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The person: Machine Gun Kelly I remember people talking about isn't a pop star covered in tattoos who lives today.


The Machine Gun Kelly I remember was a big bad gangster of ill repute. Lesson learned. Don't ask my enemies what they think of me because they might not give me the answer I like to hear.


I was at a sports store buying some camping gear.


The gal at the checkout counter and I got to talking about DNA and genealogy tests She told me she found out she was related to a monster from the past. A man so horrid that his name rules in the house of wax as a terrible beast.


I looked at her. Softly I said, but not to his friends.


She didn't get my drift in meaning. So I added, He had a lot of family and friends. And if a hoard of wild beasts came tromping through the crops destroying the Winter hope of feasts through it you'd have probably gotten angry and gone out with the hunters and killed as many of the wild beast as you could. We were in a sporting goods store. REMEMBER?


She looked at me eyes wide. Not thinking of some deers, goats, sheep, or rebelling cows.


I said, he was probably protecting the crops his people were tending. And it just happened a bunch of people who weren't neighbors started frollicing in the fields that didn't speak a word of Vlad the Impaler's language.


I don't particularly like to find out someone good earns a bad name because they defend their family, friends, and a larger audience who rally to their aid when a bunch of ignorant humans call them names and taunt them into a fight so the real people standing in the back row, up on the hill side who are responsible for sending in the dumbasses don't gain any fame but cause the good name of a castle owner to be muddied and remembered more than his good name.


She realized that if she was a real life relative of Vlad the Impaler she would probably know the good name he was known as.


Ta Da!

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qanon followers, cultists and reality ignorers just do me the favor and omit my post! thanks! you do me and yourself a big favor!


this is what happenend on thanksgiving.

and we all know the result! nothing more to add from my side. "thank you" president trump for your clear visions!


trump does day by day what a 10 year old boy with mediocre or low iq does if parents forgot to educate him to develop respect, empathy and social intelligence.

nobody needs such a man as a president - even with a valid rep agenda - apart from people who are somehow blinded, cultists, just stupid fan boys or fans of daily low iq entertainment spreaded as news.

Or maybe folks that don't like the democrat agenda.


We get it, you don't like trump. However, basing your decision on who to vote for on the candidates moral character is simply idiotic. Reminds of when folks didn't want to vote for Kennedy, because he was catholic.


Not that anything you say matters in the least. You don't decide whom anyone votes for, and you personally don't get a vote either. You can spout all the opinionated nonsense you want, and you aren't going to change a single mind.


But then, nothing I say is going to sway you from your position either. I am basically barking into the wind here. Doesn't seem to matter to you that your position is flat out wrong, on so many levels. But hey, we are all entitled to our opinions, right?


you answer like a 10 year old boy - like trump would do - and always turning in circles instead of facing reality.

no, it is not about me or my position or if i like trump or not - if you are unable to understand my message you seem somehow incapable to understand my very simple english.

but i will help you the last time to understand with plain simple words, just for you:

it is not relevant who tries to corrupt democracy but it is vitally relevant that you (and hopefully many others) check that since trump and his corrupt friends force his election tales "as the truth" while discrediting u.s. institutions including the supreme court with a rep majority without any serious reason or evidence.

it is a democracy discrediting joke what trump produces and you don't check it even after month. this hurts but it is on you to find a way back to reality and the rules of democracy.

i don't know if you will ever check what is currently happening with your country and democracy. Are you really such right wing blinded that you would prefer division in favor of trying to unify the nation ?

i hope this point is now even clear for you!

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qanon followers, cultists and reality ignorers just do me the favor and omit my post! thanks! you do me and yourself a big favor!


this is what happenend on thanksgiving.

and we all know the result! nothing more to add from my side. "thank you" president trump for your clear visions!


trump does day by day what a 10 year old boy with mediocre or low iq does if parents forgot to educate him to develop respect, empathy and social intelligence.

nobody needs such a man as a president - even with a valid rep agenda - apart from people who are somehow blinded, cultists, just stupid fan boys or fans of daily low iq entertainment spreaded as news.

