patience the awesome new things that will arise to give us all,new opportunities to enjoy our excellent games.thanks dark one for the arena of potentialities wich you have made possible.hey all of you right now types,try to quit being so spoiled to instant gratifaction.be thankful for all of the thousands of hours of work that have been given to us gamers,mostly for free!thanks contributors!
xen0gen wrote: NeMO for me also. I love the Jules Verne vibe, it's quick and easy to say and fits well with an acronym for the site and both mod applications.
Saurinae wrote: I am throwing in another vote for NeMO. Nexus Mod Organizer. Nice, simple and easy to remember.
wPatriot wrote: Keeping up with the times, wouldn't something like Moddr be more appropriate? :P
otake333 wrote: NeMO sounds like a good name tbh
alt3rn1ty wrote: NeMO or NMO for Nexus Mod Organizer
Belkaland wrote: NMO or NeMO
ssuamier wrote: Mixing in my favourite TMM (TesModManager) I have some ideas:

TO(M)M - Tes Optimized (Mod) Manager

TMO - Tes Mod Organizer

TNMO - Tes Nexus Mod Organizer (I think this site was originally called like this ?)

TU(M)M - Tes Ultimate (Mod) Manager

THU'UM - Tes Hottest Ultimative Update Manager (better ideas ?)

MONTE - Mod Organizer's NexT Episode
Hollowoo12 wrote: I think NMO works just fine.
HadToRegister wrote: ...
starfis wrote: NMO or NEMO it will be after all Nexus Mod Organizer. The name worth bashing.
b6lph6gor6 wrote: I'd have to completely agree with ORRYX, NEMO is just perfect.
fgambler wrote: NeMO sounds too fishy, besides having well known brands attached to it. NOMM sounds like chomping.

I keep my opinion that Nexus Mod Organizer (NMO) is the best name. Short, carrying the site's name + utility of the app, and hopefully having the best of NMM and MO in a single software.
HadToRegister wrote: Problem with NMO if you pronounce each letter, you're one letter away from having it sound like

"Enemy", or "Enema", also, acronyms should be short and to the point, the shorter the better.

NeMO, two syllables, NMO, three syllables.

NexMod, could work
SanaRinomi wrote: Maybe NeF (Nexus Fusion).

As this will be the fusion between Nexus Mod Manager and Mod Organizer.
Plus, one of the definitions for nexus is "a central or focal point", And this new mod manager being the new all-in-one mod manager by mixing in both previouly said managers, this manager is going to be the focal point now (Basically, Nexus, ties in really well with this name). :D
Creagor wrote: ToGO Total Game Organizer
Jimmyflow wrote: As long as it has immersive in the name... (Immersive NeMO) or (NeMO Immersive)

Ape75 wrote: Nexus Mod Wrangler :)
ekzrated wrote: Yep. I vote for NeMO.

And I'm very exited to see what this will do with the next wave of games!

I think that TES are my favorite game series, and love the ability to mod them. Take note, game developers!
Augusta Calidia wrote: NeMO
777DAMAGE777 wrote: nice one hex77x
xrayy wrote: what about MOON = MOd Organizer Nexus or Mod Organizer On Nexus or long version MOONex? I think MO shoud be the the leading part/letters because it includes and stands for the new leading stellar :biggrin: technology
Battallboi wrote: NeMo? Like this?

Rubithen wrote: Brad.

Not an acronym.

Just Brad.

I'd join the NEMO bandwagon. It's spot on.
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In response to post #43495605. #43503455, #43515360, #43519130 are all replies on the same post.

Thorne67 wrote: NMM has been working fine. If the SE version of Skyrim doesn't support BSAs then there's gonna be a problems with mods like Falskaar with over 19000 files in it. Hopefully they just update the engine so SKSE and SkyUI will continue to work. I've never had much luck using Mod Manager. Too complicated for a 90 plus year old but I doubt I'll be around long enough to enjoy the newer games you younguns will get to see. As for everything I've put up I will be returning my login to my grandson with the hopes that he will continue to enjoy the game.
Syozan wrote: Awwwww :( You'll be with us well into your hundreds. I'm sure of it :)
Thorne67 wrote: Thanks for the optimism but pops has been in Intensive Care for the last...well... technically a year now. When I got here to his property some of his animals had already died from starvation and the rest were in bad shape. I just didn't have the heart to tell him. He was born in Feb of 1924 and went thru the great depression and a few wars. He loves Skyrim and all the elder scrolls but Skyrim the most probably because I was able to merge all the awesome landscape features from WM Flora, Tamriel reloaded, Unique Grasses and the latest realistic ground flower mods. I do hope his most latest mod maker sticks around. I believe he's called Ren. Anyhow. It's 0530am so I have to feed the critters and get ready to head to town to get hay and chikken feed. Blessings to EVERYONE in the community who have supported the old man and kept his hopes alive for a more beautiful future for mankind.
HadToRegister wrote: Renthal113?

