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I Got Banned

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I just joined several weeks ago but ive heard several stories of people getting kicked of this site for dumb reasons and after writing a heartfelt appeal message are still not left back on i would like to know whats up with that?


Mostly, those stories are spun by people who really hate this site because they got banned under reasonable grounds but don't believe they have been, thinking they deserve to be here when they clearly didn't follow the rules in any case nor have any intent to do so.


Don't start believing in those stories and think they're genuine. People who are sincere in their ways rarely state they attempted to apologize for their mistakes on other forums; they're just out for attention.

Edited by ZeroKing
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Most unban appeals follow the form of:


  • Yes I did wrong, but your rules are stupid
  • Yes I did wrong, but you should do this instead...(explain what we should do instead)...ergo this is the Nexus's fault
  • I don't think I did anything wrong, even though I obviously broke one of your rules
  • Screw you guys I'm going home


All we're actually looking for is a "Sorry this happened, I've read the rules now and understand what I did wrong and I won't do it again". Very few people own up to their mistakes and that's why they remain banned.

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But even the most heartfelt apology and promise won't cut it for some rule violations.

1. Pirates - illegal to start with, and could get the Nexus sued out of existence for allowing the sites to be used as a place where pirates are allowed to discuss piracy or link to pirate sites. Look at Megaupload for an example of what can happen - and remember that the founders of TPB are in jail or on the run.


2. Serial abusers & multi account abusers - how many apologies do you think we will accept before we say no more?

3. Copyright violators - same as for pirates, we could be sued out of existence and we lose even if we win the suit. :pinch:

4. Mod theft - how many mod authors would stick around if we allow other people to poach their work and claim it as their own?

5. Flagrant flaming attacks on other members, mod authors & staff. - We just aren't going to put up with the kind of person who feels they have to attack someone else for something on a GAME site. :rolleyes:

6. Child porn - There are some sick people out there.

7. Under age 13 - By the US COPPA law we must ban them. The UK and several other countries have similar laws.


There will be a few that I missed though. Try common sense. And don't rely on the ban appeal as we will look at your posting history.

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My issue isn't that I didn't read the rules, or I actually broke any of the rules. My issue is with the instant banning of people for minor things or things that really aren't against the TOS at all. When a user sees moderators use the "kick" feature in chat consistently in a joking manner, it leads credence to the fact that the moderators kick folks willy-nilly just for laughs. What response should being kicked warrant other than "lol", especially when no initial reason is given? How is a user supposed to react when they type out something that isn't ban-worthy, but then gets banned and told that the text was "NSFW"?


Methinks some of the moderators here don't know what "NSFW" means. I didn't realize that Nexus = The Wild West, where the law is of the gun, and the police shoot first, don't ask questions, and leave the bodies in the street to rot and make a spectacle of.


I've been around for a few years now, and was strongly considering bumping up to premium with the amount that I've been using the sites recently, however, the reputation that is being built here is a turn off to opening my wallet...

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Why you were banned, the record shows it all.



http://forums.nexusm...5-dragonmourne/ Banned totally inappropriate and random topics and and attitude towards the rules, was the same the last time he was in and had to ask not to swear and had an attitude about it.


Fortunately I don't have any sort of political agenda, and I don't sing songs about how awful "the war" is. Guess I won't be shot for that at least.
Anyone who shoots anyone else NOT in self defense has a serious mental issue...
yeah yeah, SD can be cosntrued many different ways. ANYWAYS, lets talk about what we are wearing OR what games we got on the Steam Sale! IDC which.
How could it be darker? The worst possible thing anyone could say is "naked" or "20 dead babies sewn together to make a shirt". Both are BS answers.
FYI the words "naked" and "dead babies" should NEVER be in the same sentence when not used in context. Never.

  • micalov
    kicked Dragonmourne

kicked: keep it safe for work and the rubbish out of chat or you will be removed for good
lol? k if thats your answer
kicked Dragonmourne



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Why you were banned, the record shows it all.



http://forums.nexusm...5-dragonmourne/ Banned totally inappropriate and random topics and and attitude towards the rules, was the same the last time he was in and had to ask not to swear and had an attitude about it.


Fortunately I don't have any sort of political agenda, and I don't sing songs about how awful "the war" is. Guess I won't be shot for that at least.

Anyone who shoots anyone else NOT in self defense has a serious mental issue...

yeah yeah, SD can be cosntrued many different ways. ANYWAYS, lets talk about what we are wearing OR what games we got on the Steam Sale! IDC which.

How could it be darker? The worst possible thing anyone could say is "naked" or "20 dead babies sewn together to make a shirt". Both are BS answers.

FYI the words "naked" and "dead babies" should NEVER be in the same sentence when not used in context. Never.

  • micalov

    kicked Dragonmourne


kicked: keep it safe for work and the rubbish out of chat or you will be removed for good


lol? k if thats your answer
kicked Dragonmourne

Where exactly do you see curse words? Not one single one anywhere in that text. How the heck can you construe "LOL" as having an attitude? If you were banning unrelated topics, then practically everyone in that chat should have been banned. It's a bunch of people engaging in small-talk while at work. Also the "LOL" was not directed at your statement upon my returning, it was at being kicked for a minor comment, AND I assumed you were joking. My mistake for assuming anything about you.


I'd also like to point out, does Robin actually allow you people to name and shame members on the forums like you have done to me? This is completely disrespectful. If you have a personal issue with me, you should have sent this in a private message. I didn't name you in any comment, and this is blatant disregard for me personally. A little common courtesy and giving me an opportunity to respond or apologize for the subject matter before banning me would have been nice, and would have avoided the whole situation.


The ONLY person here with any sort of attitude is Micalov. Chat is a minor thing to me. I can do without. It's how you portrayed yourself and the Nexus administration here today that bothers me so much.




After a quick run-through of all the Forum/Chat rules, it seems to me that no actual rule was broken, and I was subjected to your own "personal discretion" which directly translates to "kick whoever I feel like for whatever reason I feel like". Also, I didn't see any rules on "Naming and Shaming" or "Humiliating Members Publicly" so I can only assume based on this information that this behaviour is allowed or even celebrated by the staff and/or members of Nexus. Oddly enough, anywhere else in the universe, on any other forum or chat site on the internet, if moderating staff behaved like this, calling out another member publicly, their own account would suffer severe consequences for such personal disrespect, and you would be out of a job. I guess it's lucky for you then that Nexus staff don't practice what they preach or hold their own staff accountable for their actions and interactions with members?

Edited by Dragonmourne
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First rule in chat room:


  • If a member of staff (noticeable by the colour of their names; blue, green or red) tells you to stop doing something then stop doing it. Don't argue about it as you'll probably get banned.

You must have missed that one. And you missed Dark0ne's clear message:

"All we're actually looking for is a "Sorry this happened, I've read the rules now and understand what I did wrong and I won't do it again". Very few people own up to their mistakes and that's why they remain banned."

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