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All Plugins Set to DISABLED

Guest deleted34304850

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Guest deleted34304850

This is a curious issue that I've never seen before. I am documenting it here, together with my solution. If the devs have any insight, I'd appreciate it.


  1. I noticed a mod I have in my FO4 game had an update.
  2. I went to the mod page, downloaded the update. This fires up Vortex to perform the download/install.
  3. The mod is installed. I get a warning telling me that one of the mods is redundant (the older version). I uninstall this version, together with its mod archive.
  4. A message appears saying Missing Masters. I click the message for more information and notice Workshop Framework is missing.
  5. I go to the plugins tab. Every plugin is in DISABLED status. This is very odd, as I have not done this.
  6. I set all DISABLED plugins to ENABLED.
  7. Once set to ENABLED, all plugins have a load order value of "?".
  8. I Click SORT NOW and this resorts all the enabled plugins, as far as I can tell, they now are back into their original sorting order.


My question here is this;


What can cause all my plugins to go into DISABLED status, if I have not played around with them in Vortex, nor done any work outside of Vortex on the game folders?

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Guest deleted34304850

Yeah, that's the thing - there is NOTHING I ran that would do this.


For example, I didn't start FO4 and pull down mods from beth.net, or creation club, which could cause an unforseen update to plugins.txt, this is entirely as I wrote it.


I've never seen this occur, not once, not ever, yet here it was. It was very mysterious.


I went back through my computer's event log and it did go into Hibernate at a certain point yesterday. Could the system going into Hibernate possibly cause the files to be somehow corrupted? Looking at the rest of the logs, I don't see any further issues. It obviously came out of Hibernate, and remained active until it was shutdown. Other than that, I'm all out of ideas.

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Guest deleted34304850

Today, I've attempted to update a mod, and had a complete reoccurrence of the issue.

My process is as follows;


1. download the mod.

2. install the mod.


i get a message saying missing masters


I go to the plugins tab and every fallout 4 plugin is once again, completely disabled.


I am doing nothing, running nothing, that can interfere here, but this is the second time in literally days I've had the same issue and it's absolutely baffled me.

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I'd ask you the usual questions, but I know you've already tried them.
So, I'll toss this one out, but you probably don't use it, or already checked....do you use MS Onedrive?

I was trying to remove unused shortcuts from my desktop and they kept reappearing or refusing to delete, and it turned out Onedrive was restoring the shortcuts whenever I removed them.

Is something restoring your older plugins.txt every time you change it?

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Guest deleted34304850

hey mate, yeah, it's quite surreal.

i dont use any kind of cloud service - not worth the hassle and about as secure as nexusmods (it's a joke)!

when i reported the issue a few days ago, i "fixed" the issue, and then quit vortex and haven't fired it up since. Now, if I don't play fallout 4, and i don't invoke anything that can mess with plugins.txt then logically, nothing should change. the next time i fire up vortex, everything should be as i left it, but here we are, and for the life of me, i cannot figure out what is happening or why its happening.

i've been through the logs - nothing.

next thing im going to do is purposely set various directories as read only to see if, when i fire up vortex, it complains about not being able to do *something*.


ive never seen anything like this before. it's really messing with my head!

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Guest deleted34304850


the consistencies, as far as i can recall are as follows, some may be red herrings, some may not be;


1. updating a single mod

2. both updates are since the arrival of the fast/slow download intro page (i choose slow as i am not premium)

3. i do see traces in the logs of timeout issues mentioned

4. vortex starts up, downloads the mod - i install and choose to replace the older version


on both occasions directly after the mod has been installed, the missing master message appears - which indicates that all plugins are now disabled.

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