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thank you for making your position clear. people like you, treating a democracy and basic values as a soap opera instead of one of the most important achievements are the true danger. not trump. he is is a just cheater collecting people like you to get his votes. it make me happy that there are reps who know what comes first and what is most important for a country. so i think we both are done with our debate about trump and the priorities for your country.



and a link how trumps alternative facts work. blind followers are even spending their money for this fake.

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thanks for your *incredibly* helpful hint, which may help some tump follower fools to celebrate you for your obvious blind trump following attitude they share with you.

but as you already know i'm more a realist. reality is that a working democracy depends on a trustworthy leader and a trustworthy administrtion. this is not an idealstic thought but a basic value all presidents should share. reatlists would not question this because history proved already what is realistic and what not.so if your goal is to disqualify yourself from any serious debate just go on and follow the proven lies or limited knowledge in your bubble and continue to spread it here...

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thanks for your *incredibly* helpful hint, which may help some tump follower fools to celebrate you for your obvious blind trump following attitude they share with you.

but as you already know i'm more a realist. reality is that a working democracy depends on a trustworthy leader and a trustworthy administrtion. this is not an idealstic thought but a basic value all presidents should share. reatlists would not question this because history proved already what is realistic and what not.so if your goal is to disqualify yourself from any serious debate just go on and follow the proven lies or limited knowledge in your bubble and continue to spread it here...

You just don't get it. You have your preconceived notions of what I *should* be according to YOUR value system, and absolutely fail to see the point I have been trying to make. You are so sure you are "RIGHT!", that you can't see anything beyond what your idealism dictates you should believe. It is people like you that have put the US in the situation that it is in now. The whole 'morally superior' attitude, and outright refusing to see what the issue really is, blinds you to the reality of the situation.


But then, you didn't grow up here, you don't live here, you don't have the faintest idea of what the reality is here, so, it really shouldn't come as a surprise.


See, THIS is why only citizens are allowed to vote. :D You are a perfect example of why we DON'T allow non-citizens a voice in our leadership.

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it's not on me to get it. it's on you. the majority in your country (leading with more than 4 000 000 votes) voted against trump. ok , i really hoped and thought it would be more and i still do not get what happened in your country i spent a few times in the eighties. i remember all the beautiful national parks and the friendly people. i'm still flashed that a man like trump was somehow able to get so many followers.

in my country we have also pandemic and state authority ignoring or undermining people. a much smaller minority. they also question democratic rules and structures. some of them claim our democracy does not even legally exists. sounds funny. in my opinion it isn't. some of them shoot down police men with illegal weapons because they think they can ignore state authority. i'm happy that most of them are not allowed to wear a weapon. people who are not able to act and think like grownups should better not play with a weapon.

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Yeah, 4 million votes may seem like a lot, but, when you consider around 150 million votes were cast (at current count.....) the difference amounts to less than 1% advantage for Biden.


As for the rest of your post...... you go ahead and keep on thinking that. It simply does not matter.

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What will be interesting is what will happen after Trump can no longer use the Office of the President as a shield from legal attacks.


Apparently there are a large number of legal actions awaiting that very moment.


And then there's the divorce.....

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Yeah, 4 million votes may seem like a lot, but, when you consider around 150 million votes were cast (at current count.....) the difference amounts to less than 1% advantage for Biden.


As for the rest of your post...... you go ahead and keep on thinking that. It simply does not matter.

less than 1% advantage ? very interesting your number. so if this is your logic and final result i understand how easy it was for a cheater like trump to collect you as a follower. is this your own result or is this from fox news or the trump administration or breitbart ?



melania would have my fullest understanding and it would be no surprise for me.

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Yeah, 4 million votes may seem like a lot, but, when you consider around 150 million votes were cast (at current count.....) the difference amounts to less than 1% advantage for Biden.


As for the rest of your post...... you go ahead and keep on thinking that. It simply does not matter.

less than 1% advantage ? very interesting your number. so if this is your logic and final result i understand how easy it was for a cheater like trump to collect you as a follower. is this your own result or is this from fox news or the trump administration or breitbart ?



Wow. You really are off on a nut, aren't you? Can you do math? Can you look up vote tallys? Or is that beyond you? Check the numbers yourself. I did. It was easy. Hell, they are the very first result in a google search. (and they are from either google itself, or associated press.)


And in case you missed it, I am not a "trump follower", I am a republican. (which surprises even me, as I have voted dem previously....... Hilary made me switch sides, and now, the dem platform makes me wanna puke, so, republican I am.) Trump was the republican candidate, so, he got my vote.


Edit: Oh look! I slipped a decimal point. :D Ooops. So, actually about a 3% difference. Still, not that significant. About the same number Hilary had, and she still lost.


Why you insist that anyone that votes for him is a 'follower', is beyond me. But then..... it's you. Not an american... don't live here.... no idea of what reality is on the ground, only what you read in your liberal news sources. You really should try and expand your reading. You might learn something. But then, that is likely the whole reason you DON'T expand your reading...... you might learn something.... Can't have that, now can we?

Edited by HeyYou
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i understand how easy it was for a cheater like trump to collect you as a follower.

Reading comprehension doesn't seem to be a strong suit of yours. HeyYou has explained that he supports the policies, not the man, but you just carry on as if your brain is unable to parse this seemingly simple fact.

Edited by gnarly1
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