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Redesign Launch - Stage 2 in progress


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In response to post #55388373. #55404713 is also a reply to the same post.

Enforcer2200 wrote: I like the new design, but not all the mods can be found in it.
lilphucq wrote: Yes, the search function often will not locate an mod by name, or find the mod using single words from mod name.

Try resetting the search filters once. I think there are some invisible tags being blocked by default.
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In response to post #55383223.




avpn wrote: I'm not really fond of the new design. It feels like it needs more clicks to do some stuff and hides a lot of the preview text when the mod has a big name, the old hovering the mouse over a mod was very helpful because it gave a lot more info then now and was very good to help our judgment to click or not to click on a mod, now it’s just a jack in the box feeling.

The same goes for the featured mods, the new design is quite unfortunate, two mods side-by-side and the other ones (the losers or the good but not enough??) have only a small rectangle to show the images with no description at all. If they are featured, they should all show the same way, just like the old design, oh and with text.


My personal taste... the Media panel should be at the bottom and have an option to be disabled, I honestly don't see much use for it.

The news panel should be sharing space with new mods, side by side just like the old design, but inverted. The old design gave too much space to the news and little to the mods itself, it just needs to be swapped, put the news on the right or left with a single column and the rest for the mods.


Let’s see how many will curse me, or say a crybaby, or an idiot etc.

We/I read all the comments about the redesign. Anything constructive is taken onboard and will be reviewed when we come to making changes over the next several months. Anything unconstructive/rude/just "I hate it" with no feedback is simply ignored (or deleted, if it's particularly rude).


I don't mind people not liking it, just so long as I know why so I can ascertain whether their criticism is actually relevant or not and something I can actually use :smile:


Yours fits in the category of being useful, so thanks.



See? It's not hard, people. Robin and company do listen when you give them something useful. Elaborate. Be descriptive. Suggest alternatives. Be helpful. That will change the new site faster than calling people autists (seriously, when did nexusmods become 4chan?), or just venting that you hate the site but not giving reasons why. You can't fix something if you don't know it's broke.


Was chat something that was going to be fixed for the new website, or are you staying with the Nexusmods/Discord duality? I ask because you could add a small visual element (from what I remember of SQL, it was a bit of code to simply do a run-check, I think) to the Chat button at the top of the page to display status--red for it being down, yellow for it being high-traffic busy, and green being good to go. This could just be changing the color of the text itself so users know at a glance when it's up or down. I don't know if it's possible to have that kind of software inter-operability, though.


Also, and perhaps one of the more veteran posters here can answer this, but could we have a list of third-party websites that nexusmods allows to be linked on this site so that people who are new to the forums know which ones they can use? For a while, I was using photobucket. Then they went premium. Then I switched to postimage.org. Not allowed anymore on Nexus. Nor were a few others. Or at least, is there one you would recommend that doesn't require signing up for a membership just to host images? Tinypic.com is one that seems okay. If we could have this as a sticky, or just as part of a general site FAQ, that would be useful. I bring this up in response to the people who mentioned the drag-and-drop issues. I normally used postimage, but that no longer works, and its like a revolving door, trying to guess which third-party site will be allowed every time I want to post an image. --in the forums, not on the website, per se as I have no problem uploading to my profile. Just wanted to clarify that.

Edited by twowolves80
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Also, and perhaps one of the more veteran posters here can answer this, but could we have a list of third-party websites that nexusmods allows to be linked on this site so that people who are new to the forums know which ones they can use? For a while, I was using photobucket. Then they went premium. Then I switched to postimage.org. Not allowed anymore on Nexus. Nor were a few others. Or at least, is there one you would recommend that doesn't require signing up for a membership just to host images? Tinypic.com is one that seems okay. If we could have this as a sticky, or just as part of a general site FAQ, that would be useful. I bring this up in response to the people who mentioned the drag-and-drop issues. I normally used postimage, but that no longer works, and its like a revolving door, trying to guess which third-party site will be allowed every time I want to post an image. --in the forums, not on the website, per se as I have no problem uploading to my profile. Just wanted to clarify that.


For images, Imgur is my choice.

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I thought you needed an imgur account? Hmm...I may just switch over. Photobucket borked things with their, "Now you pay for excess storage." I know tinypic works, too. I'm curious if there's an official endorsement one way or the other--in other words, are there specific image hosting sites that Robin and company had in mind when they set permissions for the forums? Or is it just whatever works with the site code?


And technically, for those inclined to say such things: It's not just for two sites they will be paying for if they offer an old and new version of the site, they're also paying for the forums, so it's actually three sites. Last checked (and I've never actually checked...), Robin isn't related to the Windsors or the Buffet family, so his funds are probably a little less...