Yea, he makes some awesome flora, however, I couldn't find Renthal's flora mods here on the Nexus, after noticing from the Skyrim SE trailer that the Ivy, Mushrooms, Ferns and Flowers looked EXACTLY like Renthal113's work.

90+ gamer... *gets up and starts an enthusiastic and joyful applause*
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+1 for NeMO & NMO


There are some fun suggestions, but I'd rather it be simple.

I am against the idea, of simply naming it NMM, as it will not be a continuation of that program, nor a merge using parts of the program.

A new program, built from the ground up, deserves a new name, and having it use both Nexus and Mod Organiser for the name, honors both of the programs, which we have used and loved.

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In response to post #43538185. #43544085, #43545310, #43548395 are all replies on the same post.

Kenjinshi wrote: Oh geez....

So basically when we end up being forced to change over to "Tannin" we will ALL have to RE-INSTALL every single teeny tiny microscopic stinkin' mods we've already installed to Fallout 4 or ANY of our games that we have used NMM for?!

This is the issue I freaked out about when I had to do this with Skyrim, I had basically fixed every mod error fixed with my mods being installed to Skyrim the way I had them and them all the sudden 1 day NMM decided to have a HEFTY update asking me to update to the "new way" it had with it's brand new "major changes" which included having to re-install ALL over again.

For this very reason, if you ARE going to make a BRAND NEW mod manager, make it 100000x easier to re-install mods without everything breaking or make it perfectly easy to IMPORT ALL of our information from NMM to Tannin so that it's not only compatible, but also usable as if nothing has changed in your game.

---- otherwise I'd just stay with NMM then.

Worst part about everything is if we don't switch from NMM to Tannin at some point in the future there will be a chance things will refuse to work correctly and then many of us will be caught in a crossroad of either giving up on modding our games or just never wanting to finish re-installing them altogether because if importing them from NMM to Tannin won't work in the future then neither 1 of those programs will be any good because NMM will be outdated & dead while Tannin will at some point work just fine, but the installation information is all screwed cause you've gotta deal with all the technical jump to re-activate & install all your mods again with ANOTHER brand new mod manager...

> _<
J.O.D. wrote: On the other hand - backwards compatibility, be it in mod managers or operating system, usually tripples the cost and developement time and still fails. So I would vote AGAINST your suggestion.
SillySilverSongbook wrote: Dude, wheres the appreciation?

Tannin didn't get paid for his efforts and here you are bustin' on him. As far as the NMM goes sometimes to take a step forward, you have to take a step (that seems like a step) back. I feel your frustration but this is also one of life's lessons. If your not enjoying it, put it down for a while and come back later when your heart is right.

It's a game.
scott5412 wrote: I honestly had a lot of difficulty with NMM. I'm using MO and I've had my first stable Skyrim run though since I got it on PC.

All things considered, I'm kind of excited. This is like the site reskin. I feel like the site and all of it's working parts are getting a facelift with the help of the modding community.

SillySilverSongbook, Basically I was just simply explaining the frustrations & issues we've ALL had over the years of modding through the issues I've had when mod managers constantly changes & update. You'd think BY NOW we should have found a much more refined & simpler way to mod, a way that gets us the mods we enjoy with less hassle when putting them in our game every time a mod manager decides to update or change.

J.O.D., Sounds to me jod, that if the mods & Creation Kit we are all using had a different code towards where only 1 mod manager could read them then yeah it'd be hell to use them on ANY other mod manager, no Jod, all I'm saying here is you can have the Old information from NMM be READ by TANNIN and still have the mods become imported to Tannin. The only difference between NMM & Tannin is that it is going to be a brand new program with new coding, the PROGRAM will have the new code to it, NOT THE MODS or the information on where or how our mods got installed to our game.

