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Download speed cap increase for Supporters and non-Adblockers


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In response to post #64087966. #64088311, #64089056, #64092636, #64102471, #64102756, #64103211, #64113171, #64129041, #64142976, #64155221, #64158531 are all replies on the same post.

silencer711 wrote: @Dark0ne, @Nexus Staff -- Have you guys considered:

1. Lifetime + PLUS :D ($1-5/mo)
2. Supporter + PLUS :) ”Pay What You Can”

These are options that can allow supporters to keep supporting while granting cosmetic incentives or special recognition within the community, such as:

1. Badge of Honor (Community / Author)
2. Title (Community / Author)

*Also for those who have subscribed to Premium + in timed increments (like 1/2/6/12mos)?

As a lifetime member myself, (and a bit of a ”shiny new things” hoe) I would donate even more of my time and wallet to support Nexus Mods. Just throwing some ideas out here for consideration. <3

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Premium PLUS ($1-5 /mo)
Kaebus wrote: I would second this, especially for those of us who want to support the site beyond our lifetime subs. At the moment, the only way to do so (as far as I know) is in the long run by voluntarily paying monthly until we have passed the lifetime listed price lol
silencer711 wrote: Another site I use (not a modding site) offers that option and its something that I would endorse for Nexus Mods. I see a high potential for Community Funding via small membership bonus tiers like this.

I'm just one out of many people who would gladly support Nexus Mods beyond our lifetime memberships -- a ”plus” bit on top of what we've already paid for would be our way to consistently show our appreciation for everything Nexus stands for, while simultaneously providing recurring monthly ”income” toward Nexus Mods maintenance and upkeep costs.
LeonidasNerevar wrote: I'd like to third this idea. Without turning it into Fortnite, I'd be fine with seeing some cosmetic and title rewards for "Plus" supporters of the site. I'd be fine with giving $1/month for this upgrade. Perfectly fine idea.
silencer711 wrote: Bump :)
lyoko1 wrote: This may be a good idea for life timers, but not for normal premium.
It can be like "Active Premium" and "Pasive Premium" active meaning you are paying monthly, either by having a "not lifetime" premium or by having a lifetime premium and paying a plus, like 1-5$/mo as you said, and "Pasive premium" being a member that has the lifetime premium but chooses to not pay a plus monthly, still premium, but not supporting the site in a "active" way, maybe mod authors should be given the "active premium" whitout a extra fee(if they aleardy have lifetime premium) if they are updating their mods and publishing new ones? of course still allowing them to pay the extra fee if they want, reason being because in a indirect way a mod author is supporting the site by publishing new mods and updating old ones whitout paying.
Of course in any case this would be only cosmetic and more of a option to extra support if you have the lifetime premium membership aleardy.

Sorry for my Engrish, im not used to write in English that much.
silencer711 wrote: @Lyoko1: I agree with your input. Perhaps Lifetime PLUS ($1-5 /mo) is the better option here, considering that Premium is in its own category altogether.
I’ll also add that the option to “Pay what you can” (choosing between 1/2/3/4/or $5 a month) is up for consideration too.
silencer711 wrote: Bump :)
Pickysaurus wrote: You have some interesting thoughts here Silencer.

A way you can support us on top of the Premium Membership currently would be to contributing our Mod Author Donation Points fund via the Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/nexusmods). This is, of course, completely optional. And the funds all go back into supporting our Mod Authors.

As far as "enhanced" membership options go, it's not something we've got any plans for at the moment.
fftfan wrote: That's a good idea. I think the DP system is pretty ingenious.
Dipanjanc33 wrote: feels like a deviantart thing
DaedalusMachina007 wrote: Thank you for not punishing those who use ad blocking. I uphold my right to block ads on the basis of security concerns. Ad networks have zero oversight and are frequently compromised and then everyone who saw those ads runs the risk of having browser-based malware mess up their computer. Blame the garbage ad networks, not the users.

As far as other concerns, I'm ok with Google's 'acceptable ads' system:

Autoplay video ads are the absolute bane of my internet browsing experience. Absolutely bugger off with that garbage on ANY site. I literally don't read Forbes anymore because of that trash. I dislike autoplay so much I have an extension that blocks it and requires a manual mouse click to activate.

That said, when advertisers are subject to actual federal govt regulation on the internet then I'll start caring about whitelisting them.
They urinated in the pool and now they have to drink from it. Too bad.

Nexus needs to start doing a bit more cross-promotional stuff with places like Humble Bundle (Humble Monthly referrals) and other legit gaming-related sites (maybe even support some indie devs) to generate additional revenue. Put up Amazon referral links. Also NewEgg, TigerDirect, and so on. Have it easily-accessible so people know about it. Disclose that you all get a commission from those links. Bingo. Done.

