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regardless how this election ends and if you voted for dems or reps: im my opinion trump (still as the president) shows in the last two days and hours who he is and who he was through the last four years and why he is a miscast.

i hope that his permanent divisive behavior and his misguiding twaddle will end somehow and that the u.s. will be leaded by someone who is trustworthy and tries to be president for all people and who fight against racism, terrorism and all kind of pure inhuman action. trust is so important. but trust to a leader or as a leader can never be build on a series of lies, egoism, vanity, narcissism and megalomania as trump tries all the time.

i'm optimistic that the oldest democracy will affirm itself, regardless how a man like trump permanently questions or denigrates it.


There are a lot of people counting on having a leader who will fight for them and their future. Beijing Biden is not that man. Half the country wants this fight and they will get it. The only danger is if contesting the process and ballots is not done. Then you will see great harm done to our country. There are some major irregularities going on which should be challenged. This is actually the norm in our "democracy" and not at all an outlier in the history of American politics.


But as I said before, Trump has already won. He has changed us forever...and he may raise like a phoenix and win!

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But as I said before, Trump has already won. He has changed us forever...and he may raise like a phoenix and win!

Actually it was the Russians that changed you forever given you guys allowed them to hack your democratic process; Trump was just beneficiary of that.


BTW, the Russians are still hacking your democratic process - and they're using more sophisticated and subtle methods of doing it than in 2016.

Edited by gnarly1
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trump currently lies on TV about his nation,the working u.s. democracy and the election so that he has to be interrupted to prevent him again from power abuse and to spread misleading, fairy tail like content. even reps refuse to support him at this point. any rep voter still supporting or excusing this quality of obvious power abuse should get lost! nobody can be so narrow minded and misleaded - apart from qanon and some other extremists - to support this.

sorry, in my opinion there are no more excuses for such a behavior! in my opinion trump already accomplished his self destruction with his corona management. if some lost reps still needed evidence for trumps incapability he showed it in the last few hours in compact format on twitter and tv and i'm pretty sure more will follow...

my impression: trump behaves like someone who realizes slowly - while still refusing - that his personal four years lasting vendetta against the structures of the u.s democracy may end with this election. I'm sure even the reps will feel better if this personal vendetta and irresponsible bottomless low quality soap opera one man show ends.

real life is more than trump entertainment or a reality show even if many people refuse to realize that because he seems to masterfully feed longings of unsatisfied people for his personal benefit and his self-praise shows. you cannot treat "earth" or "climate" or "corona" like people in a trump show like trump does. "firing" them and excluding them as main problems like trump does - not solving any of these problems. mankind needs to solve these problems to survive, even if trump is focusing on spreading dirty money and jobs just based on antiquated and earth polluting methods and while promising to support protectionism and miserably and continuously failing in managing corona pandemic adequately.

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You can never fire enough incompetent government leeches. IMO government is made up of all the losers who are unable to make something of their own. Most are lazy and are legally

protected from being fired. When you are able to pull one of those blood suckers from the hide of the country you should get a medal!


Your TDS aside, Trump had a good run. Accomplished a lot and put the establishment on notice. Even this election proves that a pandemic, recession and racial tension isn't enough to create a wave of voters wanting to have the establishment in power. If they do win it will be by the skin on their ass.


Next year the housing bubble will burst then we will truly be in the Obama years again!

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yes, trump and his family had a good run. that's what i already posted. he obviously seems to feed longings of unsatisfied people for his personal benefit and his self-praise shows.

and people like you obviously need that and his fairy tales and tolerate or even celebrate trump for that. and previous politicians refusing to distribute irrational gifts probably somehow made this effect stronger for you.


but all this says nothing about the reality and the price the u.s. as a nation has to pay for this run: no strategic agenda for economy and health, no corona agenda, no mexico paid wall but instead a u.s paid one with big holes, no more trustworthy politics. instead you have incited people spread all over the nation, a protectionism battle, a power abusing president, telling fairy tales or qanon vodoo about corona, climate or modern economy or just ignoring it.


and on top he can present beautiful corona numbers and a blooming economy! why wearing a mask if you are a trump voter ? corona is overrated... :wink:


congratulations and thanks to all trump voters for these revealing four years!

but the u.s. really deserve a better president who has at least a slight understanding of what the word "united" means.

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yes, trump and his family had a good run. that's what i already posted. he obviously seems to feed longings of unsatisfied people for his personal benefit and his self-praise shows.

and people like you obviously need that and his fairy tales and tolerate or even celebrate trump for that. and previous politicians refusing to distribute irrational gifts probably somehow made this effect stronger for you.


but all this says nothing about the reality and the price the u.s. as a nation has to pay for this run: no strategic agenda for economy and health, no corona agenda, no mexico paid wall but instead a u.s paid one with big holes, no more trustworthy politics. instead you have incited people spread all over the nation, a protectionism battle, a power abusing president, telling fairy tales or qanon vodoo about corona, climate or modern economy or just ignoring it.


and on top he can present beautiful corona numbers and a blooming economy! why wearing a mask if you are a trump voter ? corona is overrated... :wink:


congratulations and thanks to all trump voters for these revealing four years!

but the u.s. really deserve a better president who has at least a slight understanding of what the word "united" means.

We haven't been "United" for decades. But then, you don't live here, so, you wouldn't know.


Biden is NOT going to be a 'better' president. He will be different, but, I seriously doubt he will be 'better'. Too many of his programs/policies are detrimental to the US, both economically, and for our long-term security. Not to mention unconstitutional....... But once again, we have been over all that before, and once again, you just gloss over it. (or completely ignore it.)