That's basic navigation information inside your own d*mn computer, except all they'll have to do is maybe even create a small separate backup maker for NMM that will allow Tannin to read the information easier/better so the new Tannin program knows which exact mods to re-download, where to re-downlod/re-install them from, & possible even which order to keep them all in. And that my good sir would also relieve the highest amounts of stress on almost everybody in the nexus altogether so that when the changes do happen & Tannin is out we can do so change with EASE, NOT STRESS. --- Hell I'd end up losing 100+ more hours on just re-uploading & re-installing mods if nobody wants an easier way to BACK UP your saves to be ready to put them into the new program coming out.
(O. o what's wrong with you people?!)

scott5412, Yeah actually I was actually thinking positive when I made my post after reading about a brand new program coming out, BUT I guess I was misunderstood for being negative because modding can be more tedious rather than easier & fun.

I just believe that modding, even in these days is somewhat new to some, but we're getting better at perfecting it and I just figured with so many people into modding these days we'd all be able to put our heads together in order to figure out a 100x better, easier, and sleeker way do modding in general.

I love every part about this change, except for the issues that will arise once everything is out for the new program & when NMM eventually dies out becoming outdated/worthless.

From what I've read in the forums it looked to me like everyone was getting tired of the tedious non-sense of having to redo every single little thing just after they got everything figured out with their mods & their games just because the manager program updated.

Yes I understand scott5412, that there are other programs out there & yes a good amount of you like J.O.D. will probably embrace the aggravation of doing a COMPLETE redo of your game & your mods, but I can't stand it nor will I give up on trying to get people to understand having ease of access to things we use or want to use all the time for games needs to be done better so we can PLAY them more rather than sit there MODDING them the entire time.

If we sit there modding all day, we're not exactly playing with the mods we've got we're just sitting there messing with the management programs rather than enjoying our mods to the fullest. Edited by Kenjinshi
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Personally, besides just adding the other games you support, like Stardew Valley for example, the ONLY thing, I have EVER asked for with the NMM, was simply the ability to tie mods that you've downloaded to your account. That way, you can just login, and your s#*&#33; starts downloading, and then it's all there, ready to go, no having to remember the 9 mile long list of mods you have, or having to make some ridiculous list for everything you've ever downloaded and might want back, or risk forgetting that ONE MOD you really liked, but can't remember it's name because you downloaded it like 5 months ago.
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In response to post #43490190.

matty3d wrote: First of all a very good move, I love Tannins42 MO.
The best solution in my humble opinion would be: Dump NMM where it´s belong to... into the garbage, and continue MO2 under the Label of Nexus.
After all you can´t build something good on a broken Foundation.
Looking forward to see, If you will succeed in - "convenient" aka "more advanced modders"
I personally never happened to see a piece of software which could close this gap. Good luck with your dream :)

I have Never had any Problems with NMM..It Logs me in Automatically when I Click on the Programme and On the Rare Occasions it Doesn't then I have Not had Any Problems..Most of my Mods are NOT Direct from Nexus,as my Previous Gaming PC Crashed after 14 Months,but I Managed to Download All Info to a SSD,then Transferred Back to New PC via USB Drives..Why ? Dump something into the Garbage,which Actually Works Fine..I am Concerned by the SE Edition as I Use Over 100 Mods on Skyrim and have Read that the Game May Work (or Not),so if I can get away with it,it won't be Installed..This New Mod Organiser Seems to be Very Good and am Looking Forward to Using it..Thought I was doing Well at Almost 70 years of Age (67 Actually) but Certainly won't get to my 90's..Noticed the Comments from "Electrodium" Lower Down,about not being Able to Log-in..Mine Reads as Off-Line Most of the Time,but never had any Problem with it..MODS Still Activate whether I am Logged IN or Not.....
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I love NEXUS, the site and the community. If not for the brilliant and generous modders sharing their creations with us, our gaming experience would be drab and Skyrim would be a ho-hum game and no longer relevant, except as an example of an out-dated open world.


FO3 was the first game that I modded with the help of NEXUS and especially FOMM.


I started using FOMM without reading any instructions other than the directions for installing the mod itself. It was intuitive and with some trial and error it did everything that I wanted from a mod manager, although it would have been nice if it recorded the install dates.


When I started playing Skyrim, I switched to NMM. That was easy and again no need to read or look at tutorials on YouTube; it was intuitive. I missed being able to add a mod from a folder, but that was a triviality. (Since I began modding FO3, I've installed well over a 1000 mods and typically use the maximum number allowed).