Or maybe folks that don't like the democrat agenda.


We get it, you don't like trump. However, basing your decision on who to vote for on the candidates moral character is simply idiotic. Reminds of when folks didn't want to vote for Kennedy, because he was catholic.


Not that anything you say matters in the least. You don't decide whom anyone votes for, and you personally don't get a vote either. You can spout all the opinionated nonsense you want, and you aren't going to change a single mind.


But then, nothing I say is going to sway you from your position either. I am basically barking into the wind here. Doesn't seem to matter to you that your position is flat out wrong, on so many levels. But hey, we are all entitled to our opinions, right?


you answer like a 10 year old boy ...


<sniped long hubristic rant>


i hope this point is now even clear for you!


legenda est, in proprio animi sui

(a legend in his own mind)

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qanon followers, cultists and reality ignorers just do me the favor and omit my post! thanks! you do me and yourself a big favor!


this is what happenend on thanksgiving.

and we all know the result! nothing more to add from my side. "thank you" president trump for your clear visions!


trump does day by day what a 10 year old boy with mediocre or low iq does if parents forgot to educate him to develop respect, empathy and social intelligence.

nobody needs such a man as a president - even with a valid rep agenda - apart from people who are somehow blinded, cultists, just stupid fan boys or fans of daily low iq entertainment spreaded as news.

Or maybe folks that don't like the democrat agenda.


We get it, you don't like trump. However, basing your decision on who to vote for on the candidates moral character is simply idiotic. Reminds of when folks didn't want to vote for Kennedy, because he was catholic.


Not that anything you say matters in the least. You don't decide whom anyone votes for, and you personally don't get a vote either. You can spout all the opinionated nonsense you want, and you aren't going to change a single mind.


But then, nothing I say is going to sway you from your position either. I am basically barking into the wind here. Doesn't seem to matter to you that your position is flat out wrong, on so many levels. But hey, we are all entitled to our opinions, right?


you answer like a 10 year old boy - like trump would do - and always turning in circles instead of facing reality.

no, it is not about me or my position or if i like trump or not - if you are unable to understand my message you seem somehow incapable to understand my very simple english.

but i will help you the last time to understand with plain simple words, just for you:

it is not relevant who tries to corrupt democracy but it is vitally relevant that you (and hopefully many others) check that since trump and his corrupt friends force his election tales "as the truth" while discrediting u.s. institutions including the supreme court with a rep majority without any serious reason or evidence.

it is a democracy discrediting joke what trump produces and you don't check it even after month. this hurts but it is on you to find a way back to reality and the rules of democracy.

i don't know if you will ever check what is currently happening with your country and democracy. Are you really such right wing blinded that you would prefer division in favor of trying to unify the nation ?

i hope this point is now even clear for you!


I get your message. You don't like trump. You don't think he is a good leader, because of his lack of morals, and various other personality flaws. And yes, I have conceded those points. Trump is an idiot. The point that I am trying to make, that you totally ignore, along with the reality of the situation, is that I am not voting for the MAN, I am voting for his political platform. If Atilla the Hun ran on the republican ticket against Biden, I would be voting for Atilla.


I can't put this any clearer. Maybe its a language barrier, but, we've been thru all that before too.


But then, like a typical liberal, you won't argue the point, you will just sling insults instead. That's ok. We know you don't have a valid argument, and that the emotional reaction is all you have. Just go back to your safe space, and cry in your comfort pillow. You'll feel better in the morning. Maybe.


For my part, yes indeed, I am disappointed that Trump lost the popular vote. Didn't really come as a surprise though..... However, tomorrow will tell the tale. The electoral college meets, and THEY decide who wins. There is no law that says they have to vote as the regions they represent voted..... so, Trump still has a chance. Albeit a small one. If the electoral college decrees Biden won, then so be it. I will live with is till 2024, and then vote again. Hopefully, the republicans will be running someone that is actually electable. I REALLY don't want to see Trump run again. That will likely be a guaranteed loss.

