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Illusion of freedom


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Yup. We get to vote, but, someone else decides what names show up on the ticket. For the most part though, the 'average american' doesn't have a voice in government. That is supposedly what our elected representatives are for. Trouble is, they promise all sorts of stuff to essentially buy votes, but, once they get into office, all those promises fall by the wayside. They vote the way their major campaign donors dictate, or, they their vote depends on whatever is most advantageous to THEM. The 'good of the country' trails a distance 50th place or so.


Why else would have a body that can legislate themselves better salaries, more benefits, and their FULL salary when the leave, even after only serving ONE term. Does anyone think that the american people, if they had been asked, would have said "yes" to such a proposal? I hardly think so.


That is essentially what "free health care for all", and "reparations for slavery" is all about. Buying votes. That's it.


It isn't just you poor souls south of "the border" (or across the crick in your case Hey).


There has never been a proper democracy ... even those civilizations that proceeded ours, from which we formed the english word we use to describe that which has never been. The Greeks and Romans didn't have one at any point. It has always been the privileged and rich who have formed governments. Even the first English parliament was comprised of the rich English who were threatening to overthrow the royals. We only have this "system" in place called "elections" because those rich sods quickly figured out that it was no fun doing the ruling directly, so they got their stooges to do the dirty work.


And those stooges have always known which side of the bread has the butter on it.


Indeed. :)


Up until recently, a 'pure' democracy would have been unworkable. There was simply no way to get everyones vote tallied, in any kind of reasonable time frame. Today, we actually COULD do so.... but, I still think it's a bad idea. :)

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Yup. We get to vote, but, someone else decides what names show up on the ticket. For the most part though, the 'average american' doesn't have a voice in government. That is supposedly what our elected representatives are for. Trouble is, they promise all sorts of stuff to essentially buy votes, but, once they get into office, all those promises fall by the wayside. They vote the way their major campaign donors dictate, or, they their vote depends on whatever is most advantageous to THEM. The 'good of the country' trails a distance 50th place or so.


Why else would have a body that can legislate themselves better salaries, more benefits, and their FULL salary when the leave, even after only serving ONE term. Does anyone think that the american people, if they had been asked, would have said "yes" to such a proposal? I hardly think so.


That is essentially what "free health care for all", and "reparations for slavery" is all about. Buying votes. That's it.


It isn't just you poor souls south of "the border" (or across the crick in your case Hey).


There has never been a proper democracy ... even those civilizations that proceeded ours, from which we formed the english word we use to describe that which has never been. The Greeks and Romans didn't have one at any point. It has always been the privileged and rich who have formed governments. Even the first English parliament was comprised of the rich English who were threatening to overthrow the royals. We only have this "system" in place called "elections" because those rich sods quickly figured out that it was no fun doing the ruling directly, so they got their stooges to do the dirty work.


And those stooges have always known which side of the bread has the butter on it.


Indeed. :smile:


Up until recently, a 'pure' democracy would have been unworkable. There was simply no way to get everyones vote tallied, in any kind of reasonable time frame. Today, we actually COULD do so.... but, I still think it's a bad idea. :smile:



Actually the only workable method that has shown a track record of success is a benevolent dictatorship ... good luck finding the right person to run one of those though. The one you'd want is the one who wouldn't want to take it.

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Freedom became an illusion the moment someone started to tell us we were free while at the same time paying cops to police our freedom. Democracy is a joke for while as long as there's but one copper out on the street you live in a police state. Guaranteed that the more a governement tells you how much freedom you have, the less free you are. Raise someone who is born in jail with the idea that his/her cell is the extent of freedom and that's what this person will believe.


Governements took away our freedom by introducing identity papers. The moment you are registered into the population list you get a second identity. Your first identity is that of the free person you are. The second identity is that of your juridic counterpart. The second identity is the one they hold accountable before a court of law. Both identities are, well, identical, except that when the judicial one is addressed, the name will always, without exception, be written in all capital letters.


This was done because de-facto, no one has the right to judge you, convict you and/or incarcerate you. Because, hey, you are born free and no-one has the right to take away that freedom. So, in order to be able to make you abide the law, they invented a non-existing identity.


That's how free we all are. So, yeah, the idea of 'freedom' is nothing more than an illusion, told to keep us fooled and keep us following the restricting laws made by those who tell us we are oh-so free.

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Freedom became an illusion the moment someone started to tell us we were free while at the same time paying cops to police our freedom. Democracy is a joke for while as long as there's but one copper out on the street you live in a police state. Guaranteed that the more a governement tells you how much freedom you have, the less free you are. Raise someone who is born in jail with the idea that his/her cell is the extent of freedom and that's what this person will believe.


