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Shezarrine: The Fate of Tamriel (Spoiler thread)


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FYI, I use MO for my mod organizer.



I did find Fallout 4's story very well-written from a writer's perspective. But in truth, the factions that I wrote are closer to Fallout NV's. You can see merits in Caesar even though he's clearly the villain and "bad choice". In vanilla Thalmor, they have no redeeming attributes, making them even less desirable than Caesar, and I dislike that something is absolutely black or white, because the concept is unrealistic.


I did evaluate the option of making the story simpler and more shallow, but I figured it's not worth the price, since the story is the mod's key point (and I don't like shallow things personally). The Witcher 3 and Fallout NV proved that deep stories and world-building can lead to great success, therefore I am not willing to give it up for immediate return.


All appearance mods need compatibility patches. The CrimsonFairy compatibility patch appears to be outdated and it needs to be updated.



Ello, me again, sorry :S Uhm, Ive lost Onmund after I defeated Alduin, have been looking at player home, college of winterhold and other places, should i gather him through the console or is this supposed to happen? :smile:


Use console command:

prid 1c1a2

moveto 14

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FYI, I use MO for my mod organizer.



I did find Fallout 4's story very well-written from a writer's perspective. But in truth, the factions that I wrote are closer to Fallout NV's. You can see merits in Caesar even though he's clearly the villain and "bad choice". In vanilla Thalmor, they have no redeeming attributes, making them even less desirable than Caesar, and I dislike that something is absolutely black or white, because the concept is unrealistic.


I did evaluate the option of making the story simpler and more shallow, but I figured it's not worth the price, since the story is the mod's key point (and I don't like shallow things personally). The Witcher 3 and Fallout NV proved that deep stories and world-building can lead to great success, therefore I am not willing to give it up for immediate return.


All appearance mods need compatibility patches. The CrimsonFairy compatibility patch appears to be outdated and it needs to be updated.



Ello, me again, sorry :S Uhm, Ive lost Onmund after I defeated Alduin, have been looking at player home, college of winterhold and other places, should i gather him through the console or is this supposed to happen? :smile:


Use console command:

prid 1c1a2

moveto 14



Thanks for anwsering again!


Believe me, I don't think Fallout 4 was poorly written neither, I just had difficulty fully connecting to the ideals of any factions, so that's why I had a hard time and that I'm complaining about it now.

But now I decided to wait for the mod's full story before worrying. Even tho I was kinda complaining, it still looks unique and promising.


I managed to fix my Onmund problem by using the glorious Npc Visual Transfer Tool (found here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/64875/). So now not only he's pretty good to look at, but he now got that smexy british accent. I'm dying.


Thank you for your support.

Edited by superfi24
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Hiya! Just want to start off by saying this mod is absolutely breathtaking, I love what you've done with Onmund especially!


I think I have a bug in the 'An eye for an eye' quest, I met Onmund's parents, then listened to Ingvi's plan, and I'm now to look in the southern caves - however these three quest objectives haven't been marked as completed, and I've looked in the caves; there's nothing there and I can't progress further. I can use console commands to complete the entire quest, as you've suggested for other posters - but I don't know how to leave the Jerall Mountains bit.


I have tried reloading to a save before starting 'an eye for an eye' but the same bug happens again. :sad:




Nevermind! I found out how to progress the quest! :)

Edited by Toskael
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First of all, I must tell you that I really like this mod. Now I want to give you my thoughts. I was looking for the option to kill Onmund once you learnt the truth about him :sad:. Not that I wanted to kill him, at least not during this playtrough :devil:. When I started the quest 'An eye for an eye' I suddendly changed the way I used to think about him. He seems like a puppy who follows a master's lead. And I think his big master is his sister. Ingvi has her own goals and as long as they are the same as the Thalmor's she is going to be with them. On the other hand, Onmund behaves, thinks and speaks as he was taught. There's not much of him. He's like a shadow. It's pretty sad. I hope we have the chance to help him find himself on the next part. It would have been nice to have the opportunity to answer Onmund that the reason why you are the best option to keep the 'Eye' is because you don't want it. I love both siblings, they are two well-made characters. I feel admiration and suspicion at the same time for Ingvi while Onmund is like a little child you want to protect :ermm:. I will continue playing with this mod and maybe I'm going to write you again telling you my thoughts. I hope you understand what I tried to express. English is not my native language.

Before I forget, I want to report something. I experienced with this mod a problem that was mentioned before. Onmund stopped having iddle banter with the last update. I fixed it following the suggestion of someone who posted a temporarely solution for this problem. I merged the last update with the previous one.

You and your team are doing an excellent work :dance:.