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HeyYou don't forget that those states can still have two slates of electors show up causing them to toss all of that state's electors. Currently the FBI has confirmed over 500,000 fraudulent ballots (All Biden votes) where found in the swing states; likely From China as a one Florida news outlet reported they have found over 150k ballots in Florida, that they identified as having the wrong paper, wrong ink tone, wrong font, and the wrong water mark (grey instead of translucent). These were pointed out in a whistleblower video from a printing company in Guangdong showing the ballots for that county in Florida. Also the results of the software audit in several states has been forced sealed by Democrat lawmakers and judges after the Georgia test audit showed the machine was swapping Trump Votes for Biden. Three machines have been caught doing this so far, and one was caught the first week. remember the 6k vote swap that was called human error? Well one of the testers of the audit did slip and say it wasn't, and it is the reason the Dems fought so hard to seal the audit results, as well as attempt to block more audits test in Georgia and a few machines have been confirmed to have been tampered with by the voting machine company contractors.

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HeyYou don't forget that those states can still have two slates of electors show up causing them to toss all of that state's electors. Currently the FBI has confirmed over 500,000 fraudulent ballots (All Biden votes) where found in the swing states; likely From China as a one Florida news outlet reported they have found over 150k ballots in Florida, that they identified as having the wrong paper, wrong ink tone, wrong font, and the wrong water mark (grey instead of translucent). These were pointed out in a whistleblower video from a printing company in Guangdong showing the ballots for that county in Florida. Also the results of the software audit in several states has been forced sealed by Democrat lawmakers and judges.

Source, or it didn't happen.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJg7qKJ8tn0 Frontpage about the fbi and the 500k fraud ballots, One of the whistleblower videos showing the Ballots https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQQCclv8-VU is a reup from Gtv. Spent a hour looking for the florida article to far buried in my history 1k+ links over 4 days does that but look again later. As for the software audit you should be an adult and look that up yourself as even youtube has taken those down yet.


Edit add


* More on the Whistleblower story https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-fAjMHMQbE&list=PLdKjn_btajRqJQnCejKykqgm0aCq-YXge *


*edit add 2 Mixed Georgia and Florida https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/georgia-lawsuit-witness-testifies-use-different-paper-counterfeit-ballots-watermark-solid-grey-instead-transparent-100-joe-biden/


Also hearing from PA officials 700,000 PA ballots are missing their Watermark

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nothing personal gracingfields - but you seriously claim that these links above are facts or whatever and all people are failing including all rep dominated courts and supreme court to see the truth - excluding trump and his press secretary mc ennany, his paid fairy tail friends and his fan boys and girls - right ?


why does nobody including all relevant courts accept this posted bulls**t? are you sure trump - indirectly paying with donations for most of this hilarious stuff - knows about all that crap? this is just too stupid and - and as always - baseless and with no evidence. everyone can spread such stupid stuff if there is enough money. trump seems to corrupt supremists with more and more lies - but still not the majority of voters.

if someone ever influenced the elections in an obvious bad way it was trump with his claims and actions even before the election and it is a shame that so many people are acting like they support these spreaded tales as a soap opera. it is so bad and sad that trump made his country a banana republik (even from your trumpists point of view) that i really can't believe that you believe his stupid claims.

it is also difficult for me to believe that you are proud (?) to support spreading such crap posted above - just (probably paid) twaddle to undermine the u.s authorities - which were leaded by trump the last four years!


the reality is that the rep dominated supreme court has unanimously rejected a baseless lawsuit filed by texas seeking to overturn the presidential election result, dealing the biggest blow yet to Donald Trump’s assault on democracy. and this is just the most prominent of more than 50 cases!


the reality is also that the trump supported traveling on thanksgiving - as one of so many of his very bad ideas - even accelerated the pandemic and death rate as predicted by serious scientists.


seems that some or all of the tumpists here are still unable to synchronize their base of knowledge with the reality.


if you think you are better informed than supreme court or it is a good idea to question the intelligence of the court members even with a rep majority you should blame trump for that - and no one else! and if you think it is a good idea to show this with posting obvious whistleblower fake information spreading faster than a virus like above it shows much about you and the bad shape your country is in. the only one who is always better informed - even after a few minutes - is miss or mrs mc ennany. just rely on her claims as many do here. she just claims that all people including supreme court are not doing their job. just she and trump does!

