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An update on Vortex development


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In response to post #55344843. #55373403, #55373898, #55376993, #55378678 are all replies on the same post.

Oax wrote: I don't like change... I'll just leave it at that :P
ILostMyNametag wrote: if it isnt broke dont fix it
Ethreon wrote: Yes, let's all live in mud huts cause some of the villagers can't handle change.

"if aint broke don't fix it" is a dumb saying.
1000101 wrote: Change for the sake of changing is dumb. If there is an inherent flaw in the existing system, that's a reason for change. But, if you can only think of one reason then you don't have enough reasons.
Ethreon wrote: Congrats on rephrasing the other guy with your own words. We're discussing NMM here - I don't think there's a single person that used it across time without issues. There's even another article detailing all the reasons this change is happening, were people willing to bother reading.

To be fair, NMM is horribly broken. Always has been. I don't yet know if Vortex will be an improvement but here's hoping.

I wholeheartedly disagree with 'If it ain't broke don't fix it' being a dumb saying, in fact, it's one I live by and one I feel the world should live by. Change solely for change's sake is dumb and often introduces problems that weren't there beforehand with no net benefit to be had. 'Fixing' things that aren't broken is a major problem with society today.

That being said, NMM needs a lot of fixing. I flat out wouldn't use it at all if I had a choice. I love FOMM, it's my ideal mod manager. I actually jury-rigged it to work with Skyrim and spent a ton of time attempting to coax it to manage Fallout 4's mods as well. Hell, I still use it on FO3, FNV, Skyrim, and I've gone out of my way to make sure NMM never tries to associate with those three titles so it can't screw up what's working. But try as I might I couldn't coax it to work with FO4, so I was forced to use the crashy pile of crap that is NMM.

Not fond of NMM and I'm not going to shed a tear when it's depreciated. I just hope Vortex is an improvement. I'll reserve judgement until it's in my hands. Edited by KennyMcCormick315
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All I want in a mod manager is the ability to install FOMODS, manage archive invalidation, and handle load orders. THat's it. I don't particularly care for logging in through the mod manager or being able to rate mods through it, I don't want it checking for updates(For itself or for mods) as I will do this as I feel the need to. I just want it to manage my load order and install fomods, nothing more. FOMM was overpowered for me, but I adored its simplicity, and that's what I'm hoping for out of Vortex.



I'll probably give it a try in January when it pops out. Here's hoping it's an honest and simple little program that does what it says on the tin and doesn't have a lot of extraneous fluff.

Edited by KennyMcCormick315
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In response to post #55344843. #55373403, #55373898, #55376993, #55378678, #55396798 are all replies on the same post.

Oax wrote: I don't like change... I'll just leave it at that :P
ILostMyNametag wrote: if it isnt broke dont fix it
Ethreon wrote: Yes, let's all live in mud huts cause some of the villagers can't handle change.

"if aint broke don't fix it" is a dumb saying.
1000101 wrote: Change for the sake of changing is dumb. If there is an inherent flaw in the existing system, that's a reason for change. But, if you can only think of one reason then you don't have enough reasons.
Ethreon wrote: Congrats on rephrasing the other guy with your own words. We're discussing NMM here - I don't think there's a single person that used it across time without issues. There's even another article detailing all the reasons this change is happening, were people willing to bother reading.
KennyMcCormick315 wrote: To be fair, NMM is horribly broken. Always has been. I don't yet know if Vortex will be an improvement but here's hoping.

I wholeheartedly disagree with 'If it ain't broke don't fix it' being a dumb saying, in fact, it's one I live by and one I feel the world should live by. Change solely for change's sake is dumb and often introduces problems that weren't there beforehand with no net benefit to be had. 'Fixing' things that aren't broken is a major problem with society today.

That being said, NMM needs a lot of fixing. I flat out wouldn't use it at all if I had a choice. I love FOMM, it's my ideal mod manager. I actually jury-rigged it to work with Skyrim and spent a ton of time attempting to coax it to manage Fallout 4's mods as well. Hell, I still use it on FO3, FNV, Skyrim, and I've gone out of my way to make sure NMM never tries to associate with those three titles so it can't screw up what's working. But try as I might I couldn't coax it to work with FO4, so I was forced to use the crashy pile of crap that is NMM.

Not fond of NMM and I'm not going to shed a tear when it's depreciated. I just hope Vortex is an improvement. I'll reserve judgement until it's in my hands.

@Ethreon: I don't know why you are being caustic. There is certainly no need for it. Making comments like "were people willing to bother reading" assumes that "people" spend their time simply waiting or searching for information on the specific subject matter. Those incorrect assumptions are your problem, nobody else's. Given that those "people" do not spend large amounts of their time on this website and may have missed or not known to look up the specific thing there is no reason to be rude. That you think the change is good, well that's good, others don't - but there is never any call to be passive aggressiveness simply because someone expresses an opinion contrary to yours.
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I'll probably give it a try in January when it pops out. Here's hoping it's an honest and simple little program that does what it says on the tin and doesn't have a lot of extraneous fluff.


I agree. I don't mind extraneous stuff so much; I'm quite fond of having more options and features but at the end of the day it all comes down to having those few important checkboxes checked. I hope this works out, especially considering tannin gave up MO2 for this.

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In response to post #55458083.

Androconus wrote:

I'll probably give it a try in January when it pops out. Here's hoping it's an honest and simple little program that does what it says on the tin and doesn't have a lot of extraneous fluff.


