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Big changes for the Nexus Mod Manager and the introduction of Tannin42, our new head of NMM development


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This is how it's done, and you guys are doing it. I think it's phenomenal that you and Tannin have joined forces, and along with Fabio and Luca are working to leverage the best of what we already have in order to create something even better.

(At last count my 32-bit Skyrim edition under Mod Organizer had 70GB of mods, and it had become an increasingly difficult and rare event to even get Skyrim to start, let alone play for any length of time before crashing into the 32-bit process memory limit. However, with a 64-bit version up and running, I see a chance that my way of experiencing Skyrim may succeed.)



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By the nine.....please, please, please don't forget to add then all the things that made Mod Organizer so wonderful unique:


- having mods in separate folders instead of putting all the stuff into the game folder and let overwrite all just because for example meshes come into meshes folder (I really really can't deal with that in NMM- it brokes so often my game setting): so please let the original game files clean and keep the mods in different path and each in own folders

- showing conflicts of single files and the hide function - that is undescribable brilliant and made it really easy to create the unique outcome in your game based on your own preferences

- quick start options because of support for tools like CK, TES5Edit, FNIS, Merge plugin, LOOT, SKSE

- and all the other little extras like seeing which mod was activated in the savegames, direct links to the nexus pages of every mod and so on...


especially the first both points are very important for me (and probably many other MO Users) because it really helps us not to mess up a game or game setting when u run 500 mods


so I am really excited about the results, especially as now SSE is for me not modable with the current version of NMM


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