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Borderlands 2


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ive been refraining from playing online until i actually find some good weapons. then when loot drops idc if i get it or not. the few games ive been in online, whether i hosted or i joined, everyone else just mashed square (Ps3) to pick up the loot. no one looked at it or anything and it just sucks.


ill play coop with friends, but since my best friend is going to Basic soon, i wont be playing much coop either. that and i only play for like an hour every few days. GW2 has got me more hooked then BL2 so thats getting the little free time i have. i do try to do a few quests here in there every other day or so, but i havent played it in like a week now. still sitting on my lvl 20 assassin and my new main, a lvl 12 Mechro. and a lvl 10 Siren that was Online only but havent touched since like the 2nd day of release :P

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I tried the infamous Girlfriend tree on my now level 40 Mechromancer today. And I LOVE IT! It's brilliant, mostly defensive skills, but when you mix in some Trouble, you've got a nice, balanced long-mid range support caster. Your DPS will never be spectacular on your own, but with 30,000 damage from Deathclap, 51,000(estimated) damage from the Stare, and powerful melee attacks that ignore armour, AND the ability to heal you, Deathtrap, with the right stats, is all the DPS you'll ever need. Additionally, contrary to stereotype, it doesn't make you a casual. I think it's one of the simpler trees, but it's hardly for noobs. The class itself is a helluva lot of fun, since if you mix your trees just right, you can get DPS from deathtrap that few of the useless cannonfodder players online can match. Certainly a well geared gunzerker could, but there are none, rather, I've only ever seen crappy soldiers.


EDIT: I can't say I'm really enjoying Playtrhough #2 very much yet. They really need to increase gear drop rates OR not give enemies such high HP. Im sure it will be more fun once I've got good gear, but the problem is getting it. Besides using the Goliath exploit, the only gear I've gotten since I started has been white or green. I literally haven't seen anything either my level, or better than rubbish, since playthrough 1, and that's really sapped a lot of enjoyment out of it, for me.


The other problem I've been having is glitches. Not big ones, just my robot occasionally healing enemies, but the most annoying one by far was the one I had today. I had done a quest in firehawk canyon killing enemies for a cult with fire, now, after I finished the quest, whenever I killed a bandit, it replayed a big speach by Lillith reminding me how to kill a fire-resistant enemy with a fire weapon(duh, shoot them a lot) That was fun, considering I was in bloodshot stronghold and the buggers were everywhere. I eventually muted the TV, it vanished after I relogged, but jeez, she has an annoying voice.

Edited by Vindekarr
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EEH thats why i have found that borderlands 1 list of players was far superior, because the game doesn't force you to go online, instead you have a online statis that allowed you to send a request almost to other players on the list of online players you are willing to help you out.


In borderlands 1 i rarely ever got booted out fo the game, mainly because people actually wanted to play online. with 4 players or more. plus the sharing weapons thing is broken to, whats faster to drop weapons or press that circle button lol.

Edited by Thor.
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OK guys here's a little tip for anyone struggling for gear. It's totally legit, as it uses neither exploits, nor cheatcodes, but rather is an obscure in-game way to get some epic loot, and an achievement aswell.


Step one: get a Goliath, the best place to do this is Frostburn, since there's also Spiderants nearby.


Step two: Shoot his helmet off, he'll go bonkers and start screaming and attacking everything around him. DO NOT shoot him.


Step drei: DO NOT shoot the goliath, you NEED HIM ALIVE


Step quatro: Sprint towards the nearest group of enemies, and keep sprinting, the Goliath will chase you, but he attacks whatever is clostest. Use this proximity to make him attack the spiderants.


Step cinq: The Goliath levels up by killing spiderants, help him kill enough to become a FATAL-GOD-LIATH!


Step sechs: Kill that sucker. Killing a FATAL GOD-LIATH(their name not mine) is tricky as hell with bad gear, but try circling cover while making him run over Tesla grenades. When killed, a GOD-LIATH drops gear equivalent to a boss, with a very very high chance for purples. You will also get an achievement/trophy for killing him, Enjoy!


Oh, and just while I think of it, if you can do this with a Goon Goliath(dudes with chests on their back) then you're really in for some purple rain, maybe even e-tech. The problem is, a loot goon godliath is nearly as tough as Dukino's momma, you're REALLY in for it if you get one of these boys to level 4 badass. Over 300,000 health, enough damage to one-shot deathtrap, and a really, really ugly mug.

Edited by Vindekarr
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lol thats what i did for some early loot with my assassin. once i did it for the achievement i realized how fun it was. luckily i had a badass shot gun and could take out the Fatal God-Liath with like 2 hits. itll be trickier now that i dont have a great weapon with my Mechro. but im sure thats nothing that 100+ stacks of Anarchy cant help out with.


anyways, good suggestion for those who hadnt thought of it.

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There's something hilarious and almost addictive about causing some mayhem and seeing how high you can get him. Something very fun indeed-really appeals to my sense of mischief. And loot. GLORIOUS loot.
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i havent seen any mention of it. then again ive hardly looked as ive barely touched Borderlands 2. just cant get into it right now. perhaps its because i was playing Borderlands 1 right before it came out and im just bored with it, since its just more of the same, but its just not hitting the spot right now. probably gunna give up on it and come back another time..... but the couple of articles i read had about 43894783290 comments asking if there was a lvl cap increase. my guess would be no.





NO Level Cap Increase. instead it adds more like an end game content. in addition to the DLC quests and new weapons, there is a new Rarity called Seraph Weapons which you obtain by getting Seraph Crystals, which you obtain by killing Raid Bosses. the Review i read said these bosses are not something you could do solo or before level 50, just because of sheer difficulty, and could take more then an hour or two to complete (im assuming that means the entire quest related to the boss, not just the boss itself) which follows the path of a traditional Raid in MMOs, long and difficult and coop necessary.


anyways, as im sitting at level 13 atm, i wont be playing this DLC anytime soon (even though i already have it because i bought the Season Pass) but anyone who hops into it, let us know your thoughts :)

Edited by hoofhearted4
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