she became a real trump fan in 2016. before she wrote against him. probably she is the best paid press secretary and we probably all know why :wink:


very good that you also posted the flynn stuff. this is so sad and shows and contributes to what's going on in america. study the facts here


the eye opener - that is even better entertaining than qanon and the "pandemic is a hoax" or the "china virus". if you are not joking posting this as serious info you are a reality ignorer. i'm sure and somehow sad that you are even prepared to do all to destroy your democracy and the remaining bits of your u.s. unity if you do not find back to your brain again in time. it is sad to see such crap and misinformation publicly posted but it is part of the u.s. reality - supported and corrupted by trump and his trumpists. the worst thing is that it seems to work and to be an "alternative truth" and socially acceptable for many people in the u.s. nobody can stop you to believe in crap. if you do so you will be trumps personal hero but a serious problem and a burden for your democracy and the future of your country.


this debate develops more and more to a collection of conspiracy offers. funny and sad at the same time. just straight election info here

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Just mildly curious ..were did you study US Constitutional Law? Regurgitating left wing propaganda is not quoting unimpeachable sources ie: the Annenburg Project and ABC. One is in the pocket of the DNC and the other is barely disguised democrat state media. It is a shock I know to realize that other people have differing views from you that are valid but it's true, we do.

There are no unimpeachable sources anymore, that type of journalism died in the late 20th century.

No one ever wins a debate here you just fight them till one side is tired or bored and just quits.

Not once have I seen a mea culpa concession to the opposing side.

BTW you might want to look up Hubris because you have a terminal case of it.





Biden delinda est.

Impeach 46

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@XrayyLet us look into the Texas Case first, you said it was baseless. Going to Paraphrase Alito and Thomas on this "while the case might have merit, you do not have standing". Standing refers to either suffering damage from someone else's failure to follow the law. The case was never ruled on merit. In fact most of the lawsuits brought forward by the Trump team has either been ruled as not having standing or they were too late to file as they needed to file before the election, which if they did than they can easily say they have no standing as there was no injury, come back when you suffered injury. As for the merit of the Texas case mainstream media has been stating Texas is trying to enforces its state's constitution on other states, this is not what the case says. The case alleges that PA didn't follow PA's constitution, GA didn't follow GA's constitution, MI didn't follow MI's constitution, and WI didn't follow MI's constitution. Which is true as the state Legislature is the only one with the authority to change election rules and pick electors not the Courts or Governor. In all four sued states the Legislature has not picked electors nor did they agree to many of the last minute changes in election laws that occured in their state. Furthermore the Texas case isn't totally thrown out as it is being turned to a complaint that is to be forwarded to congress. Something else is happening with the case but I haven't heard the details on that.


As for the PA case in the US Supreme court that case is still ongoing the only thing that happened there is the Emergency injunctive relief was denied, and has yet to be heard by the US Supreme Court.


For Flynn stuff I didn't even use that in any statement in what I posted, if it is in the videos it doesn't matter as I was not arguing on any of those points.


You also go off topic bring up the Virus something I didn't not point out, however you did and will humor you a little on this. While "detected" cases have gone up the death rate hasn't spike, in fact one new outlet was caught using total cases detected and not unique cases, thus inflating the numbers as people who did catch it were being retested, and another outlet was even reporting cases that were later determined to be false positives. Even it was reported by a hospital that a person that fell off a later and never tested positive for Covid-19 was ruled a Covid death on his death certificate. So you can see why some are suspicious of the actual reported number. As for claiming Thanksgiving travel is the reason for the spike I have yet to see you say anything about the BLM riots being a contributing factor, or even when the Media said Biden one and many left leaning individuals went out and celebrated in the street and even passing around and drinking from the same bottle of liquor, which could another reason for said spike.



So my question to you Xrayy where do you get this broad outside of a bubble information that you claim to get, as it seems you only listen to mainstream media?

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