Governements took away our freedom by introducing identity papers. The moment you are registered into the population list you get a second identity. Your first identity is that of the free person you are. The second identity is that of your juridic counterpart. The second identity is the one they hold accountable before a court of law. Both identities are, well, identical, except that when the judicial one is addressed, the name will always, without exception, be written in all capital letters.


This was done because de-facto, no one has the right to judge you, convict you and/or incarcerate you. Because, hey, you are born free and no-one has the right to take away that freedom. So, in order to be able to make you abide the law, they invented a non-existing identity.


That's how free we all are. So, yeah, the idea of 'freedom' is nothing more than an illusion, told to keep us fooled and keep us following the restricting laws made by those who tell us we are oh-so free.

And on the other side of that coin, you don't have the right to deprive someone else of their life, their property, etc. either. There has to be some mechanism in place to deal with folks that attempt to do so. Left to the individual, we would end up with a society that is even less free than what we have today, as the folks that were able to gather the most power, would end up being the folks that made and enforced the rules, with zero recourse for anyone else. At least with a government when have some say in what laws are passed/enforced.

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Freedom became an illusion the moment someone started to tell us we were free while at the same time paying cops to police our freedom. Democracy is a joke for while as long as there's but one copper out on the street you live in a police state. Guaranteed that the more a governement tells you how much freedom you have, the less free you are. Raise someone who is born in jail with the idea that his/her cell is the extent of freedom and that's what this person will believe.


Governements took away our freedom by introducing identity papers. The moment you are registered into the population list you get a second identity. Your first identity is that of the free person you are. The second identity is that of your juridic counterpart. The second identity is the one they hold accountable before a court of law. Both identities are, well, identical, except that when the judicial one is addressed, the name will always, without exception, be written in all capital letters.


This was done because de-facto, no one has the right to judge you, convict you and/or incarcerate you. Because, hey, you are born free and no-one has the right to take away that freedom. So, in order to be able to make you abide the law, they invented a non-existing identity.


That's how free we all are. So, yeah, the idea of 'freedom' is nothing more than an illusion, told to keep us fooled and keep us following the restricting laws made by those who tell us we are oh-so free.

And on the other side of that coin, you don't have the right to deprive someone else of their life, their property, etc. either. There has to be some mechanism in place to deal with folks that attempt to do so. Left to the individual, we would end up with a society that is even less free than what we have today, as the folks that were able to gather the most power, would end up being the folks that made and enforced the rules, with zero recourse for anyone else. At least with a government when have some say in what laws are passed/enforced.


Freedom means I, or you or anyone else, can do as they please. If that involves killing someone, hey, we have that freedom. We have that already, except laws will send us to jail when caught. And how did we NOT end up with folks grabbing power and enforcing their rules on us? And what recourse do we have? Lawyers? sure. When you have the money. Forget about pro-bono and pro-deo. Laws were made so complictaed on purpose so that you need a lawyer to understand them. Only those with money can get a good lawyer.


The powers we have in our institutions have all been self-proclaimed. And we've seen where governments lead us. From one financial crisis to the next economic one. And all eventually result in war. Watch what will happen when the bottom finally falls from under the American economy. It's still hanging on by the illusion of a thread, but it's coming down. The Empire is about to fall. Again. The introduction of the Corona virus is most probably the start of the end-game.


The only laws we need is those of common sense. And to not do unto others what you don't want to be done to yourself. That's it. World peace guaranteed.

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So long as there is religion, there will never be peace on earth. :smile:


And is that not yet another quest for power of individuals grubbing for more than their own fair share?

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Even though there is enough food to go around the noise while we eat keeps peace from fully entertaining our minds. Our ears twitch listening to the noises which we are accustomed to and listening for anything that might interrupt us while we dine. The tiny hairs on our body feel the rustle of our clothes while we move and chew the food we put into our mouths. Creaks and pops are given barely any notice from the wooden chairs joints shifting and their tiny feet rubbing on the floor under the weight they support. Until the last bit of breakfast is removed from the table we all are able to get a little more.


Before the eruptions begin that are but stifled wind most of us move on to get to our chores. If one who the cook favors should burp at the table a bit of laughter rouses a jolly jiggle for all bodies to start a stir because of the fond ruckus before we rise fully from our seats.



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So long as there is religion, there will never be peace on earth. :smile:


And is that not yet another quest for power of individuals grubbing for more than their own fair share?


Yep. Yet another group of folks trying to tell us how to live our lives.

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