Edited by Dixanan
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First of all, I must tell you that I really like this mod. Now I want to give you my thoughts. I was looking for the option to kill Onmund once you learnt the truth about him :sad:. Not that I wanted to kill him, at least not during this playtrough :devil:. When I started the quest 'An eye for an eye' I suddendly changed the way I used to think about him. He seems like a puppy who follows a master's lead. And I think his big master is his sister. Ingvi has her own goals and as long as they are the same as the Thalmor's she is going to be with them. On the other hand, Onmund behaves, thinks and speaks as he was taught. There's not much of him. He's like a shadow. It's pretty sad. I hope we have the chance to help him find himself on the next part. It would have been nice to have the opportunity to answer Onmund that the reason why you are the best option to keep the 'Eye' is because you don't want it. I love both siblings, they are two well-made characters. I feel admiration and suspicion at the same time for Ingvi while Onmund is like a little child you want to protect :ermm:. I will continue playing with this mod and maybe I'm going to write you again telling you my thoughts. I hope you understand what I tried to express. English is not my native language.

Before I forget, I want to report something. I experienced with this mod a problem that was mentioned before. Onmund stopped having iddle banter with the last update. I fixed it following the suggestion of someone who posted a temporarely solution for this problem. I merged the last update with the previous one.

You and your team are doing an excellent work :dance:.


I totally understand how you feel, 'cause I kinda felt the same way for a while.


But believe me, he is more 3 dimensional than he seems at first. You have to bring him with you absolutely everywhere around skyrim. Do the Big quest lines with him (main, thief guild, dark brotherhood, dawnguard and dragonborn) and maybe even the other quests as well. This is why the creator suggest to do a new game even tho it isn't required, 'cause you do miss a lot of the mod's features if you already finished most of the quests.


Yes, at times, it still feels like you're trying to convince a christian that God doesn't exists, but he as a lot of opinions on a lot of things. Even tho he as his own, currently unwavering beliefs, he still cares a lot about you (platonic or romantic, this is up to you tho)


PS, when you'll do Dawnguard, even tho you're already with Onmund, Bring Serana with you until the quest line is over. I had an amazing experience with those two!

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First of all, I must tell you that I really like this mod. Now I want to give you my thoughts. I was looking for the option to kill Onmund once you learnt the truth about him :sad:. Not that I wanted to kill him, at least not during this playtrough :devil:. When I started the quest 'An eye for an eye' I suddendly changed the way I used to think about him. He seems like a puppy who follows a master's lead. And I think his big master is his sister. Ingvi has her own goals and as long as they are the same as the Thalmor's she is going to be with them. On the other hand, Onmund behaves, thinks and speaks as he was taught. There's not much of him. He's like a shadow. It's pretty sad. I hope we have the chance to help him find himself on the next part. It would have been nice to have the opportunity to answer Onmund that the reason why you are the best option to keep the 'Eye' is because you don't want it. I love both siblings, they are two well-made characters. I feel admiration and suspicion at the same time for Ingvi while Onmund is like a little child you want to protect :ermm:. I will continue playing with this mod and maybe I'm going to write you again telling you my thoughts. I hope you understand what I tried to express. English is not my native language.

Before I forget, I want to report something. I experienced with this mod a problem that was mentioned before. Onmund stopped having iddle banter with the last update. I fixed it following the suggestion of someone who posted a temporarely solution for this problem. I merged the last update with the previous one.

You and your team are doing an excellent work :dance:.


I totally understand how you feel, 'cause I kinda felt the same way for a while.


But believe me, he is more 3 dimensional than he seems at first. You have to bring him with you absolutely everywhere around skyrim. Do the Big quest lines with him (main, thief guild, dark brotherhood, dawnguard and dragonborn) and maybe even the other quests as well. This is why the creator suggest to do a new game even tho it isn't required, 'cause you do miss a lot of the mod's features if you already finished most of the quests.


Yes, at times, it still feels like you're trying to convince a christian that God doesn't exists, but he as a lot of opinions on a lot of things. Even tho he as his own, currently unwavering beliefs, he still cares a lot about you (platonic or romantic, this is up to you tho)


PS, when you'll do Dawnguard, even tho you're already with Onmund, Bring Serana with you until the quest line is over. I had an amazing experience with those two!


I can absolutely second that. I pretty much had the same issues at the start, because the bulk of Onmund's early topics are of his family, hometown and about the Thalmor. These are the things which he has the most stubborn opinions about, which may leave a somewhat sour first impression (especially if you're like me, who wants to tackle the basic, controversial things, so after that, the relationship can start off an honest foundation). Like mentioned above, he felt like a guy with good intentions, but he has been given frighteningly effective conditioning regarding his loyalty to his superiors and the state he serves. There were points I would have loved to argue with my character, but the right option just wan't there.