@Pickysaurus: Well I appreciate the acknowledgement from a community manager. I feel that the DP points system is great and I support it, no questions asked. I just felt that perhaps some additional tiers like I mentioned, might yield interesting results - considering they are small in nature, offer some incentives for consideration, and remain attractively-priced while appealing to those who might not be inclined to go outside the site for their particular donations.
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In response to post #64087966. #64088311, #64089056, #64092636, #64102471, #64102756, #64103211, #64113171, #64129041, #64142976, #64155221, #64158531, #64170001 are all replies on the same post.

silencer711 wrote: @Dark0ne, @Nexus Staff -- Have you guys considered:

1. Lifetime + PLUS :D ($1-5/mo)
2. Supporter + PLUS :) ”Pay What You Can”

These are options that can allow supporters to keep supporting while granting cosmetic incentives or special recognition within the community, such as:

1. Badge of Honor (Community / Author)
2. Title (Community / Author)

*Also for those who have subscribed to Premium + in timed increments (like 1/2/6/12mos)?

As a lifetime member myself, (and a bit of a ”shiny new things” hoe) I would donate even more of my time and wallet to support Nexus Mods. Just throwing some ideas out here for consideration. <3

Removed Entries
Premium PLUS ($1-5 /mo)
Kaebus wrote: I would second this, especially for those of us who want to support the site beyond our lifetime subs. At the moment, the only way to do so (as far as I know) is in the long run by voluntarily paying monthly until we have passed the lifetime listed price lol
silencer711 wrote: Another site I use (not a modding site) offers that option and its something that I would endorse for Nexus Mods. I see a high potential for Community Funding via small membership bonus tiers like this.

I'm just one out of many people who would gladly support Nexus Mods beyond our lifetime memberships -- a ”plus” bit on top of what we've already paid for would be our way to consistently show our appreciation for everything Nexus stands for, while simultaneously providing recurring monthly ”income” toward Nexus Mods maintenance and upkeep costs.
LeonidasNerevar wrote: I'd like to third this idea. Without turning it into Fortnite, I'd be fine with seeing some cosmetic and title rewards for "Plus" supporters of the site. I'd be fine with giving $1/month for this upgrade. Perfectly fine idea.
silencer711 wrote: Bump :)
lyoko1 wrote: This may be a good idea for life timers, but not for normal premium.
It can be like "Active Premium" and "Pasive Premium" active meaning you are paying monthly, either by having a "not lifetime" premium or by having a lifetime premium and paying a plus, like 1-5$/mo as you said, and "Pasive premium" being a member that has the lifetime premium but chooses to not pay a plus monthly, still premium, but not supporting the site in a "active" way, maybe mod authors should be given the "active premium" whitout a extra fee(if they aleardy have lifetime premium) if they are updating their mods and publishing new ones? of course still allowing them to pay the extra fee if they want, reason being because in a indirect way a mod author is supporting the site by publishing new mods and updating old ones whitout paying.
Of course in any case this would be only cosmetic and more of a option to extra support if you have the lifetime premium membership aleardy.

Sorry for my Engrish, im not used to write in English that much.
silencer711 wrote: @Lyoko1: I agree with your input. Perhaps Lifetime PLUS ($1-5 /mo) is the better option here, considering that Premium is in its own category altogether.
I’ll also add that the option to “Pay what you can” (choosing between 1/2/3/4/or $5 a month) is up for consideration too.
silencer711 wrote: Bump :)
Pickysaurus wrote: You have some interesting thoughts here Silencer.

A way you can support us on top of the Premium Membership currently would be to contributing our Mod Author Donation Points fund via the Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/nexusmods). This is, of course, completely optional. And the funds all go back into supporting our Mod Authors.

As far as "enhanced" membership options go, it's not something we've got any plans for at the moment.
fftfan wrote: That's a good idea. I think the DP system is pretty ingenious.
Dipanjanc33 wrote: feels like a deviantart thing
DaedalusMachina007 wrote: Thank you for not punishing those who use ad blocking. I uphold my right to block ads on the basis of security concerns. Ad networks have zero oversight and are frequently compromised and then everyone who saw those ads runs the risk of having browser-based malware mess up their computer. Blame the garbage ad networks, not the users.

As far as other concerns, I'm ok with Google's 'acceptable ads' system:

Autoplay video ads are the absolute bane of my internet browsing experience. Absolutely bugger off with that garbage on ANY site. I literally don't read Forbes anymore because of that trash. I dislike autoplay so much I have an extension that blocks it and requires a manual mouse click to activate.

That said, when advertisers are subject to actual federal govt regulation on the internet then I'll start caring about whitelisting them.
They urinated in the pool and now they have to drink from it. Too bad.