In the course of playing Skyrim, I reached a point when I had to rebuild my game. Discovered STEP, what a wonderful group, and decided to give MO a try. After spending a day with it, I gave up---it was not intuitive. I would try to make MO work for me 4 more times, but I could never get used to its demands or figure out how to mod Skyrim the way I had been able to with NMM.


This past April, I spent a week trying to make the latest MO work with FNIS and even contacted the MO site for help, there was none. I spent a day getting MO and the first 15 or so "STEP" mods running. but after adding FNIS to the executables, every other executable started FNIS. Couldn't play Skyrim, call up TES5Edit, CK, etc because only FNIS Tool would start. I'm sure that the MO elite would say either I did something wrong (spent 5 days trying to correct the problem) or the fault was with FNIS. For me the choice was easy, FNIS is far more important to my enjoyment of Skyrim than any mod manager. So went back to NMM and within 4 hours I was back playing Skyrim with the maximum number of mods (actually over 300 mods, clearly some were merged).


As great a concept MO is; its execution is not flawless. Also, I doubt that anyone could make MO work without putting more effort into figuring out how it works than is required to learn how to play the game they want to mod. It is not intuitive, not even close. Of course, if you use MO all the time then it becomes simple to use; and apparently many modders find it extremely useful for their efforts and we all benefit from that.


NMM was made worse when it tried to incorporate profiles, I only wish that I had not upgraded (Have gone back to 0.56.1). It became horribly slow adding or removing large mods and too often, it left behind unwanted files in your data folder.


So, is it even possible (or desirable) to make a mod manager that is all things to all people? I would be happy with a FOMM-like manager with some additions even if I had to install it for each game I played. For modders, maybe a MO-like manager is essential to make modding easier and better.


For most of us (and the Dark0ne's statistics bare this out) we just want to get into our "cars" and drive to the mall, without having to first fiddle with fuel injectors, timing, air intake, or know anything about how cars work to get there. Start the car, put it in gear and drive to the mall, oh, and have enough room for packages and friends.


Is it possible to have a simple, fast, reliable mod manager that can be souped up with modules that add features from MO, Wrye Bash and TESModManager? I'm not a programmer or a modder (as in creator of mods), but some people who are (you've all read their comments here) say such a chimera is unlikely to live up to anyone's expectations---either too simple for the hard core modders or too difficult for the "Sunday Drivers".


Best wishes to Tannin42 and his team in creating the new Nexus Mod Manager/Organizer or Morganizer. Frankly, I was at first concerned, because of my experience with MO, that he would be insensitive to gamers who aren't interested in all the "nuts and bolts" of a mod manager. However, he has written all the right things in this forum and if he can pull off making an easy, fast, reliable manager that also meets the needs of "high-octane" modders he is even more of a genius than his creation, MO, would suggest.


Since modders are the only reason NEXUS exists, then making a mod manager that helps them makes the most sense. So, have you surveyed modders and obtained their input?


PS. I also appreciate Bethesda for helping and allowing (encouraging?) their customers to mod their products. What other company does this? I play Borderlands and it seems to me that Gearbox has a policy of discouraging (preventing?) modding of their games. Just look at the number of mods for any game on Nexus and only Bethesda products have any significant number.


Edited by ThD17gj692
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ohhh OBMM. those were the days. Friends at school were so jealous that I could fly a frost drake in super cool Lich king armor carrying a buster sword. Couldnt have done half as much as i had done without it.


Best of luck with the new mod manager, it was a definite improvement over other 3rd party apps!

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In response to post #43538185. #43544085, #43545310, #43548395, #43560860 are all replies on the same post.

Kenjinshi wrote: Oh geez....

So basically when we end up being forced to change over to "Tannin" we will ALL have to RE-INSTALL every single teeny tiny microscopic stinkin' mods we've already installed to Fallout 4 or ANY of our games that we have used NMM for?!

This is the issue I freaked out about when I had to do this with Skyrim, I had basically fixed every mod error fixed with my mods being installed to Skyrim the way I had them and them all the sudden 1 day NMM decided to have a HEFTY update asking me to update to the "new way" it had with it's brand new "major changes" which included having to re-install ALL over again.

For this very reason, if you ARE going to make a BRAND NEW mod manager, make it 100000x easier to re-install mods without everything breaking or make it perfectly easy to IMPORT ALL of our information from NMM to Tannin so that it's not only compatible, but also usable as if nothing has changed in your game.

---- otherwise I'd just stay with NMM then.