But! After persevering a bit, you can already see the development, little by little, which I completely adore.

When he actually brought up how he realized that there are more important things that the state and his service to it - during one if his... lovetalks, so to say - I was like: hell yeah! Of course, that could be just bait for a later metaphorical kick in the nuts, but I'm optimistic ő_ő


While I have much ahead of me regarding Skyrim's questlines, there are signs to show that he will become more and more rounded and three-dimensional, whatever direction it will take him. If I factor in that there are 5 acts with around 20 quests planned (plus all the content in Skyim itself), I'm pretty enthusiastic and curious about what effects of his experiences will have on him.


Also, I have to install AFT and its compatibility patch before I start Dawnguard (thanks for the reminder)! :)

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First of all, I must tell you that I really like this mod. Now I want to give you my thoughts. I was looking for the option to kill Onmund once you learnt the truth about him :sad:. Not that I wanted to kill him, at least not during this playtrough :devil:. When I started the quest 'An eye for an eye' I suddendly changed the way I used to think about him. He seems like a puppy who follows a master's lead. And I think his big master is his sister. Ingvi has her own goals and as long as they are the same as the Thalmor's she is going to be with them. On the other hand, Onmund behaves, thinks and speaks as he was taught. There's not much of him. He's like a shadow. It's pretty sad. I hope we have the chance to help him find himself on the next part. It would have been nice to have the opportunity to answer Onmund that the reason why you are the best option to keep the 'Eye' is because you don't want it. I love both siblings, they are two well-made characters. I feel admiration and suspicion at the same time for Ingvi while Onmund is like a little child you want to protect :ermm:. I will continue playing with this mod and maybe I'm going to write you again telling you my thoughts. I hope you understand what I tried to express. English is not my native language.

Before I forget, I want to report something. I experienced with this mod a problem that was mentioned before. Onmund stopped having iddle banter with the last update. I fixed it following the suggestion of someone who posted a temporarely solution for this problem. I merged the last update with the previous one.

You and your team are doing an excellent work :dance:.


I totally understand how you feel, 'cause I kinda felt the same way for a while.


But believe me, he is more 3 dimensional than he seems at first. You have to bring him with you absolutely everywhere around skyrim. Do the Big quest lines with him (main, thief guild, dark brotherhood, dawnguard and dragonborn) and maybe even the other quests as well. This is why the creator suggest to do a new game even tho it isn't required, 'cause you do miss a lot of the mod's features if you already finished most of the quests.


Yes, at times, it still feels like you're trying to convince a christian that God doesn't exists, but he as a lot of opinions on a lot of things. Even tho he as his own, currently unwavering beliefs, he still cares a lot about you (platonic or romantic, this is up to you tho)


PS, when you'll do Dawnguard, even tho you're already with Onmund, Bring Serana with you until the quest line is over. I had an amazing experience with those two!


Hi! Thank you for the advice about the Dawnguard questline. I haven't started it yet 'cause I'm doing side quest and some of the Daedric Quest with Onmund. I read everything the author wrote that's why I started a new game with one of my recurrent five characters and since the beginning I've only had Onmund with me. I travelled to every city and I've done quests in each one of them just to listen to his banter. I wasn't sure if he had commentaries based only on quests or on quests and places. It took me a while to finish all the main questline of the College because I wanted to have the opportunity to know Onmund and develop a solid relationship with him first. I knew before hand (thanks to comments on the page of the mod and because I played with Caesia) that he was a Thalmor and somehow used you (I don't know if that's the right word to express it) in order to achieve his mission. So, for RPG reasons, I wanted my character (and myself) to develop feelings for him, that's why I didn't do 'An eye for an eye' inmediately. My commentary was to express my feelings so far with this mod. I still think it would be good for RPG reasons to have the option to try to kill Onmund when he reveals his identity because not everyone chose to be his friend or girlfriend/boyfriend and for those people it would have had more sense to try to attack him. My character and myself changed the way we think about him not because he is what he is but because he didn't choose to be that. At first, I respected his viewpoint despite not always agreeing with it because I accepted him as he was. But then I realized much of his behaviour was taught, he was trained to follow a master's will without doubts or questions. The Thalmor took two deeply hurt, unaccepted and innocent siblings and used their pain to create two good soldiers. I said that Onmund didn't choose to be a Thalmor 'cause one you've had to endure a difficult life plagued of injustices you're going to stick to the first opportunity to change that. They were looking for acceptance, love, education, etc. and the Thalmor provided some of that. They were like a safe harbour for two survivors. Of course Onmund was going to live and die for them. But as I see it (I could be wrong) he didn't have the free will to develop his own thoughts about not only politics but the world itself. But what if he had known something more, not only his childhood experience and the Thalmor that in his mind (I think) are like bad and good. He is an extremely well-intentioned person to blindly agree with everything his masters do and say. The Thalmor were good for him and his sister so he gave to them his loyalty in exchange. On the other hand, Ingvi agrees with their philosophy (I'm not sure if this the right word to express what I want to express) but her eyes are not closed. She has her own mind plus her teachings. The only think Onmund cares more than the doctrine he follows is his sister. She has the real power to influence him. Now I see him as a lost puppy my character wants to protect. She's his friend (I'm not on a romance path) and cares deeply for him. She doesn't agree with everything he says, she never did :wallbash: . But she respects him and wants to help him see the world with his own eyes and find his voice. She'll respect his idology as long as it's something he himself really believes.