Nexus needs to start doing a bit more cross-promotional stuff with places like Humble Bundle (Humble Monthly referrals) and other legit gaming-related sites (maybe even support some indie devs) to generate additional revenue. Put up Amazon referral links. Also NewEgg, TigerDirect, and so on. Have it easily-accessible so people know about it. Disclose that you all get a commission from those links. Bingo. Done.
silencer711 wrote: @Pickysaurus: Well I appreciate the acknowledgement from a community manager. I feel that the DP points system is great and I support it, no questions asked. I just felt that perhaps some additional tiers like I mentioned, might yield interesting results - considering they are small in nature, offer some incentives for consideration, and remain attractively-priced while appealing to those who might not be inclined to go outside the site for their particular donations.

Yep. This is definitely a keen idea. Many sites do things like this. You'd be surprised what peeps will pay to get a special icon or label.

PS: Use better naming though. "Lifetime + PLUS" is redundant, and reads as /lifetime plus plus/ both aloud and in one's head.
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You know... there's a reason I use adblock.


Not because I don't want to support people, but because every time I turn it off I get a flood of fishy ads and links that basically just scream "Virus" at me. Unless the people who try to ruin my PC like that get dealt with I'm never going to turn off ad blockers anywhere.

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In response to post #64176886.

o0Despair0o wrote: You know... there's a reason I use adblock.

Not because I don't want to support people, but because every time I turn it off I get a flood of fishy ads and links that basically just scream "Virus" at me. Unless the people who try to ruin my PC like that get dealt with I'm never going to turn off ad blockers anywhere.

This. I would like to see ads that a website wants to show me. I would even click them occasionally and sometimes buy stuff if I need or want it. But nobody wants to show me ads. Everyone just wants to open a tunnel from some shady ad network througgh their site onto my computer, letting whoknowswhat being executed locally.
Host the ads yourself. Make them text or pictures with hypertext links going directly to a web store. These wouldn't be as easy to block. And there wouldn't even be a necessity to block them.
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In response to post #64176886. #64177336 is also a reply to the same post.

o0Despair0o wrote: You know... there's a reason I use adblock.

Not because I don't want to support people, but because every time I turn it off I get a flood of fishy ads and links that basically just scream "Virus" at me. Unless the people who try to ruin my PC like that get dealt with I'm never going to turn off ad blockers anywhere.
Twilightkitten wrote: This. I would like to see ads that a website wants to show me. I would even click them occasionally and sometimes buy stuff if I need or want it. But nobody wants to show me ads. Everyone just wants to open a tunnel from some shady ad network througgh their site onto my computer, letting whoknowswhat being executed locally.
Host the ads yourself. Make them text or pictures with hypertext links going directly to a web store. These wouldn't be as easy to block. And there wouldn't even be a necessity to block them.

@Twilightkitten, I'm sure NexusMods would prefer to have an in house advertising team reaching out to potential big companies, but the scale of that operation and it's cost are WAY outside the capabilities of the NexusMods team or the scope of it's userbase. If game modding were ubiquitous with all non-competitive games as much as it is for Bethesda titles, then it might have enough market to be a potential option, but running an advertising network is an enormous undertaking.
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In response to post #64137331. #64154081, #64158821 are all replies on the same post.

thetag wrote: I honestly think that 1MB/s for users with Ad-blockers is VERY generous.
On most download sites, free users are capped at 128kbps ~ 256kbps.
LadyChaomii wrote: Or, more often than not, the site restricts your ability to navigate or view the website until you turn off ad-block.

And then when you decide to be nice for once and turn off Ad-Block, they bombard you with pop-up ads that try to redirect you to porn sites or give you viruses.
DaedalusMachina007 wrote: This, so much this. LadyChaomii hit it head on with her post.
Blame the filthy disgusting advertisers that have ever thought that those kinds of advertising were ever acceptable (on any site) and have done so with complete impunity and legal immunity with zero oversight or regulation.

You want me to turn off adblock? Then I need strong enforceable legal remedies against the bastards that ruin my computer with their malvertising.

This right here.

Almost every time I whitelist a site on my ad/script blockers I get bombarded by unsolicited attempts to run malicious scripts on my PC. Even on otherwise "legitimate" sites, simply put, allowing third parties to control your ads = ad blocked. Edited by baronmango
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In response to post #64073761. #64073846 is also a reply to the same post.

Mercury71 wrote:

Of some reason i download at about 200-500 KB/s today :(


Nexus has never been this slow for me before.

Dark0ne wrote: What file server are you downloading from? We haven't changed anything on the file servers for this, but I'm happy to do a quick test.

I have been also having this issue for a while now, which makes NMM almost entirely unusable, and in helping my friend get NMM to work, I found he also had this issue.
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