I agree. I don't mind extraneous stuff so much; I'm quite fond of having more options and features but at the end of the day it all comes down to having those few important checkboxes checked. I hope this works out, especially considering tannin gave up MO2 for this.

here here, I've been pretty much been unable to play Fallout 4/ Skyrim SE because I've been waiting to get to use vortex.
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In response to post #55344843. #55373403, #55373898, #55376993, #55378678, #55396798, #55413778 are all replies on the same post.

Oax wrote: I don't like change... I'll just leave it at that :P
ILostMyNametag wrote: if it isnt broke dont fix it
Ethreon wrote: Yes, let's all live in mud huts cause some of the villagers can't handle change.

"if aint broke don't fix it" is a dumb saying.
1000101 wrote: Change for the sake of changing is dumb. If there is an inherent flaw in the existing system, that's a reason for change. But, if you can only think of one reason then you don't have enough reasons.
Ethreon wrote: Congrats on rephrasing the other guy with your own words. We're discussing NMM here - I don't think there's a single person that used it across time without issues. There's even another article detailing all the reasons this change is happening, were people willing to bother reading.
KennyMcCormick315 wrote: To be fair, NMM is horribly broken. Always has been. I don't yet know if Vortex will be an improvement but here's hoping.

I wholeheartedly disagree with 'If it ain't broke don't fix it' being a dumb saying, in fact, it's one I live by and one I feel the world should live by. Change solely for change's sake is dumb and often introduces problems that weren't there beforehand with no net benefit to be had. 'Fixing' things that aren't broken is a major problem with society today.

That being said, NMM needs a lot of fixing. I flat out wouldn't use it at all if I had a choice. I love FOMM, it's my ideal mod manager. I actually jury-rigged it to work with Skyrim and spent a ton of time attempting to coax it to manage Fallout 4's mods as well. Hell, I still use it on FO3, FNV, Skyrim, and I've gone out of my way to make sure NMM never tries to associate with those three titles so it can't screw up what's working. But try as I might I couldn't coax it to work with FO4, so I was forced to use the crashy pile of crap that is NMM.

Not fond of NMM and I'm not going to shed a tear when it's depreciated. I just hope Vortex is an improvement. I'll reserve judgement until it's in my hands.
1000101 wrote: @Ethreon: I don't know why you are being caustic. There is certainly no need for it. Making comments like "were people willing to bother reading" assumes that "people" spend their time simply waiting or searching for information on the specific subject matter. Those incorrect assumptions are your problem, nobody else's. Given that those "people" do not spend large amounts of their time on this website and may have missed or not known to look up the specific thing there is no reason to be rude. That you think the change is good, well that's good, others don't - but there is never any call to be passive aggressiveness simply because someone expresses an opinion contrary to yours.

those "people" are you, I believe he is pointing out that you, and others that may post similarly, should not make claims on a subject matter that you don't understand.
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In response to post #55344843. #55373403, #55373898, #55376993, #55378678, #55396798, #55413778, #55466973 are all replies on the same post.

Oax wrote: I don't like change... I'll just leave it at that :P
ILostMyNametag wrote: if it isnt broke dont fix it
Ethreon wrote: Yes, let's all live in mud huts cause some of the villagers can't handle change.

"if aint broke don't fix it" is a dumb saying.
1000101 wrote: Change for the sake of changing is dumb. If there is an inherent flaw in the existing system, that's a reason for change. But, if you can only think of one reason then you don't have enough reasons.
Ethreon wrote: Congrats on rephrasing the other guy with your own words. We're discussing NMM here - I don't think there's a single person that used it across time without issues. There's even another article detailing all the reasons this change is happening, were people willing to bother reading.
KennyMcCormick315 wrote: To be fair, NMM is horribly broken. Always has been. I don't yet know if Vortex will be an improvement but here's hoping.

I wholeheartedly disagree with 'If it ain't broke don't fix it' being a dumb saying, in fact, it's one I live by and one I feel the world should live by. Change solely for change's sake is dumb and often introduces problems that weren't there beforehand with no net benefit to be had. 'Fixing' things that aren't broken is a major problem with society today.

That being said, NMM needs a lot of fixing. I flat out wouldn't use it at all if I had a choice. I love FOMM, it's my ideal mod manager. I actually jury-rigged it to work with Skyrim and spent a ton of time attempting to coax it to manage Fallout 4's mods as well. Hell, I still use it on FO3, FNV, Skyrim, and I've gone out of my way to make sure NMM never tries to associate with those three titles so it can't screw up what's working. But try as I might I couldn't coax it to work with FO4, so I was forced to use the crashy pile of crap that is NMM.

Not fond of NMM and I'm not going to shed a tear when it's depreciated. I just hope Vortex is an improvement. I'll reserve judgement until it's in my hands.
1000101 wrote: @Ethreon: I don't know why you are being caustic. There is certainly no need for it. Making comments like "were people willing to bother reading" assumes that "people" spend their time simply waiting or searching for information on the specific subject matter. Those incorrect assumptions are your problem, nobody else's. Given that those "people" do not spend large amounts of their time on this website and may have missed or not known to look up the specific thing there is no reason to be rude. That you think the change is good, well that's good, others don't - but there is never any call to be passive aggressiveness simply because someone expresses an opinion contrary to yours.
tajetaje wrote: those "people" are you, I believe he is pointing out that you, and others that may post similarly, should not make claims on a subject matter that you don't understand.

It's not a dumb saying, you just can't apply it to everything.
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