You accuse Trump supporters of being deluded/mentally deranged.... I would invite you to look in a mirror. Your rabid hatred of Trump really doesn't prompt me to want to take you seriously.

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yes, trump and his family had a good run. that's what i already posted. he obviously seems to feed longings of unsatisfied people for his personal benefit and his self-praise shows.

and people like you obviously need that and his fairy tales and tolerate or even celebrate trump for that. and previous politicians refusing to distribute irrational gifts probably somehow made this effect stronger for you.


but all this says nothing about the reality and the price the u.s. as a nation has to pay for this run: no strategic agenda for economy and health, no corona agenda, no mexico paid wall but instead a u.s paid one with big holes, no more trustworthy politics. instead you have incited people spread all over the nation, a protectionism battle, a power abusing president, telling fairy tales or qanon vodoo about corona, climate or modern economy or just ignoring it.


and on top he can present beautiful corona numbers and a blooming economy! why wearing a mask if you are a trump voter ? corona is overrated... :wink:


congratulations and thanks to all trump voters for these revealing four years!

but the u.s. really deserve a better president who has at least a slight understanding of what the word "united" means.


I am a libertarian and voted for Jo Jorgenson. So no. I am not looking for gifts from the Government. Since I am a grown man who can provide for himself and family, I want less government.


I support Trump simply for the fact he scares the establishment and is tough on illegal immigration and China. The failures Trump had are due to a 4 year coup attempt that has culminated in fishy election. That's fine. That's the American way.

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i can assure you i do not hate trump. for me he is a mediocre entertainer and businessman. he is fascinating in a strange way like nixon. the difference between nixon and him is that nixon had the ability to feel guilt and shame. trump does not and he has no ability as a trustworthy leader but he has charisma as a soap opera entertainer and he seems to be able to impress many u.s. people. only you as a trump voter know the reason why. i do not understand this phenomenon.


what i really don't like is the way how trump turns facts with lies for his personal benefit and how he abuses the power of his job. and i really don't like that his administration and even many reps play this game too.


it may be comfortable to follow trumps arguments and to ignore real life problems like pandemic and global warmth and the necessary strategic measures as a result as all trump voters do. what will be the result of that in 10 or 20 years ? it seems to me that trump voters are ready just to care for trumps priorities. if he says pandemic care is overrated why do people follow him and ignore the consequences ? why do they ignore global warmth and support fracking and coal mining ? why do they support racists like trump does ?

all this makes no sense but trump voters support that and are responsible for that! why do people do things like that ? just because trump is the leader who tells people that this is the way to go? that is just sad!

but there is hope and even most reps begin to be aware of that and they think reasonable and will not follow the ignorant way trump would like to go.


i know as good as you what "united" means and just because you feel not being united for years that does not mean that it makes sense to destroy what's left like trump does day by day. wake up instead and try to fix what`s broken! there is a way but clearly not with trump and not with more weapons!

speak to others without prejudice and take responsibility instead of buying another weapon and playing the mighty neighbor.

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i can assure you i do not hate trump. for me he is a mediocre entertainer and businessman. he is fascinating in a strange way like nixon. the difference between nixon and him is that nixon had the ability to feel guilt and shame. trump does not and he has no ability as a trustworthy leader but he has charisma as a soap opera entertainer and he seems to be able to impress many u.s. people. only you as a trump voter know the reason why. i do not understand this phenomenon.


what i really don't like is the way how trump turns facts with lies for his personal benefit and how he abuses the power of his job. and i really don't like that his administration and even many reps play this game too.


it may be comfortable to follow trumps arguments and to ignore real life problems like pandemic and global warmth and the necessary strategic measures as a result as all trump voters do. what will be the result of that in 10 or 20 years ? it seems to me that trump voters are ready just to care for trumps priorities. if he says pandemic care is overrated why do people follow him and ignore the consequences ? why do they ignore global warmth and support fracking and coal mining ? why do they support racists like trump does ?

all this makes no sense but trump voters support that and are responsible for that! why do people do things like that ? just because trump is the leader who tells people that this is the way to go? that is just sad!

but there is hope and even most reps begin to be aware of that and they think reasonable and will not follow the ignorant way trump would like to go.


i know as good as you what "united" means and just because you feel not being united for years that does not mean that it makes sense to destroy what's left like trump does day by day. wake up instead and try to fix what`s broken! there is a way but clearly not with trump and not with more weapons!

speak to others without prejudice and take responsibility instead of buying another weapon and playing the mighty neighbor.

I am awake, and 'what is broken' is the american political system. Has been for quite some time. Each side has their own agenda, and feels the other side is insane, because they don't agree with them. It has become more important to prevent whatever current administration is in power from doing anything at all that might be considered 'good' for the country. Obstructionist politics is the rule of the day. We aren't going to fix it with our votes though, as we simply cannot replace enough of the 'old guard' to change their direction. What's even worse is, Congress hasn't seen an approval rate over 30% for decades, yet we keep putting the same people back in office. Why? Because those are our only choices.


We need campaign finance reform, a repeal of the citizens united decision, term limits for congress, just to make a start on 'fixing' it. The only problem is, the only folks that can implement those changes, are the very same people that benefit the most from NOT changing them. Therefore, nothing is going to change, short of a revolution.

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stet by step. why is the political system broken ? if people with power are able to act like this nothing is broken. since the last four years a working system based on basic values how to work together got broken and was trampled underfoot by one man and his followers. trump still can show that he is a honorable man even if he never was before. if he do not other honorable reps will take over. i'm sure about that.

don't cry, instead begin to work to build up your nation again and defend your values, values of unity and decency instead of fighting diversity and following a narcissist.

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