Worst part about everything is if we don't switch from NMM to Tannin at some point in the future there will be a chance things will refuse to work correctly and then many of us will be caught in a crossroad of either giving up on modding our games or just never wanting to finish re-installing them altogether because if importing them from NMM to Tannin won't work in the future then neither 1 of those programs will be any good because NMM will be outdated & dead while Tannin will at some point work just fine, but the installation information is all screwed cause you've gotta deal with all the technical jump to re-activate & install all your mods again with ANOTHER brand new mod manager...

> _<
J.O.D. wrote: On the other hand - backwards compatibility, be it in mod managers or operating system, usually tripples the cost and developement time and still fails. So I would vote AGAINST your suggestion.
SillySilverSongbook wrote: Dude, wheres the appreciation?

Tannin didn't get paid for his efforts and here you are bustin' on him. As far as the NMM goes sometimes to take a step forward, you have to take a step (that seems like a step) back. I feel your frustration but this is also one of life's lessons. If your not enjoying it, put it down for a while and come back later when your heart is right.

It's a game.
scott5412 wrote: I honestly had a lot of difficulty with NMM. I'm using MO and I've had my first stable Skyrim run though since I got it on PC.

All things considered, I'm kind of excited. This is like the site reskin. I feel like the site and all of it's working parts are getting a facelift with the help of the modding community.
Kenjinshi wrote: SillySilverSongbook, Basically I was just simply explaining the frustrations & issues we've ALL had over the years of modding through the issues I've had when mod managers constantly changes & update. You'd think BY NOW we should have found a much more refined & simpler way to mod, a way that gets us the mods we enjoy with less hassle when putting them in our game every time a mod manager decides to update or change.

J.O.D., Sounds to me jod, that if the mods & Creation Kit we are all using had a different code towards where only 1 mod manager could read them then yeah it'd be hell to use them on ANY other mod manager, no Jod, all I'm saying here is you can have the Old information from NMM be READ by TANNIN and still have the mods become imported to Tannin. The only difference between NMM & Tannin is that it is going to be a brand new program with new coding, the PROGRAM will have the new code to it, NOT THE MODS or the information on where or how our mods got installed to our game.

That's basic navigation information inside your own d*mn computer, except all they'll have to do is maybe even create a small separate backup maker for NMM that will allow Tannin to read the information easier/better so the new Tannin program knows which exact mods to re-download, where to re-downlod/re-install them from, & possible even which order to keep them all in. And that my good sir would also relieve the highest amounts of stress on almost everybody in the nexus altogether so that when the changes do happen & Tannin is out we can do so change with EASE, NOT STRESS. --- Hell I'd end up losing 100+ more hours on just re-uploading & re-installing mods if nobody wants an easier way to BACK UP your saves to be ready to put them into the new program coming out.
(O. o what's wrong with you people?!)

scott5412, Yeah actually I was actually thinking positive when I made my post after reading about a brand new program coming out, BUT I guess I was misunderstood for being negative because modding can be more tedious rather than easier & fun.

I just believe that modding, even in these days is somewhat new to some, but we're getting better at perfecting it and I just figured with so many people into modding these days we'd all be able to put our heads together in order to figure out a 100x better, easier, and sleeker way do modding in general.

I love every part about this change, except for the issues that will arise once everything is out for the new program & when NMM eventually dies out becoming outdated/worthless.

From what I've read in the forums it looked to me like everyone was getting tired of the tedious non-sense of having to redo every single little thing just after they got everything figured out with their mods & their games just because the manager program updated.

Yes I understand scott5412, that there are other programs out there & yes a good amount of you like J.O.D. will probably embrace the aggravation of doing a COMPLETE redo of your game & your mods, but I can't stand it nor will I give up on trying to get people to understand having ease of access to things we use or want to use all the time for games needs to be done better so we can PLAY them more rather than sit there MODDING them the entire time.

If we sit there modding all day, we're not exactly playing with the mods we've got we're just sitting there messing with the management programs rather than enjoying our mods to the fullest.

Don't you think one of the things they're considering is a MIGRATION TOOL?

Either way, it won't be any worse than upgrading NMM, which usually completely destroys your mod directory every single time, it upgrades.
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In response to post #43572390.

ThD17gj692 wrote: I love NEXUS, the site and the community. If not for the brilliant and generous modders sharing their creations with us, our gaming experience would be drab and Skyrim would be a ho-hum game and no longer relevant, except as an example of an out-dated open world.

FO3 was the first game that I modded with the help of NEXUS and especially FOMM.

