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I don't have an alternative, but as is now the "Show more" button looks rather bad.


In images/videos, replace the dropdown menu with 2 buttons next to each other. Return the ability to endorse videos straight from the video section of a mod we published.

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Okayyy.... so you have to type something into search.


Hit Search.


Than remove the thing you typed with the little x to get to the advanced search


And then type in what you REALLY wanted to type in, at the advanced search. Unless you memorize or favorite the URL for that page, of course.


Why not let us get to the advanced search in the first place, easily?

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To be honest, the longer I use the new interface, the more I like it. There's a few inconveniences, sure, but overall it is good. At the start I liked the old lay-out better, but nevertheless made all my shortcuts point to the new addresses to not drag out the anguish by desperately holding on to something which was going to disappear anyway.


I still think that widening the usable space wasn't such a good idea when also making the content larger. I doesn't add anything except that now you keep getting the feeling that you see less than before.


I also kinda dislike the fact that, opening a screenshot on a mod page has the available photos in a strip at the bottom of the screenshot you're watching, but that strip is sitting within the space of the screenshot itself, instead of below it, blocking, if not a part of the picture then preventing you to see what the modder has added at the bottom of said screenshot.


I know that hitting escape once hides the strip of available screenshots, but adding a function that makes the strip disappear automatically -like the video info on YouTube videos or on most PC media players, and make the lot reappear when moving your mouse pointer within the perimeter of the screenshot section would be a welcome addition.


Then again, it's still early days and I see there's constantly little tweaks going on, so, I'm going to wait for a verdict that is final once we have a product that is also final.

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"Requirements, Perms & credits, Translations, Mirrors, Donations" I'd love to see these moved to the tabs. If there is no space, perhaps a second row of tabs. Between this section, the mod banner image and the ads, a person will must scroll halfway down the screen to find the mod description.


Ads: Advertisements are necessary for the owner of the site obviously. However the Geico ad at the top of my screen is equal in size to the mod banner... both of which are huge, and the combination is obnoxiously massive. I'd be willing to have my mod banner image cut in half vertically if the ad size could also be shortened by as much. In the older version, there's a small ad at top and another one off to the right. What if we had a shorter banner to the left and an ad to the right of it?


I like the width of the new page and how there are now more images across the screen instead of just 3.

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Honestly, I think the main pages for games are too...it seems like they went for a more stereotypically mobile-oriented design, which I question why since you don't play or mod any of the games on your phone or tablet. And the organization of the mod links themselves seems...hrm, I dunno what single adjective I'd use, but like, as far as making a list goes, how do you read a list? Top to bottom, yeah? Except in the tabs section underneath the Hot Mods area at the top, when you look at one of the tabs, it's arrayed grid style, and you're supposed to go left to right. I'd prefer it if they did away with the individual tabs, and reorganized it to side by side lists, so the left most column you'd have New Files, then Popular (30 days), Popular (all Time), Trending, and so on, and then also make it a list rather than a grid when actually clicking through to the full list. You'd also have a couple less tabs on a main game page that way since you'd end up combining the two Newest Files tabs/columns (that's also something I don't get, if you're looking for new files, whatever is in the daily one is going to be in the weekly one, in the same order). I DO like that the links for those tabs are now more prevalent, I just disagree with the organization. I also think they could shrink the preview slots closer to what they had, the new sizes kinda take up too much space IMO. Also maybe move the 'view more' button to the top of the proposed columns, cuz I, and I'm sure a lot of others, given how often mods are uploaded, just go straight to the full list anyway.


I also agree with the others who have expressed distaste for the drop down tabs/lists and the little 'plus icon' lists on a mod preview showing up immediately. They should either be delayed by a second or two, or need to actually be clicked to show them. NO ONE likes intrusive drop downs that show up with the slightest hint of mouse interaction and get in the way of clicking on what you actually want to click on, especially when in the case of those 'plus icons' it counts the space above the actual list as part of the list itself, so you can't just move the mouse off the 'plus', you have to move it away from the whole list...which takes up a good chunk of the preview itself.


That's my two cents after poking around a little.

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I sometimes still check in for comment on my mods to provide help to users, but oh my God do I dislike this new design for the website to the point where I almost don't want to check my comments anymore.

I don't understand why they had to change it to something that looks so bad with big buttons everywhere and a barren layout that is reminiscent to windows 10 or an I-phone.


Seriously, old layout felt warm and homely, new layout is cold and barren.

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1. Could a endorsement view be an option for gallery? Ie you could view images you have endorsed seperately, kinda like viewing favorites in DeviantArt.


2. Mod Tracking centre(for mod updates) feels very hidden and seeing a mod you tracked is kind of hard now. Should they be showing in the "Tracked Content updates tab" ? Because any mods that im following aint there, only on updates plug on the top bar.


3. Game specific what you have downloaded would be super nice. The current one in the download history tab on the profile is very cluttered, or atleast option to show by game(Similarily how old thing handled it).


Just my random saturday insane as sheogorath thoughts continue..

Edited by lolpeura
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Personally I find that the head picture (with the title) takes too much space and thereby not enough of the description (having to scroll for small amount longer). For me this is just tedium, as you'll be scrolling a lot more overall (additive overtime), in addition I find it a bit hard to see the highlighted tabs for "Description", "Files", "Images" etc. And making a border (like in the old site with colour matching the site's colour) would make it a bit faster to notice where to read from, that or I'm just an old-fashioned guy who has a hard time to move to new changes. :laugh:

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I think it's best to revert back to the old style.

Cause it's a mess of a site now, and it's very confusing as to how to find stuff.


100% agree or made an option for taking the old layout. the old layout was easier to handle and find mods

Edited by tdk01
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