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New Nexus Mods design launched


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Don't like it. I appreciate that it's basically the out site design that's a little more spread out, but come on guys. It looks like an early prototype rather than a finished product. I know following Google's flat materials design is the hot new thing, but it hardly ever works and often time still looks off. In the case of the new redesign it just doesn't work. Breaking up some of the massive chunks of similar looking colours, putting some drop shadows or dark borders around things, and having more condensed elements would all work wonders to help, but it won't fix something that looks essentially unfinished.

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In response to post #54684038.

erikfishy3000 wrote: I hope this isnt going to be forced, its not very good

'' help us in identifying the remaining issues before we officially go live and change the site over.'' When its done this new layout gonna be all you have. I don't like the new design. But the Creation Club virus is spreading.
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I don't see what people are complaining about, outside the childish "I don't like change" factor.


I like the new layout, It's clearer, cleaner and more easy to navigate in my opinion.. Everyone here is pissing moaning but very few critics are actually giving any meaningful feedback. Having the toolbar at the top means you have to open as many tabs/go through as many pages to find what you want.


With the old one I always felt like I was having to click my way through multiple links in order to find anything, especially if I'm looking looking specifically for something in "Most Endorsed" or "Recent". The favourite list in the toolbar is a nice touch to. Some people can't stomach change I guess.

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Don't like the new layout very much. But it's quite normal to feel confused whenever a site gets updated. Getting used to the new graphics takes some time.


I cannot explain, though, the iconoclastic fervour against some features of the old version.

Namely... what was wrong with the "Hot Files" section? Why rename it as "Trending"?

That's the kind of unecessary, uncalled for change the only effect of which is to upset and confuse people.

The Hot Files was an iconic feature of the site. It's a connection with the past. Why, after years of "Congratulations for the Hot Files" are we being forced to "congratulations for the Trending Mods"? There is some technical issues I'm not aware of?

My humble suggestion would be to revert to old "Hot Files" label. It's just a title but it means much.

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In response to post #54671943. #54672703, #54677478, #54678053, #54681883, #54683388, #54683578, #54686488, #54686998, #54687253, #54687418, #54687503 are all replies on the same post.

Pegasix wrote: Can we please just have an option to stick with old layout? I personally just don't like the looks of this design.
SharraShimada wrote: Maintaining 2 Designs is a waste of time, because its work, that wont repay in any way. So, the old design will perish some day. And yeah, its always hard to change to something different, and leaving style, used, and attached to, behind. And yes, the new design looks... boring? Just another flat, tile-design, as seen on nearly every other crap-site in the internet the last 2 years.
But i must admit, the primary function of a mod-page is to deliver info. And they come in form of pictures most of the time.
You may explain, what your armor-mod does, how it looks, and where are the belt is attached... but no one will really imagine int. Put a picture on it, and kabooom.
And thats, what this design is made for.
Personally, i would had made some stuff the other way. But i´m not in charge. If have to, and i can, live with that.
pintocat wrote: I don't mind if they don't maintain the old one, I'll use a buggy one until the new one is fixed
Jokerine wrote: I personally understand that maintaining two different versions of the site may be too much work, and this will probably be an "adapt or die" situation. But, well, if the site is switched over for good and we're all forced to use the new redesign I'll most likely stop using the site altogether, or only visit very, very rarely. I have a choice in this matter, thankfully. I'll just take death :laugh:
kn1ghtfall wrote: Once again I have agree with Jokerine.
Foxia wrote: HEAR, HEAR!!! I must agree with Jokerine myself. Death it will be as well for myself.
HomicidalGrouse wrote: YEAH! Everyone over to Bethesdanet!

Oh wait...
Crimsomrider wrote: I feel the same way Jokerine.

I spoke to a few friends about this design and not one of them likes it. One actually hates it so much he threw a tantrum.

I really hope for some visual and design improvements until the final launch day which reduces the cluster**** of ugliness and information and scales down the UI, which I offered my suggestions on, otherwise I'll just go away because I really can't stand this new design. I am really trying hard forcing myself to suffer through it, but it's just impossible and frustrating. On a mobile the site is PERFECT! It looks good, it feels good... except the mod pages which are ugly as hell no matter where you view them from. But it's just not worth sacrificing something that was perfect in order to make a mobile version more better.

I'll keep on surviving until the final launch day and see what changes happen from now till then. All I can do until then is just offer my opinion on the matter and like you said... adapt or die.

I am forced to death however because I really can't stand another Bethesda.net lookalike.

I am under no illusion that my opinion or me quitting matters at all, after all I'm just another random peon who already got milked for money and will be forgotten after a day of departure... but I would like to remain on this site... hopefully... :(

fredlaus wrote: I had thumbs up yesterday - today I feel like I lost my best friend.

