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Fallout 4, and for how long, instead of buying Fallout 76 right away?


I fell into the hype of Fallout 76, and thought, "Yeah, I might as well buy it as soon as it comes out", but then I reconsidered. My current plan is now to stay on Fallout 4 until Fallout 76 comes out, it's DLC's come out, and even after it's GOTY version comes out...you know, with all the DLCs added in. Until the price comes way down. Also, I am going to be busy running my Dry Ice Nation FB group....covering all the hockey teams in Arizona.


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Fallout 4, and for how long, instead of buying Fallout 76 right away?


I fell into the hype of Fallout 76, and thought, "Yeah, I might as well buy it as soon as it comes out", but then I reconsidered. My current plan is now to stay on Fallout 4 until Fallout 76 comes out, it's DLC's come out, and even after it's GOTY version comes out...you know, with all the DLCs added in. Until the price comes way down. Also, I am going to be busy running my Dry Ice Nation FB group....covering all the hockey teams in Arizona.



I's giving FO4 a long break. Many due to all of these cc updates and no bug fixes. I had plans on getting 76, but after these updates has soured me to it. :(

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No interest in FO76, and not going to buy any Bethesda game anymore, until after DLC is out and it's a GOTY version on Sale.
The bait and switch with the Season Pass for FO4 was the last time I get ripped off by Bethesda.

Plus, FO76 is Beth Net Exclusive, so I'll let the failure of FO76 and it's Beth Net launch hopefully teach them a lesson.

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yeah fallout 4 was pretty horrible. >compared to 3 and newvegas< but good for them for trying something a bit different from fallout 3; they took a leap and tripped. i knew the next title would be a type of mini game but i didnt expect vault 76, i thought it would be alot like new vegas but with the fallout 4 generation feel. it'll be interesting to see what happens lets just hope they wont make every successor of 76 multiplayer.

lets hope 76 wont be the end of the fallout series.

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also have no interest in FO76 , or really any future Bethesda game on launch . we've all been burned enough by these , and it's not really getting any better

I'll just keep my eyes on the community , because while FO4 wasn't amazing there are several projects I'm really interested in (like FO4 New Vegas , Miami and a few others)

I see absolutely no reason to get FO76 considering it's exactly what I'm not looking for when getting a Fallout game . but I hope it's at least enjoyable for those that do get it

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With 3,000 hours invested in FO4 I am excited about the new new game play learning and world exploring in 76, as I enjoy the Fallout world art and design more than dull-after-the-third-time dialogue and quests.


As an opportunity to create amazing new dynamic experiences with scripting, that appears to be dead to me.

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Never had, I do not and I will not have any interest in any online game, especially, FO76.


So far I will continue playing FO4 but soon, it will be put to rest when Tomb Raider new game comes up by the middle of next month.


All those updates are made with the intention to get us away from FO4 and jump into 76. We all know those updates are not necessary since they do not fix any bug that we have been dealing with ever since.


There will be a lot of people playing FO76 and good for them, but it is ridiculous that at this point, we still do not have another Elder Scroll or at least ( for God' sake ), those bugs fixed in both most played games in the world : Skyrim and Fallout4.


They said one time they were not like a vending machine for games … well, it does looks to me that now they look like a flee market !

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A bunch of friends and I are going to make a private server for FO76 when it comes out.


All those updates are made with the intention to get us away from FO4 and jump into 76. We all know those updates are not necessary since they do not fix any bug that we have been dealing with ever since.

Or they're designed to fix something which is the purpose of a patch and there are still a decent amount of people who don't play with F4SE related stuff so the updates doesn't really mean anything to them (especially when the mods that do use F4SE are usually updated the next day or within the week)

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