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Big changes for the Nexus Mod Manager and the introduction of Tannin42, our new head of NMM development


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In response to post #43683235. #43690795 is also a reply to the same post.

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Yeah dude, MO isn't really going to die, it's just gooing to improve for the SSE release under a new and improved name, getting paid this time to build as opposed too just doing it for fun and donations. Relax dude, good things are coming.
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Really looking forward to the hopefully new Beast you will be doing. Are you going to take feature requests at some point? Because there are a couple things I always wanted to do with MO that were a bit difficult to handle - though there's also a chance that I never found the option xD
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Can someone explain to me a bit the differences between NMM and SMO? I get one is more advanced but I only use NMM for Skyrim (and Skyrim SE once I get a video card strong enough for it) and pretty much only use USLEEP for it. I may wind up modding more in the future but for right now, want to just keep it simple and really hope that next gen NMM is as simple as the current one. I've never been good at manually modding, I tend to always screw it up somehow. >_< So it is kind of worrying that both are now being combined into one.

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In response to post #43772610.

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NMM was a simple install and go manager but it would install it all to the "data" folder on your HDD so install order was VERY important so you wouldn't overwrite mods incorrectly, this would/could change some of the core files and if you messed this up usually it ended up with a reinstall.
MO used a virtual data folder to keep your vanilla data folder...well vanilla. If something broke skyrim all you had to do was disable the problem mod and skyrim would work fine. MO would treat each mod separately when you installed them, only ever overwriting stuff when you started the game. If something was wrong with the order you installed them you just needed to drag and drop them in the correct order and restart your game. no reinstalling of mods needed. It has indicators in the UI to tell you whats overwriting what.
I know there is a lot more but after having to redownload/reinstall skyrim 3 times with NMM this is the biggest benifit i got from MO.
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