...than bottomless.

Edited by twowolves80
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Why does everything have to look like it's built for a smart phone? Everything is flat and blends in with everything else. It's a visual jumble of un-definition. And what's the point, really? The old front page layout had hot files which gave us actual mod information, a large picture for each mod, news, and the mods of the month on the same page and easy to find while the new layout gives us none of this.
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You guys didn't stop the rollout or something did you? Ever since you said it was going out live, I've been using the normal address and expecting it to change but it never did. If you said something about it, I missed it.


Though, honestly, not that I mind since I prefer the old layout. The new one is much too flat looking, too cluttered on mod pages, and is harder to follow comments in due to the excessive use of flat color blocks. sorry I can't put that a bit more clearly but it's a general feeling that the site is now designed to be surfed on a 4 inch phone screen and not a 27 inch desktop PC monitor.

Edited by Arthmoor
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In response to post #55383223.




avpn wrote: I'm not really fond of the new design. It feels like it needs more clicks to do some stuff and hides a lot of the preview text when the mod has a big name, the old hovering the mouse over a mod was very helpful because it gave a lot more info then now and was very good to help our judgment to click or not to click on a mod, now it’s just a jack in the box feeling.

The same goes for the featured mods, the new design is quite unfortunate, two mods side-by-side and the other ones (the losers or the good but not enough??) have only a small rectangle to show the images with no description at all. If they are featured, they should all show the same way, just like the old design, oh and with text.


My personal taste... the Media panel should be at the bottom and have an option to be disabled, I honestly don't see much use for it.

The news panel should be sharing space with new mods, side by side just like the old design, but inverted. The old design gave too much space to the news and little to the mods itself, it just needs to be swapped, put the news on the right or left with a single column and the rest for the mods.


Let’s see how many will curse me, or say a crybaby, or an idiot etc.

We/I read all the comments about the redesign. Anything constructive is taken onboard and will be reviewed when we come to making changes over the next several months. Anything unconstructive/rude/just "I hate it" with no feedback is simply ignored (or deleted, if it's particularly rude).


I don't mind people not liking it, just so long as I know why so I can ascertain whether their criticism is actually relevant or not and something I can actually use :smile:


Yours fits in the category of being useful, so thanks.



See? It's not hard, people. Robin and company do listen when you give them something useful. Elaborate. Be descriptive. Suggest alternatives. Be helpful. That will change the new site faster than calling people autists (seriously, when did nexusmods become 4chan?), or just venting that you hate the site but not giving reasons why. You can't fix something if you don't know it's broke.


Was chat something that was going to be fixed for the new website, or are you staying with the Nexusmods/Discord duality? I ask because you could add a small visual element (from what I remember of SQL, it was a bit of code to simply do a run-check, I think) to the Chat button at the top of the page to display status--red for it being down, yellow for it being high-traffic busy, and green being good to go. This could just be changing the color of the text itself so users know at a glance when it's up or down. I don't know if it's possible to have that kind of software inter-operability, though.


Also, and perhaps one of the more veteran posters here can answer this, but could we have a list of third-party websites that nexusmods allows to be linked on this site so that people who are new to the forums know which ones they can use? For a while, I was using photobucket. Then they went premium. Then I switched to postimage.org. Not allowed anymore on Nexus. Nor were a few others. Or at least, is there one you would recommend that doesn't require signing up for a membership just to host images? Tinypic.com is one that seems okay. If we could have this as a sticky, or just as part of a general site FAQ, that would be useful. I bring this up in response to the people who mentioned the drag-and-drop issues. I normally used postimage, but that no longer works, and its like a revolving door, trying to guess which third-party site will be allowed every time I want to post an image. --in the forums, not on the website, per se as I have no problem uploading to my profile. Just wanted to clarify that.



Wait....postimage.org isn't allowed? That's what I've been using....I've tried tinypic, mediafire, flikr and the like, but all of them load so many ads and pop-ups, I can't do a thing with them. why isn't postimage allowed?

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In response to post #55385813. #55403098 is also a reply to the same post.

TheKlingonHamlet wrote: Flat design (in general) is the worst visual cancer humankind has ever invented.
I can't tell what's a button and what is not, and can't fix my eyes on anything, making using the site really difficult for me. It basically looks like one monolithic mess.
I don't understand why you had to make the redesign this way.
Dreizopf wrote: This!

"I can't tell what's a button and what is not"

This is the problem of all smartphone app layouts and should not be used on desktops.

I have to agree with this apt description of the problem telling buttons from things that are not.
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