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What was the game that caused your gaming addiction to begin?


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The first game I ever played that I was able to play from start everyday was sonic x or something...by sega very long ago, I remember starting a new save everyday :D

My second would be age of empires 1 directly followed by age of empires 2...loved those games ^^

I must say a lot of games kinda added up to make me what I am today :D THANK YOU ALL DEVELOPERS IN THE WORLD!

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My very first gaming experience started when I was 8 years old, My Mom bought me my first console game(nintendo) for my 8th birthday that was i think around 1991. I remember me and my cousins were playing Contra the entire summer. :happy: that was a lot of fun.


But my gaming addiction started when i was already in high school, Me and 2 of my classmates cut classes to play Tom Clancy :Rainbow Six by Red Storm Entertainment. We spend the entire afternoon playing multiplayer and doing coop missions, Then of course came my report card and the nagging/sermons that came after that. Never saw my dad really angry at anything that was the first time I've seen him really pissed off, Then he bought me my very first PC ;D upon the conditions and terms that i pass all my previous failed subjects, Attend all my classes ect. Which i have honored our agreement. lol Then came Diablo, Diablo2, R6 Vegas, Counter Strike, Ragnarok and the list goes on, Graduated college , Got married, Now with a 5 year old daughter, And still playing computer games.

Edited by spets21
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The first game that introduced me to serious gaming was Final Fantasy Tactics. It also introduced me to seriously learning english, since by then I barely could use past form.

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I think it was Finaly Fantasy II(4) on the SNES that really got me started in gaming. Before that, I did play games, but it was mostly the common action platformers like mario and only casually; nothing that ever caught my full interest. I even had an intellivision way back then. It was FF that introduced me to huge worlds and storylines and there on I sought more of same.

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