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Official Vortex Beta Release


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In response to post #64509266. #64512826, #64515326, #64517946, #64518821, #64519006, #64519246, #64519851, #64519941, #64520086 are all replies on the same post.




themaniac117 wrote: Vortex is garbage. It's an overdeveloped, messy, borked mess. Nice job sabotaging the original mod manager, which worked essentially out of the box. End of an era.
slowman87 wrote: bulls***, I have been using this even since the alpha state. With NMM had several problems, crashes, and the tool suddenly stopped managing some files, making a mess of files. Go trow your garbage elsewhere!
ErraticFox wrote: I don't see why you're even complaining. Them building the Nexus Mods API is them literally making it so much easier for any one else (who has the knowledge) to build a mod manager or something similar to compete with their own Mod Manager.
WishkahKid wrote: One persons easy is another persons bulls***. keep it simple. NMM did just that. I'm really getting tired of those who use Vortex putting down NMM. It smells like propaganda. Bottom line, let people chose for themselves. Also, don't cut off NMM in your new API, as most of your users still use NMM., which by doing so only proves that you are trying to force folks to use your new Vortex.
Ethreon wrote: Nobody is forcing you to use anything, so cut the drama, we're not in a soap opera.
Mentazm wrote: Notice it's all the non-supporters complaining about Vortex!
WishkahKid wrote: Again, what has been said is the new up coming API will not support NMM. Which is more or less saying switch over to Vortex or else. Prove this different.
Tannin42 wrote: The new API is public and documented, NMM is open-source.

The old API hasn't been turned off, so there is time.

Ethreon wrote: Leaving aside the plethora of issues NMM has/had, the damn thing has been off for around 2 years. Nobody can force anyone to use a certain mod manager, so again quit the drama and the foot stomping. There's nothing to prove, you're arguing about a non-issue.
Augusta Calidia wrote: On the files page of every mod is a button labelled "Manual Download." Silly talk about Nexusmods "forcing" people to abandon NMM simply ignores that fact or assumes that people are so brain dead they wouldn't know how to use the manual download option.

Alright, I would like some clarification, can I still auto download with NMM with the new up coming API. Yes or No?. Please explain more on this. I'm only interested in using NMM.






You can even still download NMM by clicking on the Install Vortex Button, if you had bothered to actually try it, rather than just freaking out.

You can also download the updated NMM from GitHub.


I suggest you learn Vortex because it's superior to NMM in every way.

Experimenting with load order without having to worry about physically overwriting files is one thing that makes Vortex the superior choice, along with automatic file conflict notification etc, but hey,

I understand that some people would rather just crumple to the ground, lay on their backs and kick their feet.


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As to the poster above me, there are thousands of users still using NMM. Are they also brain dead?



WHY do you guys always go for that "WE ARE MANY, WE ARE LEGION" approach when it comes to fighting change and wanting to stick to outdated things?

That's just an Argumentum ad populum.

Who cares if there are "thousands of users" using NMM?

There's millions of Nexus Members.

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I am surprised at the negativity still floating around about this change. I started using Vortex while still in the alpha stage. Had a few hiccups, but got over them. How did I get past them? I researched answers to my questions. Nexus and GamerPoets has some great videos. Plus, I Googled for other answers.


I am running 417 mods and my game is stable. NMM was never this stable. BUT....if you want to stay with NMM there are updated versions on GitHub, I used to go there before I took the leap of faith with Vortex. If nobody can change the API in NMM for downloading then you will have to download and install manually. It is not hard.


Remember, everything on Nexus is free, quit acting like you took out a loan to use this service. I imagine at least 50% of those complaining have never donated to mod development, or paid to use this site. I put you folks in the same category with those who don't vote and yet *censored* about how things are ran.


Again, I thank Nexus and the Vortex team for moving forward towards better stability.

Edited by ctuck61
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So it was never answered in my previous comment thread, but why does vortex need the download folder to be empty, and will this ever change? I'm pretty sure all the problems I've had stem from this.



It needs to be empty because it creates it's own subfolders for all of the games it will be managing

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In response to post #64385491. #64411706, #64414166, #64439356, #64448321 are all replies on the same post.

calscks wrote: i used vortex when it was in early alpha stage earlier this year, and had to revert back to NMM almost instantly due to some ground-breaking bugs. since it has now advanced to beta i believe the stability would've improved drastically. but i still have one/several major questions.

1. i create a plugin using xEdit/CK. how will vortex react to this? xEdit and CK will save plugin directly into the Data folder.
2. BodySlide can batch build more than one mesh, replacing the original meshes a mod contains. how will vortex react to this activity such as batch building?
3. i pack a texture mod with loose files into ba2 archive. i proceed to delete all textures installed by the mod from the Data folder, then copy the ba2 archive into the Data folder. what will happen? or should I not touch the Data folder at all, and just modifies the mod install path vortex is managing?
calscks wrote: well my questions are left unanswered...guess i'll stick with NMM for another couple of months then.
Pickysaurus wrote: 1 - it goes into the data folder and is not added as a mod entry unless you zip it up and install to Vortex
2 - Vortex will give you the "External changes" dialogue which will tell you which meshes changed and let you choose to save or revert.
3 - if you want to do that for a specific mod I would open the Vortex mods folder to make your changes. O did the same but for extracting BSAs
calscks wrote: that's great. this means that whenever i modify the mod folder, the hardlinks will be reflected upon the data folder as well?
Pickysaurus wrote: Yes, once you confirm the external changes on next deployment.

i've been trying vortex for several days now; compared with the alpha version early this year which i thought was bad, the beta is extremely stable, fast and friendly to even advanced modders. the group feature in the plugins tab is all I want to sort my mod better. the external changes, conflict handling are consistent as well. one of the worst part i had during the alpha stage was the inconsistencies from the conflict handling. so this time it's not bad, so far i like it and now i believe i can fully ditch nmm. Edited by calscks
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In response to post #64520046.

HadToRegister wrote:


Notice it's all the non-supporters complaining about Vortex!



Yup, they're always the most vocal and most demanding while enjoying their free ride.

"always the most vocal and most demanding while enjoying their free ride"

damn well i couldn't have worded this better
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In response to post #64565481.

HadToRegister wrote:

So it was never answered in my previous comment thread, but why does vortex need the download folder to be empty, and will this ever change? I'm pretty sure all the problems I've had stem from this.



It needs to be empty because it creates it's own subfolders for all of the games it will be managing

I was more asking about the reasoning as to why, and not the explanation of code X makes program do X and not Y because code isn't Y.
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I want to say you, Vortex is Epic, im using NMM for looong time, and all what i hate in NMM is gone with Vortex, what a great piece of work, and it tooks me only 1-2hours to understand how Vortex works, and what i can do with this awesome tool, thank you so much for all the hard work you put in, thank you NexusMods to bring us all awesome stuff, thank you all Modders to bring us great epic Mods, i love you all really :) Fus Roh Da
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I really like Vortex except for one MAJOR problem.


If the download is interrupted for any reason (such as a lost internet connection), the download is paused and there is no way to resume it!


This is a major problem for large downloads!


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