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i understand how easy it was for a cheater like trump to collect you as a follower.

Reading comprehension doesn't seem to be a strong suit of yours. HeyYou has explained that he supports the policies, not the man, but you just carry on as if your brain is unable to parse this seemingly simple fact.


Personally, I think he is just baiting me, because he is bored, or some such. :) And silly me, I take the bait.

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this debate is about trump. and people who support trump are in my opinion a danger for their country. and i explained why. get it or not. there are many reps who do not support trump. so voting trump as a rep is not self explaining and there is no logic behind. trump does not behave like a true rep. he behaves like someone who has corrupted the reps and many of the reps (so far) seem to follow. the question is how long. i also explained a rep or a dem agenda has no relevance if a president acts like an autocrat. and that is what trump currently tries to do.

just ask all reps who already congratulated joe biden they know what's going on within the rep party or better: the currrent trump one man show. if you want to know reps i would support: reps like john mccain was. do they exist ? i don't know. so far i can see many cowards hiding behind trump and a few who act like mccain would have done. and the same applies to most trump voters. they could have known better but there are still some who support trumps mess. at least 80 % of the people in the u.s. accepted the result of the election and it is no secret who does not,

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this debate is about trump. and people who support trump are in my opinion a danger for their country. and i explained why. get it or not. there are many reps who do not support trump. so voting trump as a rep is not self explaining and there is no logic behind. trump does not behave like a true rep. he behaves like someone who has corrupted the reps and many of the reps (so far) seem to follow. i also explained a rep or a dem agenda has no relevance if a president acts like an autocrat. and that is what trump currently tries do do.

And once again, just for posterity, and clarity....


Trump pretty much follows the republican party line, as in he supports my constitutional rights. Doesn't want to give away trillions of dollars that we don't have, for something that happened 150 years ago. Not a single person living today was around for it, and not a single person living today, was a part of it. So why take tax dollars (you know, money from THE PEOPLE around TODAY) to pay folks that they never experienced? He also doesn't believe in assigning MORE rights to some minority because it gives the appearance of being 'politically correct'. (which trump most certainly is NOT.....)


From the Republican point of view, Trump is less of a 'danger' to this country, that Biden, and quite likely Harris, when Biden can no longer serve. And given some of Bidens health issues, I will be surprised if he lasts two years.


But then, this is the 2020 elections, and I am REAL curious if the 'zero factor' is going to come into play....... (presidents elected in a year ending in zero, have a tendency to be assassinated while in office...... or, at least, an attempt is made. )

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yes, i know that you ignore the obvious truth: trump rules the reps not reps trump. if you followed what happened the last week you should know that this is now evident. dream on with your version. i can not help you more than i already tried. the u.s. are not a banana republic. until trump came this democracy and all institutions and elections worked. since trump it does not because of trump and no one else. trump is an incredibly bad loser. probably he has such a small ego that he cannot lose. he makes his personal problem to an u.s. problem and it seems you are one of the people who still support him.

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yes, i know that you ignore the obvious truth: trump rules the reps not reps trump. if you followed what happened the last week you should know that this is now evident.

Oh dear. Doctor HeyYou, what we appear to have here is a severe case of classic confirmation bias. Would you agree with that prognosis? I sincerely hope it isn't terminal.


Xrayy, I prescribe a remedy of: a thorough reading about what has actually happened between the reps/trump/fox news, rather than your usual consumption of reading only those things that confirm what you already want to believe.

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gnarly1, thanks for your advice. i believe what i see and it is much more than fox news, qanon and breitbart. i'm sure trump will find more fake evidence to undermine a working democracy. maybe he should raise the amout of reward from one million to even two or more to find more of his alternative fact evidences for electoral fraud. this debate was a real pleasure! thank you :smile:


a good advice for all rep supporters: all votes of the 2012 election should be counted again. only 5 000 000 votes lead for the democrats. just a few more (or even less with new results from today) than this time. less than 1% lead hey you, right ?

i suspect another stolen election here...


and instead of stupid pro trump twaddle a link to what really happened to america since february this year. just an example and just to everybody and my trump friendly friends here who still think it is a good idea to kiss trumps feet and probably still not wearing a mask. all others already know the truth. now 240000 u.s. people are dead officially. probably even more. an interesting and deadly plan that trump showed for this pandemic.

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yes, i know that you ignore the obvious truth: trump rules the reps not reps trump. if you followed what happened the last week you should know that this is now evident.

Oh dear. Doctor HeyYou, what we appear to have here is a severe case of classic confirmation bias. Would you agree with that prognosis? I sincerely hope it isn't terminal.


Xrayy, I prescribe a remedy of: a thorough reading about what has actually happened between the reps/trump/fox news, rather than your usual consumption of reading only those things that confirm what you already want to believe.


I do believe you are correct good sir. :) However, given the severity of the condition, I suspect it is incurable.......

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I do believe you are correct good sir. :smile: However, given the severity of the condition, I suspect it is incurable.......

Oh dear. That is rather....tragic <polishes monocle>


Perhaps a frontal lobotomy might allow the patient some semblance of a normal life, albeit with the usual side effects of incontinence, loss of libido and genital warts.

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Ah! Celebrate?!


What is the opposite of a pessimist? No matter. Because it's a known fact that pessimists are correct 9 times are 10.


Oh yeah! It's Optimist!


So! xrayy!


Maybe we could all get together in the bigger hall at Trump Towers and share a toast to our future?

Otherwise we will have to wait until one of the big Fair Ground's building is available. Booking them for big parties is kind of difficult with the Corona - Virus 19 still hanging around.





I do believe you are correct good sir. :smile: However, given the severity of the condition, I suspect it is incurable.......

Oh dear. That is rather....tragic <polishes monocle>


Perhaps a frontal lobotomy might allow the patient some semblance of a normal life, albeit with the usual side effects of incontinence, loss of libido and genital warts.



Who's buying? gnarly1?! If that's the case... Well then, drawing from within the atmosphere around gnarly1's description I think I'll watch an episode from the Tales of the Crypt with the Crypt Keeper tonight. Or maybe I will space them out over the years so I see all of them while Biden is in office!


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