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Feature Request: Pick Which .ESP


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Some mods pack different .esps together in order to give the user a choice, for example between .eps or .esl. Is it possible for Vortex to detect and offer the choice to a user? Thanks.

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This would be best present to the user through a FOMOD as rmm200 said. There's not a good way for Vortex to know that only one of these should be installed.



During install


"Vortex has detected multiple ESPs in the archive, put a check next to the ESP(s) you wish to install"



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Unfortunately there's a number of older, unmaintained mods, that will never have a fomod or similar configuration file made for them, and some of the most annoying is the ones with several optional ESPs in subdirectories, that get copied wholesale into your Data directory, and can never be activated there, and such can never be managed properly by Vortex. It would be nice if Vortex was written to recognize this and treat those something similar to the way they're meant to be.

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