I started using FOMM without reading any instructions other than the directions for installing the mod itself. It was intuitive and with some trial and error it did everything that I wanted from a mod manager, although it would have been nice if it recorded the install dates.

When I started playing Skyrim, I switched to NMM. That was easy and again no need to read or look at tutorials on YouTube; it was intuitive. I missed being able to add a mod from a folder, but that was a triviality. (Since I began modding FO3, I've installed well over a 1000 mods and typically use the maximum number allowed).

In the course of playing Skyrim, I reached a point when I had to rebuild my game. Discovered STEP, what a wonderful group, and decided to give MO a try. After spending a day with it, I gave up---it was not intuitive. I would try to make MO work for me 4 more times, but I could never get used to its demands or figure out how to mod Skyrim the way I had been able to with NMM.

This past April, I spent a week trying to make the latest MO work with FNIS and even contacted the MO site for help, there was none. I spent a day getting MO and the first 15 or so "STEP" mods running. but after adding FNIS to the executables, every other executable started FNIS. Couldn't play Skyrim, call up TES5Edit, CK, etc because only FNIS Tool would start. I'm sure that the MO elite would say either I did something wrong (spent 5 days trying to correct the problem) or the fault was with FNIS. For me the choice was easy, FNIS is far more important to my enjoyment of Skyrim than any mod manager. So went back to NMM and within 4 hours I was back playing Skyrim with the maximum number of mods (actually over 300 mods, clearly some were merged).

As great a concept MO is; its execution is not flawless. Also, I doubt that anyone could make MO work without putting more effort into figuring out how it works than is required to learn how to play the game they want to mod. It is not intuitive, not even close. Of course, if you use MO all the time then it becomes simple to use; and apparently many modders find it extremely useful for their efforts and we all benefit from that.

NMM was made worse when it tried to incorporate profiles, I only wish that I had not upgraded (Have gone back to 0.56.1). It became horribly slow adding or removing large mods and too often, it left behind unwanted files in your data folder.

So, is it even possible (or desirable) to make a mod manager that is all things to all people? I would be happy with a FOMM-like manager with some additions even if I had to install it for each game I played. For modders, maybe a MO-like manager is essential to make modding easier and better.

For most of us (and the Dark0ne's statistics bare this out) we just want to get into our "cars" and drive to the mall, without having to first fiddle with fuel injectors, timing, air intake, or know anything about how cars work to get there. Start the car, put it in gear and drive to the mall, oh, and have enough room for packages and friends.

Is it possible to have a simple, fast, reliable mod manager that can be souped up with modules that add features from MO, Wrye Bash and TESModManager? I'm not a programmer or a modder (as in creator of mods), but some people who are (you've all read their comments here) say such a chimera is unlikely to live up to anyone's expectations---either too simple for the hard core modders or too difficult for the "Sunday Drivers".

Best wishes to Tannin42 and his team in creating the new Nexus Mod Manager/Organizer or Morganizer. Frankly, I was at first concerned, because of my experience with MO, that he would be insensitive to gamers who aren't interested in all the "nuts and bolts" of a mod manager. However, he has written all the right things in this forum and if he can pull off making an easy, fast, reliable manager that also meets the needs of "high-octane" modders he is even more of a genius than his creation, MO, would suggest.

Since modders are the only reason NEXUS exists, then making a mod manager that helps them makes the most sense. So, have you surveyed modders and obtained their input?

PS. I also appreciate Bethesda for helping and allowing (encouraging?) their customers to mod their products. What other company does this? I play Borderlands and it seems to me that Gearbox has a policy of discouraging (preventing?) modding of their games. Just look at the number of mods for any game on Nexus and only Bethesda products have any significant number.

Is NMM really that much simpler?
I only really got into modding Skyrim this sunday and installed MO as my first mod manager, I followed the beginner's guide on reddit and it works great for me, I like how I never have to leave the app for anything except ENB (would love to see that integrated). I have SKSE, FNIS, TOOLS, WryeBash and TESedit installed in MO and they all seem to work fine. I still have a lot to figure out though. I'm not sure I'm using tools or fnis correctly and havent launched wrye bash or tesedit since I finished reading the guide. But I only got two CTD so far so that's good.

Should I switch to NMM ? Can I edit my ini, install / uninstall, activate / deactivate, download all my mods easily with it without touching the files ? I keep changing the mods I use, and I like how I just uncheck it and all my other mods still work fine.
I only have about 70 mods right now

I'm quite excited to see what this new mod manager will be.
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