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New Nexus Mods design launched


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In response to post #54704588. #54705398, #54706478, #54716798 are all replies on the same post.

NexBeth wrote:

I vote for back to Hot Files or go with Hot Mods. Trending is only trendy for as long as that phrase remains over used ....it's definitely not classic and won't hold the test of time as far as catchy phrases go. "Hot" is really coined by Nexus and is well known in the modding community.

mattwoodmansee wrote: +1 to this.

I felt like I was on a twitter page or any number of web pages that overly use the 'trending' term.

Anyone want a trending file or a hot file?
fireundubh wrote: I prefer Tasty Files, Delicious Files, or... Send Money Now Please God I'm Hungry Files.
aufisch wrote: +1 for me too. I am not a big fan of the instagram-language.

"Trending" is not "instagram-language" or "trendy." #mygod
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In the (almost) 10 years that I have been a member, I have seen and lived through a number of changes to this site. However, in spite of the changes, I also observed that the sun rose every morning and set every evening and that life went on. And so it will be with this latest change. Thank you Dark0ne and staff for all that you do for the modding community.
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Overall I like the new design, very modern. However:

  • Where do I find the "Files of the month" section? Does it no longer exist on the new page?
  • The CSS styling of the comments section needs to be improved. It currently wastes a lot of space and is rather ineffective when it comes to visually separating individual comments from each other.
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I like the new site a lot. There are a couple things here and there, like how the hot files don't give you a short description so you need to click on the mod to see what it really does. (That's more of a personal nitpick more than anything else). I do however LOVE how easy it is to access mods now, being able to see the most popular mods of all time, just from clicking a tab rather then having to do a blank search and sort the mods by most downloaded like with the old site. Having a random mods tab is pretty neat as well.


I also really like the fact you can "bookmark" certain games for quick and easy access. Haven't fully explored the site yet, but from what I've played around with so far, I'm impressed! I think it will take some time to get used to, but I believe the new site is definitely a step in the right direction! Great work! :D

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So I've been designing some concept previews for some visual changes I think would look better and make it easier on the eye for everyone, modders and users included.


The previews can be found here.




The first concept shows the DESCRIPTION page which is the MOST IMPORTANT part when it comes to users checking out a mod.


As seen, the mod page has been severely cleaned up and all the useless information that is not important to a regular user has been placed on the bottom, where it should be. Things such as tags, Report and Share buttons along with Permissions and Mirrors.


Why did I do this ? Because first of all PERMISSIONS only affect other modders who want to use assets from a mod. It does not affect normal users therefore putting it below is the obvious choice because the number of users outnumbers the amount of potential modders seeking permissions.


Second is MIRRORS. Nobody in their right mind would first go download mods or check out mods on other sites without reading the MAIN DESCRIPTION of a mod. If they find the mod interesting, then ofcourse they'll want to check if the mod is on other platforms. Therefore putting mirrors at the bottom along with everything else makes sense.


Things like donations, translations, mirrors, tags and so on are irrelevant information and should not come FIRST before the important part which is the actual description.




The files section quite honestly is horrible looking. I will use Armorsmith Extended as an example of how horrible the new design really makes the files section because Armorsmith Extended has over 300 files.


As you can see all main files and optional files are expanded and their size takes so much of the screen. Try scrolling down and tell me if that feels good. It certainly does not to me.


Everything is all over the place and to make matters worse, all the MAIN Files are expanded, thus allowing someone like myself who has a 1920x1080 monitor to see only 2 files at a time. COMPACT LOOK matters! Therefore I reduced the size to almost half and increased the visual appeal by putting some elements into space which was previously empty.


Files should not be expanded because they otherwise they take far too much space if the mod has several.


Icons for download data and all that I placed onto the tray itself, although I believe they should be a bit more reduced in size because some files have long names.


As for the FILE VERSION, I think that file version should be limited only to dots and numbers. Some mods have meme crap written as version of the files, such as THICC or 69696969669, 420BLAZEIT and so on. I believe a limit on what can be used for a file version should be implemented.


Antivirus reports and Preview options I placed side by side instead of both being in a separate line... conserving space is important.



Please tell me if I'm just wasting my time with these concept previews. If you're not interested, I'd like to know. I love the Nexus and want to remain on it so I will not just say I am against the new design and do nothing. I want to help and provide feedback as much as possible.


The next concept previews I wanted to do was the MAIN PAGE for a game, the IMAGES and COMMENT SECTION.

Edited by Crimsomrider
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