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[WIP] Call of Hircine: Bloodmoon Rising


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Hey, I've been watching this for a while now, and it looks so cool :thumbsup: anyway, I've seen the possibilty of werebears, which, who wouldn't wanna see them in Skyrim? You guys say there's a problem with what they would look like? If you guys ever do decide to add werebears, well.... i'd say this would at least be a start. Obviously, they would have to be probably scaled down, but I think its a good base to start off of.. Edited by rfriar
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Well, the thing is, we really don't have anyone who can do meshes right now.


Add to that that I'm pretty sure there are other people doing werebears, and I just really don't see the point of spending time on something that other people could likely do a lot better.


Prometheus, there really is no need to be an a**hole. We've had plenty of voice actor volunteers, and we understand enough about scripting to get our basic checkpoints down. I may not be able to do much, but I'm more than 'that dude with the idea'; even if I don't know how to script, I have a basic understanding of how these things work. The person who created Curse of Hircine: Resurrected allowed us to look at his scripts for basic reference, because many of the prompts are still applicable (it isn't so much about the direct commands as what he linked to what in order to create a certain effect)


I'd like to think that as we progress, we'll get more people interested. And believe me when we say we've got a damn good idea for quests.

Edited by dianacat777
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Of course we can't do anything because there is no CREATION KIT out.Its pretty obvious.We are throwing some ideas and then vote on the best ones so we know what we will do when the Kit is out.Actually,pretty well organised.But,thanks for the input.
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So many great ideas out on these forums. But though he could have been less of a jerk, @ PrometheusV has a point. We can't always rely on other people to make mods to suit our ideas. People have their own ideas and the skills to make them. I doubt a good modeler sits around thinking, "Man I wish someone would give me an awesome idea to spend hours of my time on!" This stuff takes hard work and dedication. The good thing is that most of the good modders (who aren't professional) started just like us, with no fracking clue how to change the color of a sword.


So let's learn this stuff ourselves. We won't stay noobs forever, and we obviously have time on our hands since we're clocking hundreds of hours into this game, plus other games, plus time spent on forums discussing mods we are going to "make".


I'm been keeping up on a number of mods, including this one, and especially In Dwemer we trust, in which I've put a lot of thought into the questline and story beats. But I realized we have exactly one guy actually designing anything. And we are set to add new NPCs, enemy types, dungeons, equipment, and basically a whole new perk tree for engineering. Just like this mod, the ideas are fantastic. Manpower and skill sets? A little incomplete and unbalanced.


Also keep in mind, it kinda pisses the better modders when we go to them saying "teach me to mod. I wanna be your 'apprentice' and mod like you doooo...*snort*. They don't really give a flying fart in space to teach us everything they know. But if we start trying things ourselves and have specific questions about specific things, therefore showing we are doing work, I'm sure they'd be happy to help.


Lastly, this stuff is hardcore people. I've started looking at this stuff and my mind is boggled by the complexity and the depth of this artform. Not for the faint of heart. So if you have the dedication to making these mods and you want to develop a new skill, go for it. WE NEED MORE MODDERS

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The thing is, we aren't just sitting here screaming 'hai guise plz come ovr heer n halp'. We are doing things on our own. What's in our way for our first few sets of checkpoints is the lack of the construction set. Other than the missing sneak animation, I believe we already know how to get that far. I'm very grateful to all Infinity's doing, that's for sure, but I am trying to help out.


Besides... if you shouldn't try anything if you aren't a mod wizard, it's like automatically invalidating your ideas. Different talents lie in different areas. I've seen brilliant Oblivion mods with dialogue that was spelled atrociously and had gaping logical fallacies in the quests/interactions/what have you. The scripting was more or less perfect in those cases, but the mods ended up looking unpolished simply because nobody bothered to smooth over the linguistics. My 'talents' lie pretty exclusively as a writer, but that doesn't mean I'm useless in creating the finished product. Scripters are probably the most important part of a mod, but the artists, conceptualists, testers, and so on have their places as well.


I guess I'm just irritated that there's this sudden influx of people saying 'lawl giv up' before we've even started. Did every other mod in this section start out with a full team or something?


If we were just standing around complaining we can't get stuff done because we don't have a haxx0rz pro modder around, then yes, we'd probably deserve this demoralizing shtick. But no, we're just at the same roadblock everyone else currently is stuck at - no CS. We can't really see if the scripts and commands Infinity's showed me will work or not until we can put it in the game. Yes, there are things we probably cannot get done due to our skill set. No, we are not completely incompetent.


As for the time and learning constraints... I believe there's a thorough difference between having the time to do things you already know, and having the time to learn something and do it. I can write with ease, but right now, my brain is sort of swimming upstream with learning statistics, economics, and chemistry. I can do what I know already, but it's hard to effectively learn when I'm already trying to do a decent job of learning electron orbitals and electron-region structure of an atom, paramagnetism and diamagnetism, variance, the laugher curve, every component of GDP and NDP, et cetera. I don't really have much space for learning scripting right now, especially without any sort of guidance.

Edited by dianacat777
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Wow. lot's of posts since I was gone @ Prometheus: I can do scripting in TES I'VE as we'll as build levels and NPCs provided the resources (models, textures and animations) are there. I was hoping for someone to help for scripting and level building because the amount of content this mod needs is a lot of work for one guy, plus I need to learn Skyrim's scripting engine since its different from Oblivion's, and it'll be a lot easier to figure out the tricks and intracicies of skyrim scripting if There's more than one person who's working on the scripts. Plus more manpower is never a bad thing as long as you have tasks to assign to them. I think I can make the non-graphics related parts of the mod work myself (with Diannacat) as well as debug them, but after the werewolf overhaul, there's too much work for me to be working on everything, we'll need to specialize.
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Im sorry that came over wrong.

Actually i was trying to be polite :)

I dont talk mod attempts and ideas down. Hell, every mod starts with an idea and a single person.


And i want to say sorry @TheElderInfinity. I didnt want to question your skill. Really sorry, i apologize.

What i was trying to say, that such a deep mod is way too much for a single scripter, even if he is a real, full grown pro there are just to many scriting "directions" you could handle without spending the rest of your days in front of your monitor and learning new aspects (i hope i didnt say something wrong again :/ )


Why is was saying its build to sink is:

Your start is an EXACT copy, of those mods which died by not getting a descent team together.

No one joins because:

a) They cant mod.

b) They have a descent modding skill, but want to see results first (that one is a vicious circle, and those are always the last persons you can recruit.

c) They can mod really well, but because of that fact, they are already modding on something different.


I have seen it too often that awesome mods died this way, so i was trying not to talk you guys down, but to rethink the approach.

The most important jobs in the mod, must be taken by those, who start the mod.

If that is the case, you will get a flood of people who want to join.

A "writer" is sadly not important in the start of a mod. He is the one that finish it.

So really, i dont mean to be an a**hole, i am just concerned (since i was involved in such mods way too often)

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I became interested in this poeculiar mod for one good reason, i want to make my game worth for the part i love the most.

Now, the only thing i can give are ideas and support if needed, but i want to give more, but i don't know where to look.

What im asking is someone to shot me where to find tools and things to look up for practice and study.

If possible i want to work on meshes (i don't have much artistic background to deal with textures) to try and create what are you (and me) looking for.


@rfriar: that is a dire bear of D&D, search for d&d werebear, it will be more interesting.

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