I think the siblings are two well made characters. The fact that you can develop feelings for them is proof of that :dance:. I like that they are grey characters. Black or white ones are not only unrealistic but also boring.

Edited by Dixanan
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First of all, I must tell you that I really like this mod. Now I want to give you my thoughts. I was looking for the option to kill Onmund once you learnt the truth about him :sad:. Not that I wanted to kill him, at least not during this playtrough :devil:. When I started the quest 'An eye for an eye' I suddendly changed the way I used to think about him. He seems like a puppy who follows a master's lead. And I think his big master is his sister. Ingvi has her own goals and as long as they are the same as the Thalmor's she is going to be with them. On the other hand, Onmund behaves, thinks and speaks as he was taught. There's not much of him. He's like a shadow. It's pretty sad. I hope we have the chance to help him find himself on the next part. It would have been nice to have the opportunity to answer Onmund that the reason why you are the best option to keep the 'Eye' is because you don't want it. I love both siblings, they are two well-made characters. I feel admiration and suspicion at the same time for Ingvi while Onmund is like a little child you want to protect :ermm:. I will continue playing with this mod and maybe I'm going to write you again telling you my thoughts. I hope you understand what I tried to express. English is not my native language.

Before I forget, I want to report something. I experienced with this mod a problem that was mentioned before. Onmund stopped having iddle banter with the last update. I fixed it following the suggestion of someone who posted a temporarely solution for this problem. I merged the last update with the previous one.

You and your team are doing an excellent work :dance:.


I totally understand how you feel, 'cause I kinda felt the same way for a while.


But believe me, he is more 3 dimensional than he seems at first. You have to bring him with you absolutely everywhere around skyrim. Do the Big quest lines with him (main, thief guild, dark brotherhood, dawnguard and dragonborn) and maybe even the other quests as well. This is why the creator suggest to do a new game even tho it isn't required, 'cause you do miss a lot of the mod's features if you already finished most of the quests.


Yes, at times, it still feels like you're trying to convince a christian that God doesn't exists, but he as a lot of opinions on a lot of things. Even tho he as his own, currently unwavering beliefs, he still cares a lot about you (platonic or romantic, this is up to you tho)


PS, when you'll do Dawnguard, even tho you're already with Onmund, Bring Serana with you until the quest line is over. I had an amazing experience with those two!


I can absolutely second that. I pretty much had the same issues at the start, because the bulk of Onmund's early topics are of his family, hometown and about the Thalmor. These are the things which he has the most stubborn opinions about, which may leave a somewhat sour first impression (especially if you're like me, who wants to tackle the basic, controversial things, so after that, the relationship can start off an honest foundation). Like mentioned above, he felt like a guy with good intentions, but he has been given frighteningly effective conditioning regarding his loyalty to his superiors and the state he serves. There were points I would have loved to argue with my character, but the right option just wan't there.

But! After persevering a bit, you can already see the development, little by little, which I completely adore.

When he actually brought up how he realized that there are more important things that the state and his service to it - during one if his... lovetalks, so to say - I was like: hell yeah! Of course, that could be just bait for a later metaphorical kick in the nuts, but I'm optimistic ő_ő


While I have much ahead of me regarding Skyrim's questlines, there are signs to show that he will become more and more rounded and three-dimensional, whatever direction it will take him. If I factor in that there are 5 acts with around 20 quests planned (plus all the content in Skyim itself), I'm pretty enthusiastic and curious about what effects of his experiences will have on him.


Also, I have to install AFT and its compatibility patch before I start Dawnguard (thanks for the reminder)! :smile:


Good on you on reporting this issue on the mod page. I've just seen it. Merging both last updates worked for a while to recover his banter but know I'm starting to have the problem again. When I start the game at the very beggining he has some random banter but then he looses it. This has happened to me three times already. Something is previnting the banter for firing maybe is the game engine.

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