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hi gracingfields, this texas case is baseless and it is just another try to change the value of the votes after the election. if you believe the tales of trump and his corrupt friends feel free to waste your time with that. if you like facts check that:


fact check GA election: No, there were no 'suitcases of ballots' counted in secret


fact check PA election: Counting and reporting votes slowly isn’t fraud



flynn: it is just a shame that such a man, who called himself guilty and withdrawed his guilty plea is pardoned! and he is far away from being innocent because of that.


yeah that`'s funny but your nice try to convince me that trump had a good idea to support thanksgiving travel doesn't work and is not consistent.

the extreme BLM wing is a problem, yes but the extreme white supremacists wing even more while supported by trump!

and yes there could be many reasons for the spike but traveling is commonly known as a high risk for spreading the virus :wink:

from where does it come ?


your question: my bubble is world news. european news, u.s. news including fox but also cnn and all sorts of newspapers and the spreaded links here in the debates (some are really entertaining but far away from serious news). it is part of my job.

but not asian or african news. i ignore quanon and othe cultist movements showing plain stupidity in multiple cases.



@Aurielius i'm not keen to win a debate but i'm somehow shocked how people argue and how they set their priorities.

i have no words if i read the excuses and arguments why a man is still the best and trustworthy person to vote even if he lies publicly multple times a day and is just not informed without showing any shame acting this way.it fascinates me while it makes me sad at the same time how people argue here in favor of such an incapable personality.

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hi gracingfields, this texas case is baseless and it is just another try to change the value of the votes after the election. if you believe the tales of trump and his corrupt friends feel free to waste your time with that. if you like facts check that:


fact check GA election: No, there were no 'suitcases of ballots' counted in secret


fact check PA election: Counting and reporting votes slowly isn’t fraud

Lets fact check both those PA and GA, by the constitution of those states counting ballots without poll watchers of both side present is considered fraud. However, thanks for proving that media is giving an opinion not the facts.


*edit add the Lady in Georgia video that had been alleged by several affidavits of press and poll watchers at the counting center has been charged with running ballots through the machine multiple times.*

Edited by Gracinfields
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I suspected from your first post that you had taken leave of your critical faculties and upon seeing your sources, you've confirmed my suspicions were correct. Both those YT accounts are sockpuppets for the Falun Gong-backed The Epoch Times, a well known right-wing disseminator of dodgy information including anti-vax and QAnon material that, unsuprisingly, appeals to nutjobs.


Both those YT accounts were created on the same day - how coincidental.


As for the software audit you should be an adult and look that up yourself as even youtube has taken those down yet.

Adults don't naively believe opinions posted to the internet without verification of sources and critical evaluation of the content.


Judging from the absence of factual relevant material in the 'sources' you posted, in addition to its dubious provenance, it appears to me that you're suffering from a propensity to believe in bullsh!t just because it suits your point of view.

Edited by gnarly1
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@gracingfields before i post my fact checks i check the sources. they are not just generated in the last few weeks to spread fake or misinformation. they provide all necessary links to enable you to fact check on your own and there are real people behind and no cultist cowards. so i'm not sure why you critisize my offered media while you post more ore less dubious stuff. are you trying to tell me that you believe more your sources than the publicly transparently retrievable and traceable sources i offered ? you confirm my impression that many people in the u.s. use strange procedures to gain valuable information if they try at all. and also you seem indirectly trying to tell me that trump and mc ennany do a better job by spreading proven falsehoods and you know better than the supreme court and all the other involved courts. just give me anything which seriously proves your position or question my sources in a serious way.


in the meantime: happy new year!




trump jan 2021:

I just want to find 11,780 votes’: In extraordinary hour-long call, Trump pressures Georgia secretary of state to recalculate the vote in his favor


Carl Bernstein, one of the journalists who broke the Watergate scandal that brought down President Richard Nixon, told CNN that “this was something far worse than occurred in Watergate.”

“You have both a criminal president of the United States in Donald Trump and a subversive president of the United States at the same time in this one person, subverting the very basis of our democracy and willing to act criminally in that suybversion” he said.


me jan 2021:

just want to see a man and not a crybaby as a president who knows his responsibilities and who tries at least to serve his country and his democracy. thanks god just in a few weeks...

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I have been awakened again. A stimulus check is supposedly in everyone's mailbox or bank account that has one worked for a living and now is on Welfare and Social security. Seems like Biden messed up there. Does any of the peeps reading this think your day looks any better than yesterday, now?

Biden is messing up what?

He's not in office yet. He has no official government position at this time. He has literally no power over your stimulus check or anyone involved in getting it to you.

Edited by Mythraen
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I have been awakened again. A stimulus check is supposedly in everyone's mailbox or bank account that has one worked for a living and now is on Welfare and Social security. Seems like Biden messed up there. Does any of the peeps reading this think your day looks any better than yesterday, now?

Biden is messing up what?

He's not in office yet. He has no official government position at this time. He has literally no power over your stimulus check or anyone involved in getting it to you.



The News didn't say Biden was president. The News was he interfered with the $2,000.00 stimulus check so it did not get sent somehow. Probably with his cronies help that aided him that are still holding a seat and in other offices.


Mine showed up. Rumor has it though, that Biden is calling this a 'down payment', and his priority will be to get us the rest of it once he is in office.


I find it counter-intuitive to say "No" to free money. :D


Yeah! Free money?! I got the impression it is a compliment to those of us who will work for sweat to survive. Yeah I wrote SWEAT.


While it sends a different message to all those who got it for being too fat as a child, too retarded as an adult to work for a living even pushing a broom, and too sick or deformed at birth to be able to do anything without one of these incredible prosthetic devices most of us healthy fully developed humanoid bipeds think are nice tools.


There is a new implant that is a hearing aid with wi-fi/bluetooth and fully functional telephone operations that is in one of those advertisements to find out if the public would buy it if it was available. Probably isn't even built yet. The idea was around back in 1973 and the blue-print was around in 1963. We did not have people trained to make such small things, nor did we have the machines that can do it. The advertisement says the hearing aid phone combo is being fought by some people as going too far. The advertisement pusher left out the part that some people might think it is not just for better hearing and may make us able bodied workers all into a bunch of working zombies. Will sweat for food!


Is Mr. Simpson in the house?! Beep beep bloop beep. Turn nuclear water switch for the isotope coolant knob three clicks to the right. No your right! Not mine!

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Will Sweat for Food!


Step right up folks. See the skinny man do the impossible! Watch as he works so hard he works up a sweat!


Hey! It's not a maniac thinking here. The Dad of a friend of mine was in a car accident. Took both his legs. Partially hip bone too. He was hooked up to a n IV and a couple of bags with hoses. They built a telephone circuit board in his bedroom so he could continue selling. He had to have three shots of morphine a day. That's what I call determination.


A guy like that is an inspiration to us lazy people with legs. I am referring to his life from 1960. His own son didn't think so though.


So what do all of you do for a living when you're not like me being held up waiting in line and having to heal up well enough to get back on my treadmill?


Too much lead in my drinking water again today.

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The News didn't say Biden was president. The News was he interfered with the $2,000.00 stimulus check so it did not get sent somehow. Probably with his cronies help that aided him that are still holding a seat and in other offices.

The News.

I'm not aware of this organization.

Please provide any evidence that Biden interfered with the $2000 stimulus.

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