Changes are OK to me but then you have to show up something entirely new - some braver stuff than this.

Come on guys and gals you are a resourceful site with millions of fans contributing.

What happened?
goatsnatcher2 wrote: Ha, I went to bed last night thinking what the hell have they done that for, then I get up this morning to my son asking what the hell have they done that for.

It's not that people don't like change, it's more, people don't like change when unnecessary or makes thing's worse.
menathradiel wrote: @SharraShimada: It is normal for a website to have a desktop and mobile version - and I know this because I maintain several - so your point is rather invalid.
HomicidalGrouse wrote: @menathradiel
Yeah, it was perfectly normal, back in 2010 before responsive design really took off and became a standard.

Ironically enough, 2010 was right about where the Nexus' previous design was stuck.

All right. (that would be why all the major websites have a mobile version, because that is a thing of the past.... but shhhhh, not your point, is it.) What part of this design is "responsive" to me? The part where it's arbitrarily decided that my description layout is not good enough as I have coded it and decides to break it?

Don't get me wrong. I'll get used to the new design, but I'll also have to spend time making my mod page layout compatible with PC users again, which is insane when you think about the fact that this site is for people who use mods for PC games.
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I appreciate the desire to update the site and make it modern, but I much prefer the OG layout. Easier to navigate, better use of space. No real upside to switching atm. I find the new layout uninuitive and it feels like it will take time to find all the features I'm used too.
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In response to post #54687313. #54687368 is also a reply to the same post.

Mr. Dave wrote: What the bloody hell is with the relentless spam pop up ad on the new layout? I cannot even log into the new layout due to it having one single overlay covering the entire page that is a link to spam ads.
Does this need to be reported as a bug too? Or should I just add y'all to ABP's list?

EDIT: RE: the new layout. I know Win10 is nothing more than a huge phone app commercial, but did you guys really have to make the new layout look just like every other lame, shitty phone app out there? Seriously. Have some innovative thought.
Dark0ne wrote: Can you provide a screenshot? We don't use pop-up ads at all.

It isn't working as a visible thing to print screen of I'm afraid. The mouse pointer is a hand icon, meaning it is hovering over a selectable object no matter where it is on the page, meaning an invisible PNG is being used as a button.
This is the link it takes me to.
I'm gonna pop open a new window and take a shot of it though in case it shows something you know shouldn't be there. :D One sec...
HERE is a screenshot, but it doesn't show the pointer as a hand when in a non button location. When I try to click Log In, or anywhere for that matter, that Coke gaming convention page pops up.
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In response to post #54677498. #54680143, #54686903, #54687293 are all replies on the same post.

menathradiel wrote: Have had a look at the new design and have to say: Why did you bork my description page? Why are you forcing every image to display on a new line even when in bbcode and wysiwyg editors they are not? It looks absolutely horrible, and makes me look like I put no thought or effort into my mod page. If I put two images on the same line, I do that for a reason. Yes, it's nice that the video is bigger, but you have every single one of my NPC pictures on a separate line, and they do not need it - this would be why I didn't do what you've essentially forced me to do.

Take a look at my nexus page for my mod on the old layout, and then the new layout, and then explain to me why you've made it look so excruciatingly bad on the new one, and why I can't fix it?
Battlestar1965 wrote: I did look at the two versions of your mod page. And i have to agree with you. It looks horrible now.Clearly, the designers had only mobile phone users in mind when doing this pointless redesign.
menathradiel wrote: ikr. Ugh. I'm probably going to have to spend time redoing the images to get it to display properly again.
fredlaus wrote: mena, I feel sorry for you and all others experiencing this travesty.
It is not only the images but the layout that is totally wrong - seems to have been made for the wrong site.
Decisions need to be taken I guess - it is extremely difficult to run two wagons at the same time - especially if you like to win the race.

Stop using images as text and write a text description. Image text description won't show up in Google searches so it impairs the way users may find your mod while searching the net, and people won't be able to Ctrl + F search through your description to find the information they need. People with reading and vision disabilities will have difficulty scaling or altering your description to their needs (colour / text size / etc.) because images don't scale or clear well.

Image descriptions are awful. Sure they may "look pretty" in some way, but they make it extremely hard to understand your mod's documentation.
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The new design is really good. BUt there's a big problem: It messed up the positions and sizes of images and videos from mods description. It would really nice if this could be fixed until official release (I really hope this can be possible without mod authors have to remake all the page description......)


-EDIT: I have 3 mods pages, so everyone here can see what I'm saying here look at them using the new layout (clicking on USER FILES tab of my profile).

Edited by phoenixfabricio
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