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Moral arrogance is an assumption not an argument.




quadam satura est difficile ad agnoscis

(it is difficult to recognize certain satire)

I too could unnecessarily flex in all my posts by including cuneiform along with the English translation, but I'd be concerned about looking like a pretentious git....

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Moral arrogance is an assumption not an argument.




quadam satura est difficile ad agnoscis

(it is difficult to recognize certain satire)

I too could unnecessarily flex in all my posts by including cuneiform along with the English translation, but I'd be concerned about looking like a pretentious git....


Most here cannot read Latin so an approximate translation is provided so they may enjoy Cicero's acid humour.

However if you know any Sumerian political satire by heart, be my guest.

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I'm not a supporter of Trump but there is one thing that had upset me about him more than anything.


Not once did he - unless I missed it - address those that died to the virus, many of which were most likely his supporters.

No memorials, no nothing. I guess since the dead can't vote, why should he care. In fact that is probably key to why he lost, all the votes he needed were in the hands of the departed.

Edited by Rasikko
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@rasikko - one of many good and obvious points even for nearly blind trump supporters or 75 000 000 voters - to search for a way back into reality.



REP Liz Cheney: Trump 'does not have a role as a leader of our party going forward'



"With respect to where we are as a party ... we are the party of Lincoln. We are not the party of QAnon or anti-Semitism or Holocaust deniers or white supremacy or conspiracy theories. That's not who we are," she added.

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Death penalty would be more appropriate for that old fascist pervert.

Wow ... Calling for the murder of another human being. Good to see that unity and tolerance they keep talking about.


I called for the execution of a psychopath, the only common point those individuals have with the human beings is their physical shape.


You know, there was this group of people, in the 1930's and 1940's, who justified the killing of millions of other people, by redefining what "human" is and claiming that those others didn't qualify, in their opinion, so it was okay to butcher them by the train car load.


You then have the newly sworn in El Presidente, who, among his first acts, decided to remove the bust of a leading politician who fought against those same murderers, and replace it with the bust of an avowed Totalitarian, and Authoritarian, who heroes and influences include both Hitler and Mao.


Kinda makes you think ...


And I don't believe either HeyYou or anyone else on these forums has ever claimed that they approve of murder.


The psychopaths are defined by the psychiatrists as extremely greedy for power, rejecting the least constraint, loving manipulation and ready to commit any crime as soon as it serves their unavowable interests and beyond help lost causes. In other words the psychopaths are naturally evil beings with a dictator's mentality.


Do you still want to continue your pathetic diversion? 12.gif


Oh, my yes :smile:


For one, you don't deny or refute the willingness of yourself or those whom you support, of dehumanizing others and condoning the murder of those who don't think as you want them to think.

You also don't deny the irrefutable and undeniable similarity between yourself, and those you support, to figures from the past with ... less than exemplary human rights records.


Remind me again what actually happened to the leaders of Nazi Germany in the end once the allies got a hold of them? Did we all sit down and come to an understanding with them, and eventually, just move on, letting Goering, Keitel, Rosenberg and the lot of them just go on their way, free to spread more of the poisonous lies about how they were betrayed?

Edited by HackWithTHeJacket
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just some words to the trump impeachment:

my opinion is that most rep senators probably will act as cowards just to serve trump for whatever egoistic reasons. it probably will destroy the rep party. no true and open minded american including the rep senators can ignore what happened on 6th of January and the obvious reason why it happened. just to blame some misguided individuals is definitely not the answer. in the end it is a personal decision showing the integrity and credibility of each senator as a servant and a protector of the u.s. democracy or not.

Who is responsible for the permanent misguidance of millions of people in the u.s. ? just ask the misguided people involved in the capitol storm leaving their personal bubble of illusion!

some parallels to nazi gemany in 1938 are disturbing. do we ever learn from this before it is always too late ?

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No, they didn't learn from past mistakes. In fact the Democratic Party and their supporters have openly copied the very same practices and politics used by the National Socialist German Workers' Party of Germany.


Gina Carano has just recently been "cancelled" because she pointed out this very disturbing fact. The left's continued policy of turning countryman against countryman, neighbour against neighbour and even family member against family member is straight out of the National Socialist German Workers' Party play book. It's truly sad that they themselves don't see it or, more likely, refuse to see it or acknowledge it.

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so even the dumbest rep and trump supporters have evidence and at least seven rep senators tried to save the honour of reps and the u.s democracy. more than i expected but still sad and disappointing.

i don't know what the other rep senators thought they were voted for. to cover rep party with disgrace ? telling that trump is responsible while voting in favor of him is just a joke and kind of denying responsibility.

if someone said i do not understand american politics and politicians. yes, I'm now at the point i confirm this for the rep party and most rep politicians. very disappointing!

apart from a few honorable conservative senators i see and hear only stupidly twaddling cowards and conspiracy theorists. if still any average intelligent u.s.citizen believes this conspiracy stuff sth is deeply wrong with american society. apart from that the left - right debate is boring. this is not the point here!


the first thing i would change is the the way big social media platforms generate personal advertising leading you to more and more radical sites and advertising for profit maximization and higher audience ratings. too many individuals do not know how this aggressive social media advertising algorithm works and after days or weeks they believe crudest stuff just because of this. for many it becomes their new reality. seems that many americans are susceptible to this without realizing it. many qanon dropouts reported this phenomenon on their way into this dependency on their way back out into real life. these reports scare me. more and more aggressive advertising and media and the unawareness and greenness of the platform users seem to be the reason for this problem.

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It was a farce right from the beginning. If claiming that the election result was invalid is "incitement", then the entire Democrat party is guilty and should also all be impeached. If using the word "fight" is incitement, then most of the Democrat party should be impeached. Some even went so far as to actually threaten physical violence (including the fascist dictator currently holding the presidency) And some left wing personalities even suggested they would assassinate the President (which I thought was illegal)


And as if that wasn't enough, they had to outright lie, fabricate totally fake evidence, falsify documents, and deliberately cut and edit video in order to try and prove their false claims. And it was all paid for by the US citizens. Your tax dollars at work. Not trying to help the helpless, the sick, or jobless, but piss even more money up a wall.

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